2024 Breakfast Club

2024 Breakfast Club



Original Poster:

527 posts

82 months

Monday 22nd April
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I'm applying to display my car at the 5th May Breakfast Club, but it says that my application will be consiered nearer to the event.

So, if the car is rejected, do I automatically get an entry ticket? Or do I need to sign up for a regular entry ticket also to be sure to get in?

Ed Moses

659 posts

128 months

Monday 22nd April
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Sign up for a separate ticket. There is no automatic allocation.

Ian Wegg

681 posts

148 months

Monday 22nd April
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Matt_T said:
So, if the car is rejected, do I automatically get an entry ticket?
Yes, that would be the sensible thing to do but as Ed says, sadly not. I always apply for an entry ticket anyway so I'm covered, if you wait to see whether your car is accepted you run the risk of the event being sold out.

Incidentally, I received a rejection of my entry for the May event last Wednesday.


177 posts

53 months

Monday 22nd April
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what cars had you guys entered for selection?


1,851 posts

31 months

Monday 29th April
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Usually go with my son as a spectator. He got his ticket on line on Friday. I Just went to do it and it's sold out . Any ideas of a way around that


1,761 posts

229 months

Thursday 2nd May
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cliffords said:
Usually go with my son as a spectator. He got his ticket on line on Friday. I Just went to do it and it's sold out . Any ideas of a way around that
I think i can help. Drop me a PM


19,162 posts

219 months

Thursday 2nd May
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I have been selected to display my car. thumbup


177 posts

53 months

Thursday 2nd May
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What is it? Weather isn't looking great alas but I will be there.


55 posts

124 months

Thursday 2nd May
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I shall be there in with the Americana stuff in the assembly area. am taking the country sedan.


24,595 posts

292 months

Thursday 2nd May
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I'll be there with the Big Blue Bus on display. smile

Ian Wegg

681 posts

148 months

Friday 3rd May
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I've just dug out my email for the Breakfast Club on Sunday and I've noticed that the QR code no longer displays, there is just a red cross where it ought to be. The giant colour picture of Goodwood House (which uses up a totally unnecessary amount of printer ink) is present and correct but not the bit that matters. I've had the email resent through the website but the new one is the same.

Has anyone else got this problem? I know that for most BC's in the past, the marshalls have taken no more than a cursory glance anyway - but this Sunday is sold out so they might be scanning tickets and I'm a bit worried I won't get in.


1,301 posts

160 months

Friday 3rd May
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All I have is an email with where I should park, and the cars registration number, no QR on this one, there used to be a bar code, is it a spectator ticket you have ?

Could you log into you account and show the ticketing transaction as a back up, I normally take screen shots so that if the signal is poor I can still access passes.

Edited by mk1coopers on Friday 3rd May 15:51


18 posts

146 months

Friday 3rd May
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Does any one have a spare 'ticket' going spare for this Sunday?
I got one for myself but when I looked to get one for
my girlfriend they were sold out..
Last time I went, admittedly a while back was +1


1,839 posts

271 months

Friday 3rd May
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Ian Wegg said:
I've just dug out my email for the Breakfast Club on Sunday and I've noticed that the QR code no longer displays, there is just a red cross where it ought to be. The giant colour picture of Goodwood House (which uses up a totally unnecessary amount of printer ink) is present and correct but not the bit that matters. I've had the email resent through the website but the new one is the same.

Has anyone else got this problem? I know that for most BC's in the past, the marshalls have taken no more than a cursory glance anyway - but this Sunday is sold out so they might be scanning tickets and I'm a bit worried I won't get in.
I contacted Goodwood about this as I had the same concern, they said they are aware of the QR code problem, and that you just need to show them the booking confirmation email at the gate, and that will be fine.

Ian Wegg

681 posts

148 months

Friday 3rd May
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.Adam. said:
I contacted Goodwood about this as I had the same concern, they said they are aware of the QR code problem, and that you just need to show them the booking confirmation email at the gate, and that will be fine.
Great. So clearly they'll only be looking at your email and not scanning anything. That answers my question (and indirectly a couple of the earlier ones wink )



1,761 posts

229 months

Friday 3rd May
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HotPepperpots said:
Does any one have a spare 'ticket' going spare for this Sunday?
I got one for myself but when I looked to get one for
my girlfriend they were sold out..
Last time I went, admittedly a while back was +1
Given that everybody is going to be showing their emails on their mobile phones and without a QR code the Marshalls would just be looking at the email but not reading them I suggest you just forward your email to your girlfriend and you both show your phones with the email on the screen.

Preferably to two different Marshalls


3,884 posts

207 months

Friday 3rd May
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Does anyone have a spare ticket for Sundays breakfast club? Its been a while since I went along and I overlooked that each person needs a ticket. I was intending bringing my wife and baby along and don’t want to disappoint them! Ta in advance


17,850 posts

173 months

Friday 3rd May
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.Adam. said:
I contacted Goodwood about this as I had the same concern, they said they are aware of the QR code problem, and that you just need to show them the booking confirmation email at the gate, and that will be fine.
Goodwood and an IT issue never!

pitchinginaporsche said:
Does anyone have a spare ticket for Sundays breakfast club? It’s been a while since I went along and I overlooked that each person needs a ticket. I was intending bringing my wife and baby along and don’t want to disappoint them! Ta in advance
Just send the email to your wife and both show the emails. Since they’ve introduced this 1 ticket per person I have yet to be scanned and just had a cursory glance as mentioned above.


1,699 posts

287 months

Saturday 4th May
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What time can participants gain access, can't find the timing?


1,301 posts

160 months

Saturday 4th May
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ewolg said:
What time can participants gain access, can't find the timing?
If you are displaying 7.00 to 8.30, it should be in the text of your email, along with which signs to follow and gate to use