FoS this year


Blue One

Original Poster:

478 posts

182 months

Sunday 2nd June
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I was planning to go to FoS on the Friday as usual this year. I checked the other day and saw Friday was booked out except for some eye-wateringly priced packages, so realised for the first time since lockdown I won’t be going. Last year on the Friday it was too packed, and, I feel strangely relieved I won’t be going to Lord March’s bank account boosting charity event this year, and am happy to leave them to it.

Maybe I’ll go next year, but I really feel the place has lost its soul and is just a shop window now for EVs and noisey events you can hardly see unless have a stadium or enclosure ticket

Blue One

Original Poster:

478 posts

182 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Strange you feel the need to comment on my apparent need to make these thoughts public. Bit of inside info fella, this is a discussion forum where people post thoughts publicly to air their feelings, generate a debate/discussion, and generally share a virtual room with other car-oriented folks - try it sometime!

Blue One

Original Poster:

478 posts

182 months

Sunday 2nd June
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To your other point about why I even wanted to go this year, call it habit and the fact I remember FoS as being a great calendar highlight of the year. Over the years it seems to have become more and more commercial and designed to lift more money from your wallet each time you go. The fact I couldn’t go this year was something of a relief. That was the point of my post, like it or not (which you clearly don’t).

Blue One

Original Poster:

478 posts

182 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Sorry chaps - I’ve clearly hit a seam of Lord March brown nosers in this thread. Sorry to cause offence to your rectural oral cleansing and admiration interests in this clearly very sensitive area and subject. If any PHers less inclined to take offence at my post wish to join in the banter with my new chum here please feel free.