Lotus Esprit v8

Lotus Esprit v8



Original Poster:

28 posts

102 months

Wednesday 14th August 2019
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Spotted in Cambridgeshire, left before I could ask the owner about it. Is that a factory colour?


620 posts

276 months

Wednesday 28th August 2019
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Difficult to tell. Closest match is probably Starlight Black - same as mine, photo attached - but it doesn't seem to 'pop' properly, probably due to the low lighting conditions. I wonder if its more of a solid black, which I don't think Lotus did. The black Saturn wheels and rear (federal) valance certainly aren't standard. Looks mean though. Still needs the round rear lights in my opinion, but that's definitely subjective...


8,771 posts

268 months

Wednesday 28th August 2019
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Did they do a 'gunmetal' ?


620 posts

276 months

Wednesday 28th August 2019
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Oilchange said:
Did they do a 'gunmetal' ?
Good call - B88 Gunmetal Metallic. I also thought Charcoal but it doesn't seem black enough.


15,586 posts

98 months

Wednesday 28th August 2019
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The DVLA thinks it's blue.


1,272 posts

168 months

Tuesday 9th February 2021
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Cold said:
The DVLA thinks it's blue.