Ride height?

Ride height?



Original Poster:

1,496 posts

248 months

Saturday 8th May 2021
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I am considering purchasing an earlier Esprit and think an S3 generation car might be the most suitable...but the ride height seems to vary quite a bit from one car to another and in some cases looks odd? Any ideas why this might be or are they supposed to be set high or might they have a replacement chassis which is not quite correct?


194 posts

137 months

Sunday 9th May 2021
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Early cars rode low, later cars (MY 85) much higher.

For comparison, photos taken in 1989/90

MY 82

MY 87


Original Poster:

1,496 posts

248 months

Sunday 9th May 2021
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Thanks...later cars just look weird but guess there was a reason...maybe US bumper height regulations??


194 posts

137 months

Sunday 9th May 2021
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It may well have been US regulations.

The difference is still questioned by owners today. I fairly often show both these photos at meets when current owners are questioning why mine (the white Esprit above) rides so much lower.