Fixed wheeler on a budget.

Fixed wheeler on a budget.



Original Poster:

62 months

Tuesday 12th September 2006
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1,575 posts

227 months

Wednesday 13th September 2006
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shout fixedwheelnut


1,071 posts

233 months

Wednesday 13th September 2006
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An old steel framed out of date track bike is what you want should be something in Cycling plus classisfieds for £100/150ish.
I got one for £125 couple of years back from Loot - make sure the forks will take a front brake and check the toe overlap with the crank/pedal/front wheel it can be tricky on track frames.


743 posts

240 months

Friday 15th September 2006
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Only meee
Sorry I've been on a training course, best bet is to get an old ten speed racer with horizontal drop outs then all you need is a fixedwheel built up, Suzue hubs are cheap but Goldtech are the best sealed bearings for good reliability.
Generally you can get a good chainline with one of the front rings.
A group of us set up a Wiki with frequently asked questions here:
or here

That should get you started just ask away if you have anymore questions.

Top tip "don't stop pedalling"