Has FoS grown too big?

Has FoS grown too big?



Original Poster:

233 posts

134 months

Friday 14th July 2023
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I'm just home from Goodwood having attended on both Thursday and Friday.

Don't get me wrong, I had a great time, but on a couple of occasions I found myself wondering if possibly FoS has got to big for itself and has become / is becoming a victim of it's own success.

If you don't have a Grandstand pass, clear viewing, even on a Thursday, can be tricky.

It took me the best part of 2 hours to get out of Car Park S on Thursday night.
Is that the volume of people there or is the local road infrastructure just not sufficient to deal with it (like silverstone used to be)?

Edited by Robw73 on Friday 14th July 23:45

Edited by Robw73 on Saturday 15th July 08:54


10,642 posts

226 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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People were saying this about 15 years ago! We're certainly a long long way from free Friday tickets with the Times, but ultimately initiatives like that are how these things grow.

Fridays used to be genuinely be a bit of a quiet bonus day, the feature creep happened and it became a proper 3 day festival, and now with the reduction in manufacturer runs etc on Thursday it's a fully fledged 4 day festival.

Personally I've felt the loss of public viewing areas the most, I've no idea if capacity has actually increased over the years but if not, it's felt like it due to the ongoing squeeze as more enclosures etc are added. Used to love watching from the house-side near the top opposite the entrance to the rally stage, that's been gone for years as well as loads of other public trackside areas.

How long till it's Wednesday-Sunday?

I felt even the Goodwood MM was 'different' this year, still an amazing event but certainly creeping towards being a mini classic FoS.

Ian Wegg

674 posts

145 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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My standard answer follows:

Tickets for FoS have been restricted to 50,000 per day since 2004. The highest-ever attendance was in 2003 (158K over the 3 days) the final year that tickets could be bought at the gate.

Having said that, Thursday was enormously busy, far busier than I've ever seen it. I've no idea of the reason. It will be interesting to see if the limit has been raised this year (Goodwood usually publish the figures in their annual report but this year's won't be out until next September).

The Rotrex Kid

31,148 posts

165 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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MrBogSmith said:
It’s a much smaller event tomorrow.
Very good hehe

Jim H

1,071 posts

194 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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I’ve been a big fan of the event since I first visited in 2002, being a dyed in the wool Petrolhead - it simply blew me away.

I couldn’t believe how close you could get to the action, the cars, the drivers and everything!

Traffic back then was bad then, but we were camping at Bosham so it wasn’t too much of a hindrance.

Sadly, I live a long way from the event so it’s not really an easy option to visit. Second and last time I visited was 2012 and the closest accommodation we could get was a Premier Inn was a good way off (can’t remember where).

Yeah the traffic was bad really bad then 10 years ago.

From all I’ve read on here over the last few days it looks like an event I’d struggle to compare to my previous visits.

However I hope it continues, and I do feel sorry for Team Goodwood. A huge amount of organisation must surely go into that event, and there is bugger all you can do about this gopping weather.

I’ve really enjoyed the viewing on YouTube over the last few days, seeing all the old historic stuff really is a pleasure - I can barely even look at a modern F1 car.

Yeah, I get the frustration with all this EV agenda but it’s the way of the world I’m afraid, whether it should be plugged so prolifically at event of that nature is another matter.

Personally i’d rather see less of the drift cars tbh, when you’ve seen one burn out and few doughnuts - you’ve pretty much seen enough.

Whether it’s got too big? I just expect something like it to keep evolving with the times, and I think the car-mad will always flock there for their fix.


13,775 posts

153 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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ch37 said:
People were saying this about 15 years ago! We're certainly a long long way from free Friday tickets with the Times, but ultimately initiatives like that are how these things grow.

Fridays used to be genuinely be a bit of a quiet bonus day, the feature creep happened and it became a proper 3 day festival, and now with the reduction in manufacturer runs etc on Thursday it's a fully fledged 4 day festival.

Personally I've felt the loss of public viewing areas the most, I've no idea if capacity has actually increased over the years but if not, it's felt like it due to the ongoing squeeze as more enclosures etc are added. Used to love watching from the house-side near the top opposite the entrance to the rally stage, that's been gone for years as well as loads of other public trackside areas.

How long till it's Wednesday-Sunday?

