Am I alone in thinking this is insane..?

Am I alone in thinking this is insane..?



Original Poster:

1,525 posts

141 months

Tuesday 23rd January 2018
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Someone is asking £100k for a series 1 Esprit...

Not even restored to “original” Spec. Is this insanity?


5,321 posts

182 months

Tuesday 23rd January 2018
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No, you are not alone.

They are just trying their luck and hoping some fool will come along.


62 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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Completely barmy.

You'd need your head examined buying that when an almost identical looking, 10 years younger and all-round better car - the S3 N/A - can be bought for a fraction of the price.

Captain Smerc

3,111 posts

124 months

Tuesday 30th January 2018
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Comedy money indeed , but it's a lovely looking thing , S1's are such a pure design .


352 posts

163 months

Saturday 3rd February 2018
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It was up at another dealer at POA at the end of last year.
I was interested but not enough to play the POA game.
I’d guess this dealer bought it and slapped a chunk on it.


361 posts

282 months

Friday 2nd March 2018
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Times are hard, seems to have dropped £15k since start of thread.

Martin 480 Turbo

616 posts

195 months

Wednesday 9th May 2018
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The Esprit has dropped to 75k right now.

If this is still not in line with your savings just get yourself into "lots of trouble" the french way:

Half the horsepower but double the passenger seats.
