Trailquests? Does anyone do them on here?

Trailquests? Does anyone do them on here?



Original Poster:

2,950 posts

276 months

Monday 18th September 2006
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Anyone compete in Trailquests?

I find them good fun, and was just wondering if any other PH'ers do them?




332 posts

246 months

Monday 18th September 2006
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I did a few and I suppose the Polaris Challenge is just a bigger trail quest which I competed in many times in the 90`s. I used to love the Polaris, the planning, the route choice and navigation, plus the overnight camp in the middle of no where and of course the competition.



9,369 posts

234 months

Monday 18th September 2006
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Is that the navigation thing where you have to visit as many check points in an allotted time?

If so I used to compete in evening events as part of the dark and White peak challenge. These are held during the summer months and last 2 hours. really enjoyable, good test of fitness, decision making and navigation skill. Lack of time has meant I have not been able to compete for the last 2 years.

Edited by greatgranny on Monday 18th September 17:18