Esprit Chassis

Esprit Chassis



Original Poster:

136 posts

237 months

Wednesday 22nd December 2021
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Hi, anyone have a drawing with dimensions of an Esprit Chassis.

We currently make a 1.18th scale model of a Lotus +2 chassis and would like to make an Esprit but need dimensions.
Thank you


2,813 posts

187 months

Monday 27th December 2021
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I don’t have a drawing but have an s2 esprit I’m rebuilding - the chassis is in my garage so could get some dims for you - let me know


Original Poster:

136 posts

237 months

Monday 27th December 2021
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Thank you for your reply. We need detailed dimensions tube sizes etc. the Elan workshop manual has a great drawing with all the sizes and I had hoped maybe the Esprit manual would have been the same.



1,273 posts

228 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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Might be worth watching Soup Classic on YouTube. He is restoring a Esprit and has done loads of work on the chassis. I know you're not going to get exact measurements from it but I imagine it will still be useful.

And it makes great viewing!


2,813 posts

187 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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The lotus forums is probably the best place to ask . My chassis is completely restored ( and nut and bolts suspension rebuilt etc) and you are welcome to measure it but there will likely be someone nearer to you on Tlf . I’m in Worcestershire .