Woburn Sands photos



Original Poster:

7,916 posts

263 months

Friday 25th August 2006
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Went up last night, had the camera in the car... would have been rude not to


118 posts

251 months

Friday 25th August 2006
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Nice one lots to do at Woburn Sands. Our little "group" has a couple of resident regulars - http://knobblies.blogspot.com

No-one quite at your level though, bar maybe Dangerous Dave


5,964 posts

228 months

Friday 25th August 2006
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That slope you are landing on...it looks almost vertical!!! yikes


Original Poster:

7,916 posts

263 months

Friday 25th August 2006
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orgasmicliving!! said:
That slope you are landing on...it looks almost vertical!!! yikes

Yeah. T'is quite steep... can't easily walk up it


3,763 posts

275 months

Friday 25th August 2006
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LoL that my local riding spot. i love that route. good speed. and at the bottom of that "hill" is a little berm....