Treadmill bike


Parrot of Doom

Original Poster:

23,075 posts

242 months

Friday 8th September 2006
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hehe, watch the video


17,113 posts

272 months

Friday 8th September 2006
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Bo Shizzle.

[small]if its real, why? For the love of God, why?[small]


2,929 posts

251 months

Friday 8th September 2006
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That video is fantastic! The commentator sounds like she's pissing herself the whole way through.

That's got to be a joke. Good commitment actually making the thing though! That's exactly the sort of thing I tune in to the dragon's den to see! hehe


7,346 posts

249 months

Friday 8th September 2006
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gingerpaul said:
That video is fantastic! The commentator sounds like she's pissing herself the whole way through.

That's got to be a joke. Good commitment actually making the thing though! That's exactly the sort of thing I tune in to the dragon's den to see! hehe

Paul, I found out you can actually rent one of these things!!! thumbup


15,887 posts

271 months

Sunday 10th September 2006
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That video is pure genius, I love him trying to get it on the bus. hehe


15,887 posts

271 months

Sunday 10th September 2006
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rofl Just checked out the 'sweet jumps' video. rofl