Best speed


Matthew C

Original Poster:

4,028 posts

240 months

Thursday 10th August 2006
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for those of us with speedos.

What's yours?

I've managed just over 41 on the road, about 33 on grassy downland and high 20s on lumpy stony tracks (no suspension).

Matthew C

Original Poster:

4,028 posts

240 months

Friday 11th August 2006
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Nick_F said:
boRED S2upid said:
Those are some impressive speeds guys. You wouldn't want to be coming off at those speeds OUCH.

Anything much over 40 and you're in deep do-do if something goes wrong. I take it onsiderably easier if there is anyone else anywhere in sight.

I've read that you can die from blood loss from coming off at 30 which is why I haven't tried to better myself yet. I want a long, straight road with a reasonable downward slope with no sideroads or buildings if I'm to attempt to better it. Having not found any such roads locally, I haven't tried.

Matthew C

Original Poster:

4,028 posts

240 months

Friday 11th August 2006
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Locoblade said:
Matthew C said:

I've read that you can die from blood loss from coming off at 30...

You could die from blood loss coming off at 2mph if you hit the wrong part of the scenery though, there's so many variables involved you can't really assume you'll be OK if going less than X speed, but might die if you fall off over that speed.

Alright, from tarmac abrasions at 30. I've come off at lower speeds and I don't really want to repeat it. I haven't got anywhere local that's relatively safe to try bettering my currrent record - I don't think built up areas with 30 limits or short downhills approaching blind bends count. That reminds me - try to get your braking done before blind bends - having the back step out at around 35mph in a blind bend wearing a t-shirt and tracksuit trousers (but I was wearing a helmet) is slightly concerning.