What do you think as a cheap runabout?

What do you think as a cheap runabout?



Original Poster:

7,346 posts

249 months

Tuesday 5th September 2006
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A while back I bought a fantastic Specialized Stumpjumper Comp FSR to replace my Kona Cinder Cone that was nicked about a month ago. The thing is, I daren't leave it anywhere, even with a large and very strong lock as most of the components are very nickable.

So i've decided to invest in a crap bike. Not bad for the €6 bid so far! Looks totally poncy and I doubt anyone will take it even with a small lock so it's perfect for cycling around the city.


9,369 posts

234 months

Tuesday 5th September 2006
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Just get a wicker basket for the front and you're Miss Marple


Original Poster:

7,346 posts

249 months

Tuesday 5th September 2006
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greatgranny said:
Just get a wicker basket for the front and you're Miss Marple


At least nobody is going to nick it in a hurry!


2,929 posts

251 months

Tuesday 5th September 2006
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That bike's AWESOME! Cruising the streets in that would be a right laugh because it wouldn't matter if you bent it!

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

242 months

Wednesday 6th September 2006
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I don't fancy your chances if you're pedalling and turning at the same time....