I felt even the Goodwood MM was 'different' this year, still an amazing event but certainly creeping towards being a mini classic FoS.
Exactly this. Plus the event itself is too big. You really can't physically see and visit everything in a whole day, you have to sacrifice watching certain things to see others or to make sure you get around the whole site and see it all. There's too much going on.


1,792 posts

55 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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I've been every year, all 4 days for the last 8/9 yrs with my lad, covid years withstanding.

Thursday this year seemed busier than ever before, maybe because the other days sell out, the extra people wanting to go have no choice but to book Thursday? But there's a lot more to see this year, it was back to pre covid sorts of exhibitors/ cars.

I chatted to my boy, he's moved out of home now so this is the thing we do together. I think we may go to the Revival next year as we haven't done that, and then maybe alternate the years then? I want to continue doing this with him for as long as I can manage to get around for.

It's unfortunate what's happened this year, it's actually sunny here at the moment, which won't help with the vitriol against Goodwood on social media.

willy wombat

948 posts

153 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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Like many on here I felt that Thursday was much busier than previous Thursdays and I’d be interested to know why? Did the other days sell out sooner than in previous years thus leading people who would have gone Fri/Sat/Sun to visit on Thursday instead? I haven’t gone to Supercar Breakfast Club for years as that has got ridiculously busy and I may feel the same about the FOS. Having said that, at least we got to go on Thursday. I feel very sorry for those with tickets for today and for all the Goodwood staff, exhibitors etc


1,380 posts

270 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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It's definitely very popular, busy, etc. However I think it's unfair to say it's "too big". Its just changed over the years as its become more successful and popular. I went to a few through the 2000s and saw it change, it was great in 2001 and great in 2010, just in different ways.


4,313 posts

235 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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It's time for Wednesday to be a day too!

Or maybe a Wednesday static preview event for GRRC members only.


1,993 posts

255 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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Hereward said:
It's time for Wednesday to be a day too!

Or maybe a Wednesday static preview event for GRRC members only.
Except the "Fellowship" would be allowed in too making it pointless.


1,332 posts

83 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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willy wombat said:
Like many on here I felt that Thursday was much busier than previous Thursdays and I’d be interested to know why? Did the other days sell out sooner than in previous years thus leading people who would have gone Fri/Sat/Sun to visit on Thursday instead? I haven’t gone to Supercar Breakfast Club for years as that has got ridiculously busy and I may feel the same about the FOS. Having said that, at least we got to go on Thursday. I feel very sorry for those with tickets for today and for all the Goodwood staff, exhibitors etc
It’s probably busier on Thursday now because half the population seem to be able to ‘work’ from home now


4,479 posts

51 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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It was too big about 20 years ago.

I was lucky enough to attend when it was majority all pro drivers or legends int e cars

Now it tends to be a bit of that but also very rich men or their wives who have no idea how the drive the expensive cars they are driving, and are probably ruining them.

Also, I have see a guy in a 92 or 93 Benetton, I have seen that car several times and I have never seen it running properly, now either he is so thick he doesn't know which is perhaps close to the truth or doesn't care as he gets an invite etc etc.

Regarding crowds, it has always been bad, for me I would make people who want to take pictures as amateurs go somewhere in particular or at least have an area for people who actually live their lives, rather than spending the entire time holding up a bloody phone or even Ipad. It is annoying, ride selfish and all the lovely things you associate with modern people sadly.

It is a shame, as it is a great event in base terms, but March will do anything he can to squeeze every last penny out of the thing, I thankfully realised this about 20 years ago and haven't been since.


6,141 posts

168 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
It was too big about 20 years ago.

I was lucky enough to attend when it was majority all pro drivers or legends int e cars

Now it tends to be a bit of that but also very rich men or their wives who have no idea how the drive the expensive cars they are driving, and are probably ruining them.

Also, I have see a guy in a 92 or 93 Benetton, I have seen that car several times and I have never seen it running properly, now either he is so thick he doesn't know which is perhaps close to the truth or doesn't care as he gets an invite etc etc.

Regarding crowds, it has always been bad, for me I would make people who want to take pictures as amateurs go somewhere in particular or at least have an area for people who actually live their lives, rather than spending the entire time holding up a bloody phone or even Ipad. It is annoying, ride selfish and all the lovely things you associate with modern people sadly.

