What do you experts think of this Esprit?

What do you experts think of this Esprit?



Original Poster:

121 posts

105 months

Sunday 7th June 2020
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It`s on one of those car raffle sites.
Is it the same model as Harry Metcalfe`s ?


Bazza 2174

194 posts

228 months

Monday 8th June 2020
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It's similar to Harry's but it's not an HC turbo.
Looks shiny but looks like it's been resprayed. Mostly original but that awful steering wheel is, well, awful. Wheel centre caps could do with replacing with correct ones. Hard to see but looks like the interior headlining is starting to droop. Half leather interior is starting to look worn. Front and rear tyres are different (Goodyear/Pirelli).

Not saying this car has issues but many Esprit's have had full/part resprays to make them look good - usually with a wheel refurb thrown in, but in reality they've been neglected mechanically having probably stood still for many years.

If you're looking to buy one try the likes of TLF/LEW where 'known'/looked after cars are bought/sold.

Hope that helps


64 posts

80 months

Friday 19th June 2020
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Hi, life-long Esprit fan and interloper from the HSV & Monaro forum.

A few things stand out about this Esprit:

i) Shouldn't it have Turbo Esprit decals?
ii) No photos of the engine bay
iii) I've tried to look up the MOT history (as suggested on the site) and the reg can't be found

I'm not knocking the vendor but there must be a reason it's being given away in a competition.

Still worth a punt though surely?

the av8er

145 posts

131 months

Friday 19th June 2020
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If what Capri ghia says is true, this is probably a scam.
Sell thousands of tickets ............ Phantom winner !!
Who would know ??


64 posts

80 months

Friday 19th June 2020
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Maybe not a scam but a way of selling a mediocre example above market value?

The vendor has good reviews online.

Perhaps in a COVID-19 market this is what you have to do to shift stock?

the av8er

145 posts

131 months

Saturday 20th June 2020
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Really !!!!! ??
With false plates ???
.............Really ?? !!!!