Esprit V8 - Will I be disappointed?

Esprit V8 - Will I be disappointed?


Lee Jones Jnr

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Friday 15th May 2020
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Having recently been drawn into a Lotus thread I have been reminiscing about one of my childhood heroes, the Lotus Esprit.
It seems like a late ish V8 would be the one for me, still quick ish, as modern an interior as they got and to my eyes anything from 88 onwards looks the way I remember them externally.
There are a couple of blue ones on the market at an affordable price which I will go and look at on the other side.
What I really want to know is, will I be disappointed when I drive one? Are they a reasonable drive or are they a bit agricultural?
I realise that anyone posting on here is likely to love them anyway and say they are great. For context I had a 360 Modena when I was 27 and it was a bit of a shock how old school that was to drive but it was acceptable, is an Esprit likely to be similar? better? worse?

Lee Jones Jnr

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Sunday 17th May 2020
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Very useful response, thankyou.

Lee Jones Jnr

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Sunday 17th May 2020
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Again, thanks for the reply.
I’m not expecting it to be fast, I realise that 20-30 years on ‘nippy’ is the best I can expect from the performance. Honestly what I want is a car that looks like a later model esprit on the outside (to my eyes the 88 ish and on cars look the same), ideally has the later interior but a tidy old interior would do and doesn’t feel ancient. The final point is the only one I can’t be sure of without driving one, though would appreciate some idea given the duel frustrations of not being able to go drive one and having a lot of empty time on my hands.
Finding one that looks like a car I want is easy, it’s just a question of how old school they feel to drive.

Lee Jones Jnr

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Monday 18th May 2020
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thierryL said:
Why not a S4 or a Sport 300?

I owned the Limited edition 40th anniversary. This one :

This is the most beautifull Esprit interior !
I’d consider any model with the late shape and interior, I only really said V8 in the assumption that it would be the least lethargic, though it seems that any late model will be ok.

Lee Jones Jnr

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Wednesday 20th May 2020
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Hedgerley said:
I faced the same conundrum back in 2005. I always thought I wanted a GT3 but struggled to find one that suited my preferences and budget. Tried an S4S which I nearly bought plus an S4 and a late SE. But then plucked up the courage to take a V8 out for a drive. I was hooked. Yes, not a lot over the S4S in terms of power and driveability but the later dash, more room and other minor improvements plus the noise had me hooked. There is a bit extra under your right foot and there is just something about saying 'its a V8'. Vain I know but these cars are an emotional buy anyway. I didn't 'need' it....

So I bought a 98 V8GT, had it for two years before writing it off on black ice. 3 months later I bought the 01 V8-GT that I currently own, 12 years and counting. Doubt I'll ever get rid of it.. If you keep on top of the maintenance and can do a lot of preventative stuff then the bills shouldn't be to bad, assuming you get a decent one in the first place. My last A service and MOT was £340......

Do your research, ask the questions (TLF is a great place), get the checklist (Lotus Esprit World) and if you can get someone along for the inspection who knows his/her onions and you should be OK. Good luck with your search.
Are they ancient feeling or aint they? smile

Lee Jones Jnr

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Wednesday 20th May 2020
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Mutley00 said:
Lee Jones Jnr said:
Are they ancient feeling or aint they? smile
Absolutely not! The only thing that is a PITA is the handbrake position and operation. I loved both of mine and would happily buy another. I still dont think they have been surpassed by many cars for looks or performance and definitely not kudos.
Easy tiger, let’s not kid ourselves about the performance.
They look incredible still though.

Lee Jones Jnr

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Wednesday 27th May 2020
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All I've really learned so far is that in the mid to late '90s they had a lot of blue paint to use up

Lee Jones Jnr

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Thursday 28th May 2020
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Cold said:
Lee Jones Jnr said:
Easy tiger, let’s not kid ourselves about the performance.
They look incredible still though.
0-60 in 4.1s
0-100 in 9.5s

Firstly, those numbers don’t match any of the many specs I have seen.
Secondly, a great many cars that I have had or would consider next would top those numbers even if they were accurate.
Thirdly, I don’t believe that m(any?) 20 year old Esprits will be approaching factory fresh numbers.
Finally, there is no way I’d feel comfortable trying to eek maximum performance out of a 20 year old Lotus.
Perhaps I will be pleasantly surprised by how bulletproof and blisteringly quick they feel, but I’m expecting and perfectly happy with ‘nippy’.

