Essex Esprit Turbo - Is There a Register ?

Essex Esprit Turbo - Is There a Register ?


neutral 3

Original Poster:

6,504 posts

173 months

Friday 20th November 2020
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 20 November 2020 at 21:13

neutral 3

Original Poster:

6,504 posts

173 months

Friday 20th November 2020
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neutral 3 said:
As above, is there a Register of the Essex cars ?

Always been a huge fan of these, from when I saw my first one in Chingford, East London. Used to see it a fair bit, until it’s owner lost it on a bend on the Ridgeway in Chingford , in a Huge way, drivers side on, into a tree. A late pal, had the job of recovering the remains of the car. The drivers seat was half the width it should have been.
( driver somehow survived, but killed himself in a ZR-1 Corvette, in 2004 )

neutral 3

Original Poster:

6,504 posts

173 months

Friday 20th November 2020
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Bazza 2174 said:
Yes, there is a register of all the Essex cars. It's a database of all the numbered cars. Are you after anything in particular?
Yes, interested to see if the Chingford cars details are on it plus how many others have survived.

neutral 3

Original Poster:

6,504 posts

173 months

Saturday 21st November 2020
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The Chingford accident Turbo, was smashed to pieces, bits of it all over the road, it would have been broken. From memory it may have been Blue ? But I don’t know the reg number. W reg probably, but this was circa 81 - 83.

It would have been reported on in the Chingford Guardian news paper, wonder if there is a Guardian Archive , il do some digging.

neutral 3

Original Poster:

6,504 posts

173 months

Wednesday 25th November 2020
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It’s possible that the car was No.20.

neutral 3

Original Poster:

6,504 posts

173 months

Thursday 26th November 2020
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Thanks for the update re no.20

Il see if the areas newspaper has an Archive from the early 80s.