Supercar Sunday 4 May 2014

Supercar Sunday 4 May 2014



Original Poster:

1,107 posts

175 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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Anyone had confirmation from Goodwood yet? Fingers crossed for another sunny year as it's always a great event.

tony h

2,703 posts

257 months

Tuesday 15th April 2014
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yes , got confo today.


Original Poster:

1,107 posts

175 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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tony h said:
yes , got confo today.
Rats. I might be parking in the field this year then!

James P

2,990 posts

248 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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Got confirmation email yesterday and again today with the parking pass attached.


269 posts

181 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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I'm looking forward to it biggrin

Mr Jenks

1,206 posts

276 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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Same for me, e-mail yesterday, repeated today with circuit pass attached woohoo


1,116 posts

201 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Looking forward to it hehe


1,794 posts

232 months

Thursday 17th April 2014
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Im in too


510 posts

204 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2014
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Is everybody meeting at Guildford Cathedral as per usual?

If so, what time?


3,752 posts

266 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2014
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Circuit pass received today thumbup


705 posts

165 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2014
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Got my pass emailed today, very happy.
Anyone help with this one...I read somewhere that last year they had a different gate/entrance for those involved in showing supercars and as a result those drivers did not need to queue to get into the event. Did anyone go last year, see or experience this system? If so, where was the gate located?


3,752 posts

266 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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ro55a said:
Got my pass emailed today, very happy.
Anyone help with this one...I read somewhere that last year they had a different gate/entrance for those involved in showing supercars and as a result those drivers did not need to queue to get into the event. Did anyone go last year, see or experience this system? If so, where was the gate located?
You just go in the circuit main gate, other cars are directed to park in the fields outside


550 posts

157 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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Pass just came through, hopefully it'll be good weather bounce


1,847 posts

216 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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Got my pass through as well yesterday.

Have the queues started to get in yet ? wink


2,122 posts

159 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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applied last night and pass dropped by eMail this morning, the benefits of a Bugatti Veyron SS I 'sposelaugh

wait to see how many that has upsetcoffee

seriously tho' applied last night and have got entry for my '99 XKR, strange what constitutes a "supercar" these days!



322 posts

163 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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I have my pass E-mailed to me today. It says "Circuit Access" number 1030. This is my first visit to a Breakfast Club meet, thus I have no idea on where this means I will be parked??

In the spiel it says "Please note this pass does not allow you to park on the start-finish straight".

Do I presume my pass means I will be parked in a field miles from the start-finish straight where all the intersting stuff is parked??

Think I might get down for 7.00am, I hate queues.

Those in the know your help would be most appreciated.


1,847 posts

216 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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lotus116tornado said:
I have my pass E-mailed to me today. It says "Circuit Access" number 1030. This is my first visit to a Breakfast Club meet, thus I have no idea on where this means I will be parked??

In the spiel it says "Please note this pass does not allow you to park on the start-finish straight".

Do I presume my pass means I will be parked in a field miles from the start-finish straight where all the intersting stuff is parked??

Think I might get down for 7.00am, I hate queues.

Those in the know your help would be most appreciated.
As you've got a pass, you wont be parked on a field, but either somewhere else along the circuit from the start-finish straight or inside the circuit where they have the garages.

It's really luck of the draw where you end up given it's so popular these days. You'll have a great day all the same and be back again smile


879 posts

228 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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Pass received via e-mail today – I’m not on the Start / Finish straight, but am in the confines of the circuit.


98 posts

245 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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Got mine today and it has "GRID" on it. be there at the start/finish straight at 8am is also mentioned. gosh, that's early


39 posts

230 months

Thursday 24th April 2014
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Got mine today but not on the grid but that's fine did the same last year and it was great. Hope the weather holds out. What's everybody driving

Mine a Porsche 911 targa ;-)))