It is a shame, as it is a great event in base terms, but March will do anything he can to squeeze every last penny out of the thing, I thankfully realised this about 20 years ago and haven't been since.
Given your comments here and on the various motorsports sub fora, I’m convinced you don’t like motorsport and never have. Just out of interest, have you ever competed yourself? You are aware that old race cars can be quite temperamental, or would you prefer they are all run by rich people paying teams to prep them… oh, wait a moment…

Edited by ChevronB19 on Saturday 15th July 12:38


357 posts

203 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
Also, I have see a guy in a 92 or 93 Benetton, I have seen that car several times and I have never seen it running properly, now either he is so thick he doesn't know which is perhaps close to the truth or doesn't care as he gets an invite etc etc.
You clearly pay close attention and know your stuff....that 'guy' was/is Lorina McLaughlin.

Big Nanas

1,851 posts

89 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
It was too big about 20 years ago.

I was lucky enough to attend when it was majority all pro drivers or legends int e cars

Now it tends to be a bit of that but also very rich men or their wives who have no idea how the drive the expensive cars they are driving, and are probably ruining them.

Also, I have see a guy in a 92 or 93 Benetton, I have seen that car several times and I have never seen it running properly, now either he is so thick he doesn't know which is perhaps close to the truth or doesn't care as he gets an invite etc etc.

Regarding crowds, it has always been bad, for me I would make people who want to take pictures as amateurs go somewhere in particular or at least have an area for people who actually live their lives, rather than spending the entire time holding up a bloody phone or even Ipad. It is annoying, ride selfish and all the lovely things you associate with modern people sadly.

It is a shame, as it is a great event in base terms, but March will do anything he can to squeeze every last penny out of the thing, I thankfully realised this about 20 years ago and haven't been since.
It must be extremely tiring living your life with your negativity and hatred.


6,141 posts

168 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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WhyOne said:
LukeBrown66 said:
Also, I have see a guy in a 92 or 93 Benetton, I have seen that car several times and I have never seen it running properly, now either he is so thick he doesn't know which is perhaps close to the truth or doesn't care as he gets an invite etc etc.
You clearly pay close attention and know your stuff....that 'guy' was/is Lorina McLaughlin.
Also, Luke, when we raced in historic formula junior in the 80’s, Lorina (Boughton as she was known then)kicked pretty much everyone’s arses.

She is a phenomenally quick driver, and also an extremely nice person.


Big Nanas

1,851 posts

89 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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ChevronB19 said:
WhyOne said:
LukeBrown66 said:
Also, I have see a guy in a 92 or 93 Benetton, I have seen that car several times and I have never seen it running properly, now either he is so thick he doesn't know which is perhaps close to the truth or doesn't care as he gets an invite etc etc.
You clearly pay close attention and know your stuff....that 'guy' was/is Lorina McLaughlin.
Also, Luke, when we raced in historic formula junior in the 80’s, Lorina (Boughton as she was known then)kicked pretty much everyone’s arses.

She is a phenomenally quick driver, and also an extremely nice person.

That's quite the racing pedigree, isn't it.
A few years ago at the FoS I had good fortune to get behind the scenes in the assembly area. I had a good chat with Lorinna whilst she waited to go up the hill. She was funny, relaxed and had some pretty eye-opening things to say about Christian Horner biggrin


13,775 posts

153 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
It was too big about 20 years ago.

I was lucky enough to attend when it was majority all pro drivers or legends int e cars

Now it tends to be a bit of that but also very rich men or their wives who have no idea how the drive the expensive cars they are driving, and are probably ruining them.

Also, I have see a guy in a 92 or 93 Benetton, I have seen that car several times and I have never seen it running properly, now either he is so thick he doesn't know which is perhaps close to the truth or doesn't care as he gets an invite etc etc.

Regarding crowds, it has always been bad, for me I would make people who want to take pictures as amateurs go somewhere in particular or at least have an area for people who actually live their lives, rather than spending the entire time holding up a bloody phone or even Ipad. It is annoying, ride selfish and all the lovely things you associate with modern people sadly.

It is a shame, as it is a great event in base terms, but March will do anything he can to squeeze every last penny out of the thing, I thankfully realised this about 20 years ago and haven't been since.
"The guy in the Benetton who is so thick he doesn't know what he's doing" roflroflrofl


4,531 posts

224 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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I drove to work on Thursday (up to Guildford on the A3) and the volume of super cars, sports cars and nice metal was incredible for 08:00 as they funnelled down to Chichester in the other direction.

Like all things it will go pop / loose quintessence due to its size but I can’t see it going away entirely.