Edited by Lee Jones Jnr on Friday 29th May 09:04

Lee Jones Jnr

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Saturday 30th May 2020
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the av8er said:
Well Lee Jones Jr.
I don't quite follow this thread.??
Do you or do you not want to buy a V8 ?? You don't seem too sure.
I think some people here have misunderstood the point of this car. It was never built as a track day tool, far too big and heavy. For that you need a caterham, Elise, gti, etc or intergralle.
It's a very fast powerful road car best for crossing a continent quickly in comfort, a true Grand Tourer !! And it won't even break a sweat. 4 cylinder versions are also brilliant but lack the massive mid range grunt.
I personally prefer the original interior.... Getting in a supercar should be " an event ". When you get in, you know exactly what your in, it's all part of the DNA of the bread.
They only made 1500 V8's world wide. If your not sure, don't bother and let someone with more enthusiasm and a love for the model buy it instead.
What is unclear?
I’m 100% unsure if I want to buy one, because as I have said it’s now a very old car and I won’t enjoy driving it if it feels absolutely ancient. If a ‘98 or ‘99 car feels like a ‘98 or ‘99 car that will be liveable, but of course I’m aware that much of the car was already very old by that point, and asked the question at a time when it was unclear when I’d be able to get out and actually try one.
Of course essentially no matter what anyone said it wouldn’t have made a great difference as firstly on a lotus forum views will be weighted positively and secondly I’m well aware that opinions vary. For example (this is not the start of an argument) to me an Esprit isn’t a Supercar and by today’s standards it’s not big, heavy or a very fast and powerful continent crusher.
I’m 36 years old so can remember being a child and Esprits being a really impressive, beautiful sports car. I still thing they look fantastic and if they are ok to drive then that’s great.

Lee Jones Jnr

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Saturday 30th May 2020
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the av8er said:
My advice. DON'T BUY ONE.
When buying a garage toy, track toy or "hobby" car. The sort of thing that's not your main transport.
The mental process is very different to that of choosing a regular car.
The desire outweighs everything else and you can't help yourself !! You obviously don't feel that way.

I want a MP4 -12 and looked at a few. There is a loud voice in my head warning me of the possible doom of reliability.
The fact that I spend too much time considering this issue tells me that I don't want it bad enough because if I did I would be ignoring this voice.

If your considering your negative thoughts on this issue....... Find something else.
if you find its performance too pedestrian for you ....... Find something else.
If your not totally smitten with Lotus ....... Find something else.

You obviously are not going to feel that owning an Esprit V8 is a privilege, therefore I would prefer you FIND SOMETHING ELSE !!

They are far to special and rare to be owned by someone who isn't a complete obsessed, lunatic of a fan and that's clearly not you!!
What a strange response.
I assume you’ll understand that someone thinking I don’t deserve one isn’t going to be an issue and it will still be decided by how old/creaky it feels to drive. If I feel it’s not enjoyable then I will settle with thinking they look great when I see them around. If I think the drive is okay then it won’t concern me at all that for some reason you don’t think I should be allowed a car that I’ve loved since I was a wee boy.
Coincidentally I’m also in the market for a McLaren but I’ve been looking at the 570S.

Lee Jones Jnr

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Saturday 30th May 2020
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the av8er said:
You'll much prefer the 570, after all it's much quicker, faster, newer and better screwed together. Oh ! And you can get a comprehensive warranty. PERFECT !!
Splendid, I’m sure I’ll do more miles in it than the Esprit

Lee Jones Jnr

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Saturday 30th May 2020
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Oilchange said:
Whatever you do, don't decide for yourself.
Just take his advice and you’ll be fine.

I suppose it was a waste of time posting in the first place really as it was always going to be ‘how do I feel about the drive’, but I thought that getting a bit of chit chat about it during lockdown might be nice.

