RE: Esprit Forum show what's possible

RE: Esprit Forum show what's possible

Wednesday 11th July 2007

Esprit Forum show what's possible

Lotus Esprit Forum help out a fellow owner

BigSi, helpers and the Esprit
BigSi, helpers and the Esprit
Here’s a really heart-warming story from the Lotus Esprit forum (LEF), showing just what’s possible when online car enthusiasts work together. Site administrator ‘Bibs’ takes up the story:

“In the middle of 2006 a member signed up wanting a new car. He found one and did a straight swap with his concourse Fairlady for a S3 Esprit Turbo. Once home he found it lacking in pretty much all areas - despite a thorough inspection beforehand. Fortunately, Simon Pritchard, or BigSi as we know him, was a dab hand at car restoration and set about the long task of getting his ‘new’ car to the condition he would like to see it in. It would involve many hours of work over many months, or perhaps years, considering the problems with the car.

Esprit heaven
Esprit heaven
Unfortunately this was not to be. BigSi’s health conspired against him and he developed Reiters Syndrome on top of his existing lung condition. In turn, this lead to a mini-stroke, or TIA on New Year’s Eve: the first of five in succession. Despite this, BigSi still insisted on working on the car but when I found out that he had passed out in the drive while attempting to remove the rear callipers one day, I decided that enough was enough and it was time that his new friends at LEF stepped in to help, before he did himself some serious damage.

The job was underway: a secret area on our web-based forum was set up that all members bar BigSi could see, read and add to. He didn’t even know it existed so was completely in the dark about our plans. Our initial appeal for donations towards parts was overwhelming with hundreds of people who had never met BigSi - many of whom are abroad and are unlikely to ever do so - sending us what they could spare.

Esprit was completely rebuilt
Esprit was completely rebuilt
Our chief mechanic for the project, Troy Halliday was now refusing payment for his time as long as the smurf jokes stopped (he’s 5’ 5”!) and an LEF member in Wales, Simon Thomas, offered his garage, spare rooms and hospitality until the work was completed. We assembled a parts list of what we needed, Troy took BigSi’s car away on the auspice that it was to head with him to his garage in Hertfordshire so he could ‘hopefully get it running again’ and we were underway in our secret location 20 miles from BigSi’s home town.

Over the next five weeks literally hundreds of parts were fitted to the car with people from all over the UK heading to South Wales to help out. Members of LEF from Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Hampshire, Kent and so on came along with spanners and oily things on the weekends while the three main men; Troy, Simon and Punky worked away all week, sometimes starting at 7am and working until 4am the next day. Along with all the hard work much fun was had with midnight BBQ’s and donations of beer arriving unexpectedly to ease the workers’ weary bones.

Many helped in the rebuild...
Many helped in the rebuild...
The work completed on the car would take up 7 pages in a list, so let’s say that the car was stripped of its engine, gearbox, all suspension parts and radiators, and all were either replaced with brand new OEM parts in most cases, or thoroughly restored to ‘as new’ condition. The engine was also given a full rebuild and the suspension replaced with the new Lotus developed Bilstein and Eibach setup. The chassis also received a full strip and repaint with protective paints to make it look as good as new and last another 20+ years. Our estimates are that somewhere in the region of 2,000 man hours were put into this work on the car, with many more hours spent behind the scenes sourcing parts, picking parts up and other associated activities.

The handover to BigSi was also a secret of course, planned entirely without his knowledge and keeping that from him wasn’t easy! Club Lotus hold an annual track day for its members at Castle Combe in Wiltshire and the plan was to have him trackside as his newly restored car whizzed past on the track. This was arranged with thanks to Alan Morgan of Club Lotus and the plan was set, however, we shelved the track idea following an accident the week before after which BigSi mentioned on the forum that he would never, ever take his car on the track… achieve this achieve this
55 Esprit’s turned up for the day and approximately 100 people - all keeping Mum about what was to happen. At 2pm, Alan Morgan led out in his Excel closely followed by Simon Thomas and Punky in BigSi’s car. The big man was shocked to say the least, and a very emotional afternoon followed with him seeing all the hard work which had been put into making his not so great Esprit into one of the finest looking and running Giugiaro Esprit’s on the road today.

Thanks must go to all the members of LEF who donated money, time, parts, expertise and beer to the project. Also, Lotus Cars for their help with sourcing parts and technical advice, Club Lotus for allowing the handover to happen on their trackday, South West Lotus for all of their assistance with parts, PNM Engineering, ESPRITism and Frosts for the supply of materials to us.”

For more information, head to:



Original Poster:

1,164 posts

288 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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Puts a smile on my face smile

Top effort guys.


14,732 posts

214 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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Wow, it's amazing how charitable people can be, a really nice story to hear, and just goes to show there are some really decent people out there, always willing to help.

Can we get some pics of BigSi's Esprit?


