S4S Values

S4S Values



Original Poster:

265 posts

105 months

Friday 16th June 2017
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Im looking to buy S4S what are the values at the moment, I have £30,000 budget. looking for a car with around 30 to 40k miles on it in a nice rare colour. is that enough money or are we looking at a bit more?


9,209 posts

213 months

Friday 30th June 2017
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A good one with low miles would be in the £35-40k bracket imo


3,795 posts

246 months

Saturday 22nd July 2017
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Agreed. 30k not enough for a decent car now.

35-40 as suggested.

Sellers market as so very few forvsake in the last year.


39 posts

86 months

Tuesday 14th November 2017
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I have just purchased this mica yellow S4S and I would agree 35k minimum and prices are rising for such a rare car.


3,795 posts

246 months

Tuesday 14th November 2017
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Lovely, seen this for sale.

Nice colour