Lotus Esprit as daily driver?

Lotus Esprit as daily driver?



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141 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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Having today sold my XKR I've decided to try and buy my childhood dream car, namely a Lotus Esprit (preferably turbo). I had settled on a nearly new Elise S - great little car but I now want an Esprit even more....

I work from home and simply wasn't using the XKR enough to justify the £1000 a month depreciation any longer!

Am I mad to consider an Esprit as my only car? (wife also has a car). Which model to go for? Ideally I'd like to spend around £15k - is this realistic?

Finally, anyone have a car they'd like to sell me?!

(I've posted in GG because the Lotus forums here are pretty quiet.....)


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1,777 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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CS Garth said:
You're mental. But do it anyway otherwise you'll regret it
Yes, I am probably (definitely) mental! But there are so many great 80's/90's cars that I love and yet have never owned, just because of being sensible and worrying about reliability etc.

I'm now a father and need to set a good example for my son - life is for living and yes, I probably would regret it if I didn't do it smile


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1,777 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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John D. said:
Buying guide in this months Evo mag as it happens. Probably a sign prices are on the rise! The article says as much.

Great, I'll take a look. Cheers smile


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1,777 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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Impasse said:
Take note of the website they used to gather their information for that piece, then log on and join up.
Will do, cheers.

Thanks for your previous post too - there are very few cars for sale at present but I certainly don't imagine my budget will get anywhere near a 98' onwards car. Are the Stevens models particularly unreliable? They seem about the best value?


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1,777 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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Interesting responses!

I live in a Somerset village and rarely go into the city, in fact, Bath is my local city and I rarely took the XKR there due to parking it - that's what the wife's car is for wink

If I want to stay anywhere near the budget I may have to downgrade my expectations to a non turbo, unless an S4 can be found. There is a V8 in Holland for £20k...........


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1,777 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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Hi Ben

I remember your Excel - what do you have now?

I would need to clear the garage but in theory, yes it can be garaged.


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1,777 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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so called said:
Is that at Target cars ?
They quite often have Insurance Cat damaged cars, so call before you go.
Yes, it's a cat D but I can't see a lot wrong with it? I wonder if being a Cat D really matters on this type of car - it's a modern classic now anyway. Mind you, I can't really imagine getting an inspection carried out is going to be easy to arrange and whichever car I buy, I'll need an inspection carried out because I know bugger all!

  1. moronbuyslotusespritcatdthenbankruptshimself


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1,777 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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Ok, I'm not remotely handy with a spanner - I'd need to find a good local specialist.

The car would need to be available every day. But occasional days without it due to breakdowns will not be a problem - I'm self-employed and work from home.

Surely the Esprit will cost me less to maintain than the £1000 a month depreciation I've lived with during the ownership of my last two 5Ltr XKRs?!

Yes, I am that naive wink


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1,777 posts

141 months

Wednesday 24th February 2016
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Thanks, oilchange & 996type - some really useful info there thumbup

Edited by yellowtang on Wednesday 24th February 01:07


Original Poster:

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141 months

Wednesday 24th February 2016
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Ha! Brilliant smile I loathe contemporary white cars but it looks fantastic on the Esprit.

I'd be very impressed indeed if an estate agent turned up in one these days mind.


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141 months

Wednesday 24th February 2016
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swisstoni said:
OP - it seems you would be silly not to. hehe
No idea of your personal circs but if kids are ever likely to appear on the scene you know what's going to go out the window first don't you?
Not quite my friend - we have a 1year son and hopefully about to adopt a child this time round smile

I am looking at replacing my wife's current Z4 with a Subaru Estate though - running the XKR and Z4 as parents has been great fun though!


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141 months

Wednesday 24th February 2016
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Moulder said:
In Metro (the paper) today there is an advert for one exactly on budget.
We don't get the Metro here in rural Somerset - do you happen to remember which garage its at?


