S4s Wheel progress - for sale soon.. offers?

S4s Wheel progress - for sale soon.. offers?



Original Poster:

464 posts

249 months

Sunday 11th November 2007
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I have been working on and off to fix up my S4s wheels.
I sold my car with the new set that I got at the part sale ages ago. The buyer did not want the spare set.

So there was nothing wrong with the wheels except the polished outer rim had the clear coat peeling and looking ratty.
I bought the tools to remove the bolts. Then I set up the wheels on a home lathe. I have worked away for hours really to get the clear coat removed and the aluminum polished again. I have then resprayed them with special clear paint for wheels.

THEY LOOK FANTASTIC .. like new really.
Oh and I also ran all the nuts bolts through several cycles in an ultrasonic cleaner and they are totally sparking.

Anyway.. this has been a very time consuming project but I think that it is well worth the effort.

The realy hard part now is to find a buyer. They are the staggered 17" set up that was only on the 1995.5 USA S4s.

I am in Canada and I have the original OZ Racing boxed so I can ship them easily.
Contact me if interested. Lets make a deal pics in a minute......... next post..


Original Poster:

464 posts

249 months

Sunday 11th November 2007
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here are some pic.. cell phone quality sorry..


4,391 posts

262 months

Sunday 11th November 2007
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Good stuff they do look great! Well worth the effort biggrin


3,035 posts

268 months

Wednesday 14th November 2007
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Where did your former car end up?
What are the wheels going for?
I'll let the local club know about them.


Original Poster:

464 posts

249 months

Wednesday 14th November 2007
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Hi, my car was sold privately in Toronto. It has not gone far. I have not heard from the new owner. I guess that is good news, he said he would call if there were any problems.

If I can sell the wheels as a set I would be happier. Individually, the price is higher.
A nice guy and a good home also keeps the price reasonable.
I would like to see 1500 for the set... US dollar accepted at par haha..

Please make me an offer.


3,035 posts

268 months

Wednesday 14th November 2007
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I have posted your wheel offering on our club yahoo web site.

I'm glad you were able to sell your car for a good price in Canada. You would have taken a beating on the exchange rate if the buyer was from the USA considering the strength of Canadian money these days.

I wonder if your new owner will keep in contect with you? I speak to the present owner of my former car by email and an occasional phone call. He even lets me have the car for a day to a week at a time. I also don't mind if I have work on it occasionally either. I could not have asked for a better person to take care of the car. So much better than hearing that the new owner has wrecked or abused the car.



Original Poster:

464 posts

249 months

Wednesday 14th November 2007
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thanks for the unsolicitted help calvin.. very kind of you.

I also am glad the car is in Canada, was a good deal for everyone.

There are so few S4s's out there and there must be someone that will curb a wheel eventually. That should help find a buyer.


935 posts

260 months

Thursday 20th December 2007
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Not meaning to put a dampner on things, and I MAY be wrong, but I've always heard that taking apart split rims and reassembling at home is a big "no no", which is why a lot of refurb companies steer clear of them.

I've heard you need to get everything exactly right, which is obviously normally done by a machine. Get this wrong, and they have the potential to sheer off. I'm not saying for one second you haven't, it's just personally, I wouldn't put a set of splits that had been taken apart and reeassembled by anyone other than the factory.

HAving a wheel sheer apart at 175mph is not an experience I'd like.

Just my 2p's worth, but the Esprit is a pretty powerful car with all sorts of sheering forces going on, especially at the wheels.

I'm prepared to be corrected but, even so I wouldn't use them.




Original Poster:

464 posts

249 months

Thursday 20th December 2007
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I did not take the wheels apart.
I removed the bolts, that is all. the two rim halved and spoke section are very difficult to get apart, and I think you could never get them right without somealignment tools.

the bolt holes are definetly not what align the wheel parts, they are clearance holes and the bolts are quite loose in the holes. the bolts are used just to clamp the parts together using the bolts in tension only.

I am sort of sorry you wrote this post. It will make people worried about buying my wheel that I have worked very hard to refurbish. There is absolutely no danger from the work I did. I am a professional mechanical engineer, and I can stand behind my work.


935 posts

260 months

Thursday 20th December 2007
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bojangles said:
I am sort of sorry you wrote this post. It will make people worried about buying my wheel that I have worked very hard to refurbish. There is absolutely no danger from the work I did. I am a professional mechanical engineer, and I can stand behind my work.
Why would you be worried? People are perfectly capable of making their own minds up - maybe I've just done you a favour and some potential buyers may have been thinking what I've said. It's brought it up in the open and you've had a chance to comment.

Sorry if I missed it, I thought you'd taken them apart - which is what I was saying in my original post about "Taking them apart".

I make no apologies for commenting on something that I had heard "MAY" be dangerous to potential buyers. I think if anythign I've helped clarify what has been done, as if I've not picked up on it by speed reading your posts - maybe others havent.

Infact, I'd like some comission now on any sale derived from this post smile