1991 (?) Esprit posters

1991 (?) Esprit posters


David Archer

Original Poster:

12 posts

22 months

Wednesday 12th April 2023
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Hi all,

Back in 1991, I wanted to be an advertising copywriter… my friend’s dad owned the ad agency that did the (very minor) advertising for Lotus. So I wangled some work experience there. I imagined that by the end of the week they would have given me, at 16, a new Elan SE (I was realistic). That didn’t happen, but I did have a load of posters and bits. Most have gone over the years but I’ve just found these two, along with a Fiat Coupe poster from a few years later.

I’m happy to send them to any Esprit owners who’d like to get them framed and on the wall. They’re A2 sized and in pretty good condition having been rolled in a tube for most of 30 years. You can have them for the postage cost if they’ll be up on a garage wall or something.

(I have been a member on PH for 21 years but have a new login.)

David Archer

Original Poster:

12 posts

22 months

Wednesday 12th April 2023
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P.s. I see it’s the rare high wing esprit in the second poster!


1,329 posts

274 months

Wednesday 10th May 2023
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PM sent.

Anyone got one in Green?


1,329 posts

274 months

Monday 29th May 2023
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See the update on Classic car thread.


Thanks once again.

p.s. My esprit is now MOTd and back on the road from June.