Alternative to Strava?

Alternative to Strava?



Original Poster:

4,084 posts

209 months

Sunday 30th June
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I've been a user of Strava since 2012 in addition to my GPS data being uploaded since I started recording in 2010; in short, the 50k miles of recorded data represents a significant slice of my cycling history.

I've been a segment hunting we but these days over and I've no real desire for the analysis it offers as part of the premium subscription. I'm also increasingly hacked off with the constant (if understandable) push of having to pay for access to features I've no interest in.

What are the alternatives, if any?

Garmin Connect is something I have access to but it doesn't really do anything for me.


Original Poster:

4,084 posts

209 months

Sunday 30th June
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defblade said:
If you want something free, I think it'll be hard to get away from the "premium push".

I know kamoot records my rides (at the same time as Strava), but never use it for this, so couldn't say if it pushes its premium version.

I think dealing with Strava's own advertising is a small price to pay for the free use of it. The only bit that winds me up slightly is the never-ending "loading" whirls in the segment list.
Agreed, at least it isn't 3rd party advertising!