Esprit Turbo manifold LC

Esprit Turbo manifold LC



Original Poster:

1 posts

76 months

Friday 24th August 2018
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Does anyone have a new LC manifold sitting in their garage that they want to sell. Lotus produced some back in 2010 but they were all snapped up. Ideally Id like to make a mold at the local foundry from one, second hand ones are unfortunately warped and distorted too much.

The Real Stig

33 posts

93 months

Saturday 23rd March 2019
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I have one, as I have upgraded to the oil-cooled version.


194 posts

137 months

Saturday 23rd March 2019
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Last year Lotus had my (still unused) one I bought in 2010 back at the factory as they were planning in making more. Not sure when this will happen though.