Anyone regularly use a Brompton?

Anyone regularly use a Brompton?



Original Poster:

4,774 posts

141 months

Wednesday 27th March
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A new project at work would enable me to sneak a folding bike under the domestic radar and so Id be grateful for some PH advice

Gearing has selected itself due to my home town and Im also pretty sure I want a mid handlebar - Im 6'1" and used to riding slammed road bikes, does that sound right?

I appreciate the P line is new however do any of you lot have one and if so how does it compare to the "poverty" A/C models? Failing that I believe there was previously a 'Superlight' model which is similar to the P??

In my LBS the P line is much easier to lug around whilst folded and is *probably* a nicer ride on the roads and cycle lanes but is ride quality worth the extra cash? The shop say I can test a C but theres no P's available to ride and compare it with

There was also some confusion in the shop about the roller wheels, if I need/want to roll it short distances by the bars when folded the guy said I can only do this if its fitted with the Brompton roller rack - which coincidentally means the top model P - however a web search suggests hes talking pants. Thing is he seemed knowledgeable and a decent bloke hence my uncertainty

And finally has anyone ever had any aggro from a jobsworth train conductor? The train companies say folded bikes are OK but no harm in asking

Thanks in advance

EDIT: its rolled by holding the bars of course, the saddle needs to be dropped to lock it

Edited by numtumfutunch on Wednesday 27th March 18:00


Original Poster:

4,774 posts

141 months

Thursday 28th March
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Thanks all, really useful posts and happy to hear more


Original Poster:

4,774 posts

141 months

Monday 1st April
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OP again, and youre all a bad influence smile

Seems I "need" a P Line, only issue now is what colour?

Thanks everyone

Only outstanding issue is can I justify ££££ for a front mounted city bag? Having used backpacks for years I strayed a few years ago and am now a huge fan of panniers on my commuter/city bike.


Original Poster:

4,774 posts

141 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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croyde said:
Why are the P line so much more than the C line. At least a grand.

Is that just for the weight saving?
Yes, despite the modest difference on paper I went to have a fondle at my LBS and have convinced myself that the P is easier to pick up and carry when folded

It also has some token shiny bits and trinkets like better roller wheels and wheels plus the lacquer colours are standard instead of a £200+ upgrade

Note its hard to do a direct comparison due to the difference in gearing - I looked at a 6 speed c versus a 12 speed P, the 4 speed P is lighter but has a much narrower spread of ratios and I have discounted it for the use it will get locally

Im quite proud of my man maths in trying to justify this smile



Original Poster:

4,774 posts

141 months

Thursday 4th April
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You bad, bad, bad, bad people!!!! Im currently filling in a C2W quote for a P line

Taking advantage of the tax perks Im considering the Brompton toolkit which at 'half price' looks worth having from a geeky point of view however doubt I'll ever need much at the roadside besides tools to remove the wheels, levers, a spare tube/patches and a pump/CO2

I'll almost certainly order a medium Borough bag for lugging my laptop around but when riding without this what do you people use for carrying the kit to deal with flats, or do you just accept this rarely happens and jump on a bus/tube if the worst comes?

Thanks in advance


Original Poster:

4,774 posts

141 months

Monday 8th April
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Tom1312 said:
I'm currently looking at getting my first Brompton through C2W and I'm torn between the poverty spec A Line or the slightly more expensive C Line Urban.

My only issue is once I've added the extra bits for the A line it's not far off the more expensive bike.

My only concern is the gears, 3 Vs 2. Though it would only be for a very flat ride and then the worst hill it would encounter would be Ludgate Hill.

I'm leaning towards the C line Urban mainly for the choice of colour and fitted extras, but if the 3 gears is the better on the A line I'd get that.

Any advice?
Its C2W so basically free if you invoke man/woman maths which is how Ive decided to get a P Line

Boring/nerd alert but have a think about where you'll ride and what gears are appropriate. I used Sheldon's calculator to work out what was equivalent to each Brompton model and decided I wanted 12 speeds although the difference between the 6 speed C was marginal. Im proud/ashamed to say I rode up each of the 2 main kickers I'll ride on the Brompton on my commuter, decided which gear was optimum and then converted to Brompton gear inches. Sorry smile

And I'll be riding in the rain so mudguards were mandatory

Cheers - and more man /woman maths.......


Original Poster:

4,774 posts

141 months

Thursday 27th June
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In for the AliExpress upgrade story!

Ti seatpost, wheels........ and????
