Let me ask you all something....

Let me ask you all something....



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2,591 posts

289 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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A Bank check. It is as good as cash is it not? It is basically 99% full proof and authentic am I right?

Just tell me, though I know the answer.

His auction, it says will take Bank Check, Money order, or paypal. The night before my flight I call him, he refuses to take a Bank check. Wants me to bring cash. Uhm, no. Me, my brother talk to this guy for over an hour trying to explain to him the authenticity of a Bank Check. I even told him the chekc that I sent for the deposit was fine wasnt it, and cleared which he admitted it did. Anyway, I dont want to get into the entire conversation, but lets just say the guy refused EVERYTHING but Cash.

I want the damn car...
I tell him look, there is no way in hell im going to a strangers place by myself with that much Cash on me. He says, in the morning go to a post office and get money orders, they cant be rescinded. Okay. I want this car, so I pissfully obglige. My flight is at 10:55 am, my ride to the airport is at 9:15am, the post office window opens at 9am.

First on line....
I am the first on the line. I tell the man my insane request, and naturally, get an insane reaction. Turns out, they can only give up to $10,000 at $1,000 a piece in one location. So then, no time to do that, count the money out and go to another post office to get the rest. I drive back to my house, my ride is waiting pissed im late. I look at him, throw him his money and tel him to leave.

All Deals off...
I call the Orbitz center and cancel my flight. I call the guy selling the car and tell thank him in a sarcastic manner for making this an easy transaction. I tell him send me my god damn deposit. He then has the nerve to get nasty with me, and then tell me he will send me the deposit back when I leave him positive feedback on Ebay and then he would send me the deposit, get this, by nothing other than a Bank Check, REGULAR MAIL.

So to be honest, I was so beat up and tired, and depressed too, from all the running around this guy had me doing. Insruance calls, getting the insurance cards, the bill of sales, taking off of work to get everything set up, making arrangements for pick up and drop off etc etc it took me a while to post this. Plus, I am so turned off by shopping for an Esprit at this point, after that weekend I havent even thought of cars at all until now. I figure I owe it to you guys to let you know I am still alive LOL.

And well, with that said, atleast I received my deposit back, yesterday evening. I tell you one thing, I was so angry that the car I was after was put to rest becasue of one sick and twisted individual. Im told its for the better. Who knows, maybe it was something fishy to stay away from. I just thought that was the one since it was white and tan like I always wanted, and was the 4th time it came my way.

Either way, I just want to thank all of you for the comments and congratulations. I appreciated them, and I felt like I was in the group finally as an official member.

But anyway, more than likely I am done looking and could care less for some reason now. So, i'll probably stop by every now and again. But until next time I get the bug and the ability, take care all!


469 posts

259 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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Bank checks aren't gold as they can be fraudulent just like any other check.

You could have also opted to do a wire transfer from your bank to his once you had seen the car. Usually takes an hour or two to be confirmed.

Does sound like he was being a little hard to deal with but we also haven't heard his side of the story either.

Sorry for your frustration, maybe it just wasn't meant to be..



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2,591 posts

289 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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A Certified Bank Check that is. Anyway, opted to do the wire transfer, he didnt trust it he said, even when I had my bank call him he still refused to give information out.

The guy is just twisted or something.


837 posts

255 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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Sorry you are having such a run of bad luck. Does sound like the guy is twisted, and if he's that twisted, blow it off.

A certified bank check is worth nothing more than any other check and is just as easily falsified. The Nigerians have been abusing this to no end. The guy should accept your wire transfer, though. He is just being stupid there. Tell him you will fly out there, go to his bank and initiate the transfer from his bank. I don't see any way he could get screwed there. I would confirm with your bank that you can do that and how long it takes for the funds to xfer.

Or, tell him to drive it down to you. You both go to your bank, hand him the cash there, he flys home and you are both done.

I know how frustrated and dissapointed you are. I think you are going to have to blow this deal off, calm down, take a break, and find another one some time in the future. They show up, you just need to keep your eyes open. I would say that a good deal shows up once or twice a year. Don't know what your deposit was, but I would start a eBay complaint going if he doesn't return it immediately, regardless of feedback. Tell him you will leave no feedback, give you your damn deposit back, or else.



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2,591 posts

289 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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I just got the deposit back last night, thankfully. We tried everything to render the problem. We said the same thing, go there, and go to the bank with him and do the transfer, He refused saying he wanted a grace period of 2-3 days to make sure I couldnt rescind it.

Whatever, its over and done with. Just really, REALLY burns me up a perfect example Esprit in the hands of some f*** and out of my reach.


1,650 posts

238 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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theres so much fraud out there these days you cant blame people for being paranoid, he seems abit over the top granted but if he's had it on ebay he's probably had a 101 scam mails from all over the world offering him double this, deal that etc buying a car can be stressful but so can selling one


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2,591 posts

289 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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Well be paranoid fine, but imagine how paranoid I was thinking going to a whole different city alone with over $18,000 in cash on you. He didnt help at all. Want to be paranoid, so be it, but dont make it impossible, especially since you already accepted my deposit check, and it cleared fine obviously, and also wrote in the auction he accepts checks etc


101 posts

248 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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Ever consider escrow?

Or does he not trust lawyers either? Hmm, I smell a joke coming out of this somewhere.

I've had cash fanatics demand greenbacks in hand to complete a deal. Coming from Soviet Kanada the lovely boys at US Customs do advise that they will relieve you of anything over 10K USD and consider it proceeds of crime until you prove otherwise. Plus it's plain dangerous.

That's what escrow is for. Takes a few extra days but at least someone in trust holds the marbles until everyone says fair deal.



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2,591 posts

289 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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arium said:
Ever consider escrow?