8,211 posts

222 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
quotequote all
Wow!!!! What an amazing story.


4,603 posts

240 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
quotequote all
That is a great story, really brought a smile to my face and a true testament to just how great some people are. A true Lotus owner's crowd

Well done all involved your fantastic



9,319 posts

248 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
quotequote all
Great story!

Now, I have a debilitating illness called fatbloke-lazy-syndrome which is stopping me from turning my 1.9 205 into a T16 Turbo...wink


1,786 posts

239 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
quotequote all
Well done to everyone concerned

a great story with a wonderful ending



202 posts

219 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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What a heart warming story.

Why can't that be the headline news story for the nation? The press too often focus on the bad things or the politics - this would surely give everyone a glow for the summer.

Great effort Lotus guys!


8,795 posts

287 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
quotequote all
Really heartwarming story.

Good job the shock didn't cause another stroke, would have rained on the parade somewhat!


790 posts

212 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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Thanks guys. It was a really fun project to work on and opened my eyes to how much good hearted human nature there is in the world. There really are hundreds of stories of people putting someone else before them and helping out with things that will result in just a 'nice feeling inside', nothing more. It's good to know that such a 'nice feeling' means so much to us still.

Gimme the contacts for the national press and I'll see if they'll run with it.

Here's a nice picture for you, out of the err, 1,500 or so I've got from the project!

The Man himself with his lovely wife Kelly on the day and a video of the moment he saw his car!!! smile

zoidberg said:
Really heartwarming story.

Good job the shock didn't cause another stroke, would have rained on the parade somewhat!
I had the paramedics on speed-dial, don't worry! :P

Edited by Lotusespritforum on Wednesday 11th July 10:46


2,460 posts

245 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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The power of the Internet !


57 posts

215 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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Character like that is a rare thing these days. It really restores my faith in my fellow man, when that faith has been eroded so much by corporations/the plod/the government/chavs and everything else that conspires to turn us in insular self serving automatons.


195 posts

241 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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Awesome. It brought a tear to my glass eye


2,493 posts

221 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
quotequote all
Brilliant - restores your faith in people.


3,977 posts

229 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
quotequote all
That a great strory, good work lads. smile


463 posts

213 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
quotequote all
Top job boys! You should be Very Proud!

This is what these forums were invented for!


785 posts

256 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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i met bigsi for the first time at supercar sunday, he is a top bloke (apart from wanting to hang me by my ankles LOL, they guy is about 6ft 5&quotwink and has so many more plans for the esprit aswell. the car is gorgeous.

bibs do you have the youtube link where he falls to his knee's?


222 posts

211 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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many thanks for the kind words guys.

the members of the forum went above and beyond on this one, i had no clue what was going on even on the day upto the last minute.

i had to make an impromptue speech on the day, but i think i covered it up in a few short words " lef is not just a forum or internet community, its mre than that its a family, a family that im proud to be a part of and im proud to have you all as my family" What i said was from my heart, these guys have been my support over the past few months, and my wife has been beside me every step of the way.

we have had a very rough past few years, however, we have never complained, never sought help and got on with things, the illness meant i lost a few jobs but i went back looking for work the very next day i could, i was not prepared to give in. I now have my own business which i have ran since the doctors refused to sign me fit for work, im like the old dog that wont go down, since new years i have had to slow down and put things on a back burner.

I still have problems everyday and its a constant re-learning curve and struggle, yet i am getting there, im more independant now and i lookforward to each new day with my wife and baby son.

For any community to get together and support a person they have never met or spoken to, people from other continents giving support makes you have to stand back.

in this day and age of uncertainty and fears, this brings a welcome ray of sunshine and hope to us all, it shows that inside us all there is still a soul and a good one at that, it shows that reguardless of nationalities, religions, or colour we as a race, as a people can cme together for a common good at a time when its needed most.

Everyday i am reminded that we all have something inside us a capacity for good in times of adversity and heartache.

I applaude everyone involved in this project and for the continued support we still recive from members and wellwishers even now.

we took the car to gaydon supercar sunday and it was taken into the arena for a public talk, many thanks to the gaydon staff.

it appeared in a local classic car show recently and drew many people to it, i spent much time talking about it with people.

this sunday it is due at the south west festival of motoring shw with a few other esprits.

both myself and kelly wish you all thanks and we look forward to presenting the car at as many shows as we can.

so i would once again like to thank everyone involved in this conspiracy and project, i look forward to returning the goodwill.

simon, kelly & cameron pritchard

Edited by big-si on Wednesday 11th July 14:42


9,840 posts

234 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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Brilliant one all of you, you should be very proud. Nice one.


32,091 posts

255 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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46,642 posts

280 months

Wednesday 11th July 2007
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Mekon said:
Brilliant - restores your faith in people.
Blimey... you're not kidding...