


Original Poster:

7,590 posts

219 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Hi folks,

After some advice - I'm very out of date cycling-wise and also no longer a spring chicken, so thought I'd tap some more recent and more relevant experience...

I cycled in my twenties... really, quite a lot. Commuting, light weight touring/camping, pure pleasure. I ended up with a Thorn Brevet in 531c which was light enough to be reasonably quick, comfortable enough for long rides, and strong and practical enough for camping with panniers or a trailer.... I still have this bike.

But around about turning 30, my daughter arrived and I was prevailed upon to stop the riding (tbf, it did take up a lot of time). Sadly daughter never caught the cycling bug despite my best efforts.

I go out on the very occasional ride and as I have kept myself reasonably aerobically fit, I can still bash out some miles - albeit not at the same average speed wink (Moving to Wales from Oxfordshire doesn't help - the world goes up and down a lot more here!)

Now I'll be 49 in a couple of months and started to have trouble with my knees, which has caused me to give up karate (top tip: don't take up karate at 41... the kids are all better than you), and I need to find something else to give me a reason to stay fit.

Now, I'm back looking at my bike in the shed.
But I am worried about my knees.
I had a big swelling on one a couple of years back (which popped a vein and turned my foot really impressive shades of red/purple/yellow); that settled down without ever really getting to the bottom of what caused it.
Then late last year when I started to notice a minor swelling and ache now in both knees, especially towards the end of the working week - basically, 9 to 10 hours a day on my feet at work. X-ray shows no damage or concern, it seems to be something about my bursa/synovial membranes. I've started taking glucosamine/chondroitin/rosehip tablets to be on the safe side...

What are the chances cycling will be ok for my knees now?

I know the bike fits me for long rides (or did - I don't feel like I'm significantly less flexible or anything; the karate helps me believe that). I've not noticed problems on the odd rides I have done (there's a nice not-too-hilly cycle path near me that gives a 28 mile round trip including an ice-cream on the beach smile ).
I've got a granny ring on it.
I use Shimano off-road cleats and boots, which allow a few degrees of angle float - I guess this will be better/safer for my knees than road cleats but I'm not certain.
I pedal at 90 rpm as much as possible, so I'm not shoving massive slow-twitch muscle effort through my knees in general.

Is there anything I'm likely to start doing wrong; anything I should do to protect my knees; any set-up changes I should make or even... kit I should buy? wink

I'd like to have a real go at getting back to regular riding, and I think that making sure my knees and their long-term health aren't a barrier to that is vital.
(Next idea: kayaking. But I don't have any kit for that, and it's difficult (even dangerous) to pop out on your own for a quick half an hour...)

Thanks in advance smile


4,838 posts

144 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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One of my knees is made of cheese
I must have injured it in my teens/20s but dont remember

It occasionally flares up just for fun
If I run a mile it definitely flares up

I can cycle for 8-12h and it is fine
Even over 4 Alps and 108.4 miles

Cheers - and good luck


60 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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Have a couple of rides in lowish gears and see how it feels


4,569 posts

132 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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I play basketball and after a league game the next day I'm like an old man hobbling about because of knee pain. If we end up on a concrete court and not one that's wood with some spring I'm really bad. Can still ride a bike without it causing any issues.


6,474 posts

138 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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Cycling is one of the best exercises for protecting your knee health.

Make sure the saddle is at the correct height, and that you’ve got plenty of low gears for the hills, and you’re golden.

Paul Drawmer

4,940 posts

273 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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In my opinion and I'm not a health professional, if you have OA in your knees, then cycling will be one of the best therapies.

I was a mad keen cyclist in my teens. Then I discovered girls and cars, and I really didn't cycle much until I was in my late 30s. When I was about 30, I went out with the New Forest Beagles and for the next week my knees hurt so much that I went to the Dr. After a couple of xrays, I was told that I had arthritis in my knees, and I should lose weight and keep exercising.

I was not a good exerciser. I got bigger. Eventually I decided that I had to do something about this and started running round the block. I did this for a couple of years, and went through cycles of fit/damaged knees/unfit etc. Until my wife came home with a bike one day.

I tried it on a 5 mile circuit. However did I ride a bake? It was bloody painful. But I tried it a couple of times, and one day I just had a glimpse of what it used to be like, and I was hooked again. Bought another bike. Joined Crawley Wheelers. Did 'evening 10's. My best time was 22:58 when I was 42.

Then I moved and gave up cycling.

Now. I'm 73 I'm really slow. I ride my bike or turbo trainer at least 3 times a week. This started after my first replacement knee 5 years ago. I had a pause and reset last September when the second knee was replaced. But now, both knees work well. The reason there was a five year gap between the knees was partly because of regular cycling. Initially the surgeon asked me which knee to do first, and to come back when i wanted the second one done, but regular cycling was fine until I couldn't walk properly. Motion is lotion.

I'm just off out this morning before the storm hits Oxfordshire tonight.

Old Man on Turbo Trainer


18,589 posts

288 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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I'm 66, have a knee that griefs me going up stairs.
Cycling is much better than running as far as knees is concerned.
(I'm just back from todays parkrun...)

The bike is on the garage wall, don't like taking it out in the dark/wet/icy weather.


Original Poster:

7,590 posts

219 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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Sounds like I'm good to go, then biggrin

Thanks folks!

I've got room to set up my old fluid turbo trainer in the garage (and a PC to stream stuff on to watch while I'm going nowhere) so I think I'll get on with that to start with... should confirm my seating position is ok (although the turbo is never the same as real roads) and see me ready with some bike fitness once the weather improves.

Guess I'll be popping onto this forum a bit more often, too smile