Wanted s2/3 and s4 onwards for 3d scanning.

Wanted s2/3 and s4 onwards for 3d scanning.



Original Poster:

129 posts

197 months

Sunday 17th November 2019
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Hi. I wonder if anyone is fairly local and could help me..., I've a project in mind but would like to explore this first digitally so I'm looking for someone to spare few hours and allow me to scan their car?

I'm based in the Midlands, Wroxton, near banbury and would like to scan both an early and later car to compare.. I'm happy for the owners to have a copy of the scan data if they wish and I'm sure many will be interested in seeing the results of the pre and post design over the top of each other which I can share on this forum.

Please let me know if you are able to help.

Many thanks



1,282 posts

193 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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I'll copy this to an Esprit FB group.


6,316 posts

213 months

Friday 13th December 2019
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Well... I will be in Wroxton in March as I usually stay there a few times a year while on business.

I might have a few hours free on the Friday afternoon - late March. If I bring up my Esprit (S3 SE) - how long would you need me for? I usually stay at the Best Western, so only a few minutes away from where I think you business is.

I cannot guarantee as plans change and I will be visiting a client on Friday in that area, but might be possible.