Lee Jones Jnr

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Saturday 30th May 2020
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Terminator X said:
Lee Jones Jnr said:
Having recently been drawn into a Lotus thread I have been reminiscing about one of my childhood heroes, the Lotus Esprit.
It seems like a late ish V8 would be the one for me, still quick ish, as modern an interior as they got and to my eyes anything from 88 onwards looks the way I remember them externally.
There are a couple of blue ones on the market at an affordable price which I will go and look at on the other side.
What I really want to know is, will I be disappointed when I drive one? Are they a reasonable drive or are they a bit agricultural?
I realise that anyone posting on here is likely to love them anyway and say they are great. For context I had a 360 Modena when I was 27 and it was a bit of a shock how old school that was to drive but it was acceptable, is an Esprit likely to be similar? better? worse?
True story bro, as a youngish lad I worked on the Royal College of Art when it was being refurbished in 1990. They had a lot of beautiful stonework that needed bringing up to scratch so a stonemason was employed. No joke this guy turned up at 11am and left after just 2hrs, that was his "full day". Mode of transport ... Lotus Esprit! So envious of that guy at the time cloud9

The benefit of having a skill I suppose.
Unfortunately the lord didn’t see fit to bless me any skills, intelligence or natural ability frown

Lee Jones Jnr

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Sunday 31st May 2020
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nvubu said:
Lee Jones Jnr said:
I’m 100% unsure if I want to buy one, because as I have said it’s now a very old car and I won’t enjoy driving it if it feels absolutely ancient. If a ‘98 or ‘99 car feels like a ‘98 or ‘99 car that will be liveable, but of course I’m aware that much of the car was already very old by that point, and asked the question at a time when it was unclear when I’d be able to get out and actually try one.
Of course essentially no matter what anyone said it wouldn’t have made a great difference as firstly on a lotus forum views will be weighted positively and secondly I’m well aware that opinions vary. For example (this is not the start of an argument) to me an Esprit isn’t a Supercar and by today’s standards it’s not big, heavy or a very fast and powerful continent crusher.
I’m 36 years old so can remember being a child and Esprits being a really impressive, beautiful sports car. I still thing they look fantastic and if they are ok to drive then that’s great.
I've owned my (4 cyl) Turbo Esprit for 33 years next month - it's 38 years old. I drive it today exactly the same as I did in 1987, so I'd say no, it doesn't feel ancient. It was a supercar back in the day - maybe not so by today's standards, as it has less HP than your average hot hatch. However, it's looks today are as dramatic, if not more so, than any other supercar out there.

My advice, go out and drive one and see how you feel after doing so.
Thankyou for the reply, that’s exactly what I shall do! smile

Lee Jones Jnr

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Sunday 31st May 2020
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Oilchange said:
I never judge a supercar by the hp and 0-60 etc. Its about the image and the ‘elan’. A supercar can be old, new, fast, not so fast, loved, hated. What it has to be though is a bit rare and ultimately respected.
Had my 4pot for almost as long, got it in 1999. Am waiting for the lockdown to ease too so I can stretch it’s legs...

Edited by Oilchange on Sunday 31st May 08:14
I agree with your concept of ‘what is a Supercar’ and I don’t say that an Esprit is not a supercar to provoke or upset anyone and I certainly wouldn’t argue about it. I suppose I see it a bit like the R8 of its day. I don’t consider it a supercar but I’m fine with people that do and don’t have any desire to debate it.
Your car looks great.
Amusing use of the word ‘elan’.

Lee Jones Jnr

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Thursday 4th June 2020
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Bob-iylho said:
Mine drives like an old car, but I love it and it handles well. Had an Evora before this, the Esprit makes me smile more.
41 years old, aged well in my opinion

Have you driven a ‘98-‘99 car for comparison?

Lee Jones Jnr

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Friday 5th June 2020
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Bob-iylho said:
Test drove an S4s which is mid 90's, much quicker car than mine but I just love the JPS.
It appeals to me that it is an old car and doesn't drive like a modern car.
It wasn’t at all my intention to suggest that your car is ‘less’ in any way. Did the S4 feel significantly more modern?

Lee Jones Jnr

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Friday 5th June 2020
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phumy said:
I loved my `96 V8 it was a great drive, had a few niggles with it but soon fixed those.

Look at that!