Your most recent crash

Your most recent crash


Parrot of Doom

Original Poster:

23,075 posts

239 months

Saturday 12th August 2006
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Well myself I was pushing over hard-baked soil in a field, trying to find a way back to the track home. The ground was criss-crossed with motorcross tracks, and I was being careful not to get caught in one of the ruts.

Not careful enough though, the bike wanted to go straight on but my front wheel wanted to go left - there was that awful slow feeling of impending doom, and crash! Down I went! Fortunately I managed to 'roll' onto the ground rather than hitting it on my shoulder, but I still had some nasty grazes on my right knee

Oh well, I always think arriving home a bit bloodied impresses the neighbours

This is my mate recently, who forgot to unclip his pedals when he stopped:


743 posts

237 months

Sunday 13th August 2006
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Mine was last year, sprinting away from some lights still out of the saddle at about 25mph my handlebars snapped dumping me over the top, luckily my Judo days instinctive breakfall meant no broken bones but skidding along on my arse at 20mph+
Left me with road rash like a Japanese flag on my backside


17,113 posts

269 months

Sunday 13th August 2006
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Mr E

22,026 posts

264 months

Sunday 13th August 2006
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Parrot of Doom said:

This is my mate recently, who forgot to unclip his pedals when he stopped:

Done that more often than I care to recall...

Matthew C

4,028 posts

242 months

Sunday 13th August 2006
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Last year, trying to corner a bit too fast on grass, I came off and just slid along on my chest with only grass stains to show for it. My bike's front wheel was crisp shaped though. I don't cycle enough.


8,134 posts

256 months

Sunday 13th August 2006
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Mine was 3 weeks ago when a knob in an audi convertible thought the bus/bike/taxi land was his personal undertaking zone (was during restricted period), whacked my elbow & led to me bailing up a kerb. Only pride and a rim damaged though


3,846 posts

254 months

Sunday 13th August 2006
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Right click Save As

This was a few years ago i could hardly walk for a week afetr it happened...driving home was very painful

Edited by White_van_man on Sunday 13th August 18:53


3,217 posts

225 months

Sunday 13th August 2006
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i came off last week whilst on my freinds dirt jumps
went up-wheel fell off-i scream "arghhh no wheel"-i crash hit a tree and finally come out with a face as muddy and lumpy as a smacked camels ass and suprisingly no bones broken lucky me!

boRED S2upid

20,127 posts

245 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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Ive only ever come off twice in my life. Once my right leg slipped off the pedal and through the frame, frame then fell onto my leg which resulted in a nice long stay in the hospital while it fixed. (This was at a speed of at least 2 mph!)

Then when I got back onto a bike (After a long while)I came off and broke my wrist.

These were all a long time ago and ive not come off for many years.


7,022 posts

247 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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Generally come off every couple of months.

Last time was over the bars at low speed, but straight onto my back on rock. Camelbak took most of the fall, but I'm still getting physio for one of my discs.

Time before was a chain snap going hard uphill, so over the bars again, this time remembering to whack my left knee hard on the gear lever on the way past. Landed in a hedge.

And the time before was just getting the line wrong on a short sharp descent on rock - into the hedge and over the bars. This time onto newly sawn hedge branches which proceeded to leave me with punch marks all over my legs.

Am about due another fall - off to a nice circuit too, on Sunday.


5,339 posts

246 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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I've posted this one before:

of one of my mates failing to cross a ford in Wales. There's a particular route to get accross this one and if you stray from it, you hit a large rut in the middle forcing you over the handle bars. Even worse with toe clips


13,222 posts

285 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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I'd say I probably crash to some extent every time I ride, if your not crashing your not trying
Worst crash was some years ago on the way to a riding spot riding down a big hill on the road, stood up to pedal, the chain came off so my down stroke on the right leg was a little easier than it should have been , so it was over the bars for me, but due to the speed, I'd guess at least 30ish it was so quick I didn't even get my hands off the bars, I always ride in gloves but I still lost the skin off a couple of knuckles and the other point of contact was my chin resulting in a trip to A&E and a few stitches, and it still didn't teach me to wear a helmet though.


17,113 posts

269 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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boRED S2upid said:
Ive only ever come off twice in my life. Once my right leg slipped off the pedal and through the frame, frame then fell onto my leg which resulted in a nice long stay in the hospital while it fixed. (This was at a speed of at least 2 mph!)

Then when I got back onto a bike (After a long while)I came off and broke my wrist.

These were all a long time ago and ive not come off for many years.

You've just done the worst thing ever.

Mention you've not crashed for a while.

You are now overdue a whopper

boRED S2upid

20,127 posts

245 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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Thanks for that Neil.

I will ofcourse be making a post in this thread as soon as I do which could be as soon as tonight!.

Mr E

22,026 posts

264 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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Moose - cracking work there by your friend mate.

I have been known to "test the depth" of a ford by holding a bike in. And then waving my comrades on saying "it only comes up to the rim".

Of course, the bike isn't actually touching the bottom, and as they come screaming down the hill, I snigger to myself.....


2,259 posts

220 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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i came off a while ago, completely snapped my thumb metacarpel which had to be pinned under general anaesthetic. Also suffered concussion and pretty severe gravel rash to my right arm, leg and torso. it hurt!

the doc pulled those pins out with pliers and no anaesthetic! that made me wince!

Edited by abarthchris on Monday 14th August 17:01


13,538 posts

239 months

Monday 14th August 2006
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Worst for me was about 9 years ago (I know not recent) and basically ended my competitive MTB’ing. Mucking about on the bomb holes in Epping Forest with some mates pulling some fantastic air, a group of girls decided to stop and watch. Obviously this spurs us all into pulling higher and trickier jumps, I overcooked it on a tabletop, landing on the downslope at too steep an angle and slamming back first into the ground. I ended up with a broken back and 2 crushed vertebrae. Fortunately the break wasn’t so serious as to stop me walking etc but I still suffer lots of aches and tension. Took me over 6 months before I could walk properly let alone ride again.

Whilst at the Malvern Classic a few years ago I saw a rider faceplant out the bomb hole and shatter his palette (roof of his mouth) and whilst not the most serious the amount of blood and pain was sickening.


7,022 posts

247 months

Monday 21st August 2006
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pombstard said:
Generally come off every couple of months.... Am about due another fall - off to a nice circuit too, on Sunday.

True to form - over the bars, whacking knee and thigh on the way over, to land on rock with the bike on top. Low speed and no real damage, but seemed but of a daft thing to do, as we'd just finished hooning down some technical downhill singletrack at what felt like warp 3.


414 posts

272 months

Monday 21st August 2006
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Fell off twice on saturday on a timed downhill...managed all the technical bits...hit the straigt and the front wheel does a belly dance, and over we go...second time just going tooo fast round a burm...and over the top!

Fell off April first going 'not very fast' and 'looking at mates'. 2 broken ribs.



1,834 posts

268 months

Monday 21st August 2006
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After riding down a really scary downhill on Sunday, during which a mate decided to ride into a tree and break his collar bone, was heading home along a nice easy path, when I managed to ride my front wheel off the side of the path, which promptly sent me over the handlebars into a nice face plant! Few grazes on my face, I think my skid lid saved me from worse, loads of scrapes and gouges out of my shoulder, arm and knee though! First good fall I've had in ages, must of been reading this thread the other day that caused it!