New 20 inch wheeled Brompton

New 20 inch wheeled Brompton



Original Poster:

2,325 posts

229 months

Thursday 3rd October
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The new 20 inch wheeled Brompton G Line looks interesting and much more suited to a bit of off road riding than the original. Quite tempted to add one to my bike fleet although it is slightly larger and heavier than the 16 inch version. I’ve owned a Brompton before and even competed in the world championships biggrin on it but the new G Line should be much more suited to the riding that I do.


5,448 posts

36 months

Friday 4th October
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Looks interesting!

I’ll take a look when available, hopefully will be on my cyclescheme soon.

I have original Brompton, my only bike. This would go nicely alongside.


10,254 posts

122 months

Friday 4th October
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Original Poster:

2,325 posts

229 months

Friday 4th October
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Ahh, I did do a search!