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1,777 posts

141 months

Wednesday 24th February 2016
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Lowes of Larne appear to have a 91' Esprit Turbo at £15k - anyone have any insight on it?


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141 months

Thursday 25th February 2016
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I'm 2 years in and just as smitten as I was the day I flew to Ireland to collect it and drive it home. smile


Interestingly, I'm looking at 91 Blue Turbo for sale at dealer North of Belfast - wondering if it'd be worth the risk!

Flying to Belfast and driving home maybe with a mate accompanying me sounds like a *potentially great road trip smile

  • might have to upgrade my RAC cover as I'm not sure it cover Northern Ireland!


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141 months

Tuesday 1st March 2016
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Well, I'm flying to Belfast in the morning! My mate Andy is coming too - he thinks I'm bonkers but likes to support my daft ideas! My wife just laughed. A lot.

I've somewhat optimistically booked one way tickets, but I do have a back up plan if this car is no good. If it is ok and a deal is done, then we plan to do a road trip down through the west coast of Ireland, stop overnight somewhere and then catch the ferry to Fishguard on Thursday.

I may need to upgrade my RAC cover...........


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1,777 posts

141 months

Tuesday 1st March 2016
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I came close to buying a 350 back in 2013, it was up at £30k - I bought another XKR instead. Again, not one of more more astute motoring decisions!


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141 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2016
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Currently sat in Belfast Int Airport awaiting our flight to Liverpool.

I've been to see the blue car this morning - a very nice, straight and original car (interior re-trim) but having put it up on a ramp, it has a engine oil leak, fibreglass rad shield broken, front shocks needed, car still on original fuel tanks and the ABS light is coming on intermittently. Also needs C service. Considering all of that, I've decided to head to PMS near Liverpool to check their car (yellow one) out. The owner of the garage (blue car) is however a brilliant chap, picked us up at the airport and even though I didn't buy his car, he helped me find a flight to Liverpool and he got one of his chaps to drive us back to the airport. Top man Kenny!

Andy is joking that this road trip is more planes, trains and automobiles so far!

Updates will follow...........


Original Poster:

1,777 posts

141 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2016
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Currently sat in the Adelphi Hotel (what a sthole) plotting tomorrow's movements.
Off to PMS 1st thing to view the yellow car, if it's a good one and a deal can be agreed, then we will head across to Bangor (via Drew Pritchards) and do the A470 all the way down to South Wales and back to Bath.

PMS do also have a white car with the charge cooled engine up at £20k - a bit more than I wanted to spend really.....


Original Poster:

1,777 posts

141 months

Wednesday 16th March 2016
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Apologies for the delay in updating this thread! I have been down with a sinus infection and ruptured eardrums!

Ok, basically I'm going to have to hand this one to the naysayers I'm afraid. I'm eating humble pie as I type.....

The yellow car at PMS didn't live up to my (probably too high) expectations. Firstly, the car wasn't always yellow (I knew that before looking at it) but prior to PMS owing it, it had a respray from green to Norfolk Mustard - however, I could see green paint all over the place. Call me fussy, but to my mind, if you are going to change the colour, then a quick blow over is not the correct way to do it. Either do it properly or retain the original colour.

Secondly, despite being told to avoid a car with the ABS light issue at all costs - once again I found myself looking at a car with the ruddy ABS light staying on! Also, the brakes were dangerously bad on this car. After the test drive, the guys did say that there was a problem with the brake master cyclinder and this was causing the poor braking/possibly the reason for the ABS light as well....

Another irritation with the car was that the passenger electric window didn't work and nor did either of the cigarette lighter sockets. A car without air-con really needs the windows working!

I've reached the conclusion that while it is possible to buy an Esprit for £15k, it's likely that you'd be looking a car with issues. With me not being mechanically minded and also bearing in mind my daily driver requirement, it just isn't going to work.

A later V8 car would, from the few that I looked at, probably be a better bet. I'd have to spend £30k plus to get one though!

A very disappointing end to the dream, but at least I actually had a good stab at it smile