Cheap hybrid bike. Best options?

Cheap hybrid bike. Best options?



Original Poster:

105 posts

6 months

Sunday 30th June
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Hi all, I’m thinking of getting back in the saddle, as it were, and buying a new bike.

I’m not an expert by any means and I’d like to spend as little as possible. I’d be prepared to go up to £200ish, but I love a bargain and I like a bit of spannering, so I’m mainly looking at the used market.

I’ve narrowed it down to a hybrid bike as I don’t need a MTB and my old B’Twin road bike always felt a bit flimsy on bad road, gravel etc.

I’m probably overthinking this purchase already, but I just want to avoid buying some absolute rubbish. Does anyone have any recommendations or, more importantly, brands to avoid.

I know B’Twin are well regarded but to be honest, I wasn’t impressed with mine. I hear Carrera are terrible? I’ve had a Google already, but I always think it’s worth seeking out first-hand knowledge from real people.

Incidentally, I found a 1992 Marin Palisades Trail close to me for £40 in need of minor TLC. Are these any good? I’m guessing not? laugh

Thanks in advance.


Original Poster:

105 posts

6 months

Sunday 30th June
quotequote all
Thanks for taking the time to reply, and for your great advice. I’ll take this all on board.

Your Giant looks great btw - just the sort of thing I’m after. I’m off to Facebook Marketplace!