1st Goodwood track day of the year.

1st Goodwood track day of the year.


Robert C

Original Poster:

266 posts

191 months

Saturday 7th February 2015
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Spent the late morning and early afternoon down at Goodwood where general track day was in session.

There were a few interesting cars:

A Rochdale Olympic

IMG_9812.jpg by Robert Clayson, on Flickr

A Metropolitan Nash

1S7A0694.jpg by Robert Clayson, on Flickr

Modified Toyota Celica

1S7A0910.jpg by Robert Clayson, on Flickr

and finally a flame splitting Nissan GTR

1S7A0665.jpg by Robert Clayson, on Flickr

A few more on flickr and my website.

As ever comments welcome.



18,023 posts

176 months

Sunday 8th February 2015
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I think that's a supra not a celica.


3 posts

164 months

Friday 13th February 2015
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Terry Nicolls in his new Supra !Used to run Gartrac GA engined Capri.How was he going ?