Is the UK the worst place in the world to cycle?

Is the UK the worst place in the world to cycle?



Original Poster:

2,056 posts

146 months

Thursday 6th June
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Been cycling for 35 years all over the world but only in the UK do I see the extreme abuse and aggression from drivers towards cyclists. Pretty much every time I ride (rural roads in the South West) there’s an ‘incident’ where a driver will purposely drive too close to scare us or shout abuse. Same with my 22 year old daughter who is a keen cyclist - with a bunch the other day she counted seven times that drivers screamed at them - particularly the misunderstood two abreast issue which no one seems to understand, but also when she’s on her own. I’ve also seen on this forum drivers confess that cyclists make them feel irrational rage. And now I’ve just read this which sadly doesn’t surprise me:


13,746 posts

129 months

Thursday 6th June
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No .. absolutely not


6,890 posts

185 months

Thursday 6th June
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Whilst it definitely could be better it is nowhere near the worst in the World.


1,045 posts

54 months

Thursday 6th June
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I once drove through a tunnel in Tajikistan that cyclists were having to get lifts with people as they would die from carbon monoxide poisoning in the tunnel if they cycled it

Baroque attacks

4,619 posts

189 months

Thursday 6th June
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UK is likely much closer to the ‘best’ end of the table than the ‘worst’.


16,627 posts

108 months

Thursday 6th June
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Utter twaddle.

Determined to ride two abreast at all times and on all types of roads is never going to make many friends. It's not a legal issue, it's just good common sense where everybody should try to help other road users.

Have you actually ridden very far abroad?


10,600 posts

172 months

Thursday 6th June
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There's a certain small but hardcore UK demographic - chavvy/gobste arrogant geezers and gals - you know the sort that say: "YOU DON'T PAAAY ROAD TAAAX!!!!" who behave abysmally to cyclists and incorrectly think they have more rights over cyclists or pedestrians. Their tiny minds can only compute that they have been delayed by other road users, rather than them being the moron for not leaving earlier, because watching Strictly or Futbal was more important than being on time.


5,408 posts

123 months

Thursday 6th June
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I think a lot of those are here on PH.

Jordie Barretts sock

5,042 posts

22 months

Thursday 6th June
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I fear the OP is not going to get the responses he expects. Which is unsurprising considering this is a motoring website.

Perhaps Mumsnet or a cycling forum would be a better option?

I absolutely despise cyclists that ride with an arrogance of self entitlement. I have no problem with cyclists who are aware of where they are cycling, aware of the queue behind them and pull over or make space for traffic to overtake. Much the same as tractors and farm machinery on the road.

Unexpected Item In The Bagging Area

7,070 posts

192 months

Thursday 6th June
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Billy_Whizzzz said:
Been cycling for 35 years all over the world but only in the UK do I see the extreme abuse and aggression from drivers towards cyclists. Pretty much every time I ride (rural roads in the South West) there’s an ‘incident’ where a driver will purposely drive too close to scare us or shout abuse. Same with my 22 year old daughter who is a keen cyclist - with a bunch the other day she counted seven times that drivers screamed at them - particularly the misunderstood two abreast issue which no one seems to understand, but also when she’s on her own. I’ve also seen on this forum drivers confess that cyclists make them feel irrational rage. And now I’ve just read this which sadly doesn’t surprise me:
Until 5/6 years ago when I pretty much quit riding I’d been a ‘serious’ cyclist since being an early teenager and for around 30 years. I reckon I received abuse from drivers no more than 7 times in total, so it seems very odd that both you and your daughter experience so much aggression and so often. Could more be done to improve group riding etiquette?


2,019 posts

24 months

Thursday 6th June
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When did the two abreast thing start?

Records show serious injuries have steadily climbed since 2004 but not sure if the % of population cycling on the roads has increased which could account for the number increase, helmet use has increased at the same time so would help curtail the serious injury count, lots of factors i guess but i cant see riding two abreast as helping the cause to avoid accidents / injury tbh, certainly antagonises drivers which cant be good when you’re on a bike vs 2t of metal.


188 posts

11 months

Thursday 6th June
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
I fear the OP is not going to get the responses he expects. Which is unsurprising considering this is a motoring website.

Perhaps Mumsnet or a cycling forum would be a better option?

I absolutely despise cyclists that ride with an arrogance of self entitlement. I have no problem with cyclists who are aware of where they are cycling, aware of the queue behind them and pull over or make space for traffic to overtake. Much the same as tractors and farm machinery on the road.
Despise? Strong words….

Do you feel the same way about slower motorists that don’t pull over when other (more skilled & deserving?) drivers show a complete lack of patience when making progress?

Having cycled in the U.K. and many other countries it is noticeable how a minority of UK motorists appear massively self entitled with little consideration for other more vulnerable road users. I guess it’s similar in other countries too……


5,227 posts

121 months

Thursday 6th June
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Roads are used for business travel and more cyclists seem intent on going out for a leisure ride at peek commute time which doesnt help.
I think a bit more give and take is required on all sides. I mean a group of fast and furious style cars are likely to get nicked, but a full peloton of cyclists in team sky gear is seemingly ok?

200Plus Club

10,858 posts

281 months

Thursday 6th June
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Fair to say there are tts on both sides of this equation.
Some cyclists seem to invite all this by their actions in
driving in packs similarly some drivers don't appreciate the risk to cyclists by passing closely etc etc.

Rusty Old-Banger

4,318 posts

216 months

Thursday 6th June
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Given the amount of money spent on cycling schemes/improvements in my area, vs the actual number of cyclists? No not at all. If you listened to the local cycling "campaign" then you'd think all car drivers were actually members of the Nazi Death Machine, but the reality is, given the space available in many of our (very old) towns and cities, we do very well.


3,594 posts

38 months

Thursday 6th June
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I think it is worse in both USA and Canada


1,545 posts

18 months

Thursday 6th June
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Billy_Whizzzz said:
Reminds me of better times in the past, when the 'Tour of Britain' was a motorsport event and not some parade of Lycra fanatics.


2,027 posts

177 months

Thursday 6th June
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No, its one of the better places to ride (admittedly not best).

There also isn't really an issue over riding two abreast - choosing to do so or otherwise is entirely interprative, and does often lead to accusation of selfishness from both drivers who feel they are needlessly impaired from overtaking, and cyclists who think they are compromising their/the groups safety. This will never change.


6,978 posts

153 months

Thursday 6th June
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2 abreast is as narrow as the smallest of cars, if not less so. I've never had more difficulty passing a cyclist than I have passing a car or wagon.
If people are unable to pass what is effectively a slow moving vehicle, they maybe need to look at their own roadcraft first!


705 posts

146 months

Thursday 6th June
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What difference does two abreast make to the motorist? Even with a single cyclist you should be leaving them enough room that you generally need to cross the road centre line. Or do drivers think that it is ok to "squeeze past" a single cyclist despite incoming traffic?