Purchasing a S4 SE - anything to look out for?

Purchasing a S4 SE - anything to look out for?



Original Poster:

6,316 posts

213 months

Sunday 20th May 2018
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Hi folks

After a couple of years of absence I am thinking about returning to the Lotus world (previously had a 2011
Evora) and buying a S4 early 90s SE Espirt.

Test drove the car last Friday and liked it. Having it checked out for...
  • Compression test
  • Leak down test
  • Oil Pressure test
  • Chassis check
  • Block test
It had a "check-engine" light and oil light showing occasionally. The MIL light is apparently due to
a lambda issue and they are checking out the oil light (might just be a loose wire).

The engine was (supposedly) rebuilt a few years back, so hopefully is in good shape.

My question is - should there be anything else I should specifically check for before I purchase it?



Original Poster:

6,316 posts

213 months

Saturday 20th October 2018
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After purchasing said car, Castle Lotus has been bringing it up to scratch and it is now nearly ready.



4,519 posts

266 months

Sunday 21st October 2018
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Thanks for the update. I'm sure there's many here who lusted over the Esprit in their youth but for one reason or another they're not a viable proposition.


Original Poster:

6,316 posts

213 months

Wednesday 13th November 2019
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...and the final one (for now) to get her restored...



2,549 posts

225 months

Wednesday 13th November 2019
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Looking great now.