Or does he not trust lawyers either? Hmm, I smell a joke coming out of this somewhere.

I've had cash fanatics demand greenbacks in hand to complete a deal. Coming from Soviet Kanada the lovely boys at US Customs do advise that they will relieve you of anything over 10K USD and consider it proceeds of crime until you prove otherwise. Plus it's plain dangerous.

That's what escrow is for. Takes a few extra days but at least someone in trust holds the marbles until everyone says fair deal.


Escrow, now that neither of us have thought of. Not a bad idea. Wish we thought of it sooner. The car is gone from what I understand now though. I dont know, that night bickering with the guy, it really left a sour taste in my mouth and I was getting bad vibes on the whole transaction.


837 posts

255 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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If the car is gone now, that indicates (to me) that he had another offer for more money and that is why he was jacking you around.



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2,591 posts

289 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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Dr.Hess said:
If the car is gone now, that indicates (to me) that he had another offer for more money and that is why he was jacking you around.


No definately not. It was back on ebay for the better part of a week before dissapearing again. A few people emailed me and asked why I did not purchase it. And they were telling me he is now asking $2,000 less than what he originally asked for.


837 posts

255 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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The whole deal sounds bizzare, and when that many zero's are involved, it would make me plenty nervous. I think you are better off looking for another. If he is the type to pull this kind of stuff, there is no telling what else he was less than truthful about regarding the car. I think 18 was too much anyway. There are plenty more out there.



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2,591 posts

289 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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Dr.Hess said:
The whole deal sounds bizzare, and when that many zero's are involved, it would make me plenty nervous. I think you are better off looking for another. If he is the type to pull this kind of stuff, there is no telling what else he was less than truthful about regarding the car. I think 18 was too much anyway. There are plenty more out there.


Yeah I agree. I dont know, 18 isnt bad considering it has over $15,000 in life recordings, full service records and especially important new fluids, clutch assembly, tires, etc etc. I mean, I dont know, honestly it really was Mint, and i really mean MINT compared to other Esprits of that year and even newer i have seen.

Its a bummer. it really is.


3,035 posts

268 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2005
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That is really strange.
I as well as many have followed your quest to own an Esprit. Must be going on several years since you have started posting your interest of Esprit's. You interested in an 88? There is one in town locally for sale that a lot of people on the list have worked on including Tim Engel, Dave Cammack, and I think even Jim Mcfadden had his hands in it. I think Jack Benke's 88 is still for sale for an asking price of 13.5K.

I myself prefer 89.5 model year an later as I like the extra power but if you can deal with an 88 it is a good car for the price.



524 posts

255 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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Jeezzzzzeee... I think the guy must be at the very least hard to deal with. I have no complaints about my 'deal' when I located the one I wanted. I had the car looked over, the guy sent me a photo copy of the title (on his own w/out me asking first) so I could check it, provided me with the service history that he had from the first owner + his, and even told me what quirky things the car was doing and what needed to be done (little stuff like the cracked fuel tank balance pipe). I wrote him a third...down in good faith and wire transferred the rest a few days later. I did not haggle the price as it was more than fair, and he picked up the shipping cost to my city.

Let's face facts.... if both parties want to 'deal', a deal can be made.

Keep plugging... you will not regret it. Took me over a year to locate mine. I was half interested in a 308GTS at the time... got some fishy people looking at those. I am SOOOOO Glad I have what I truley wanted... an Esprit!

Drive topless!!!


165 posts

256 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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Hate to ask, but has his check refunding the deposit cleared yet? There have been several scams where the check for the returned deposit is bogus. Don't spend the money until you know for certain. I would also suggest keeping all correspondence and as best you can writing down summaries of phone conversations (date/time). Then after waiting two days to allow the boil to settle to a simmer, write a letter (not an e-mail) to eBay documenting the event. eBay has a vested interest in precluding this type of actions by their users and should tab this guy for at least observation.


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2,591 posts

289 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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Again, sure I could have made arrangements much to MY inconvenience, like rescheduling the flight, and taking more days off of work, and going there on a weekday to the bank with him. But, this guy made NO effort at all to make it even the least bit convenient for me. No apologies for switching his demeanor and making me have to rearrange everything I set up. But, like I said, after his attitude switched up, I started to feel VERY strange about the whole situation and i felt bad energy surrounding the whole deal that made me not want to take the extra steps for this guy. Again, if he had told me ahead of time and not the day before coming about cash or bank checks then fine, and if he went out on a limb for me, even just a little for the inconvenience he caused for me, then sure, I would probably have a very nice Lotus in my garage right now. But he didnt.

I work at a sales position, to miss even 1 full day a month can mean alot, to have to go there on a weekday for longer than a day or two, can make or break a commission check at the end of the month, its that serious.

Calvin, I am no too keen on the idea of an 88, but just to see, have any pics of it? Who knows, anything is possible at this point.


3,035 posts

268 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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email Jack Benke for details on the 88.


524 posts

255 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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"I am no too keen on the idea of an 88"

... just curious... why not an 88? It was/is actually one of my favorite years (the first Peter Stevens). In fact, that is what I looked for and bought. Not that I am saying it is the 'best' or aything like that, but everyone has a favorite and I like to see what and why a certain car is anyones favorite...

Drive topless!!!


Original Poster:

2,591 posts

289 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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Calvin - Thanks, I will shoot him an email

Cameron - Several reasons really. Not that I dont like the 88's, but I prefer the little differences in styling of the 89 and up. Even the sideview mirrors make a difference I think. Plus, I am a young guy and wants something that looks a little more aggressive, and a little faster.

I know the 89's look more similar to the 88, but this 89 I was after had OZ V8 Rims on it and a V8 Spoiler. Not to say I couldnt do something similar, but you get my point im sure.