My Esprit V8 project time to post a thread

My Esprit V8 project time to post a thread



Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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benters said:

here we go.
not crazy about the rear camber myself, but its got some presence for sure
yes have seen it, did email him during my build but was ignored? yes I dont like the rear camber going to whack! not a good look! not as bad on mine due to the really wide 315 tyres! I do have some adjustable rear links to correct camber and will look into it latter. Funny thing I am so used to seeing mine each day now so low it looks normal, and when I see some others now some look so high they look like rally cars? really high suspension and large gaps above the tyres in the arches. They just look strange? as mine may do to them?


14,101 posts

236 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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You're missing the point, I love the car, it's a white s1 Esprit!

I love the engine transplant, it's what I do!

That bodged suspension though frown


1,248 posts

137 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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You mentioned you cross-drilled the discs yourself - how did you decide how many holes to drill and what size they should be? Could there be a safety issue if either/both decisions were incorrect? Just wondering as I wouldn't have the stones to try that


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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amancalledrob said:
You mentioned you cross-drilled the discs yourself - how did you decide how many holes to drill and what size they should be? Could there be a safety issue if either/both decisions were incorrect? Just wondering as I wouldn't have the stones to try that
First I have done it before on other cars, I have done many projects before but never posted online. With drilled discs you always have a risk of hairline cracks, most manufactures counter sink the holes to help reduce this. Which I have also done. If you search the internet you will see many pictures and it does very a lot. Some say not to drill close to the outside edge and not to the inside edge. I have never had a problem. This was not built to race, Its built for fun and a cool car to drive around. I done it because it looks good. But was not needed the discs are from a large Audi and 30mm thick so they are not going to get stressed. If you look on the lotus forums this issue has been raised before. If any qualified engineer would like to chime in and tell me they are too dangerous I would be all ears. I have been working on cars for over 30 years. I would say if you are running a mainstream car just buy the discs drilled already. Its very hard on time and drill bits!

Edited by s1v8esprit on Tuesday 22 July 10:55


1,248 posts

137 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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s1v8esprit said:
amancalledrob said:
You mentioned you cross-drilled the discs yourself - how did you decide how many holes to drill and what size they should be? Could there be a safety issue if either/both decisions were incorrect? Just wondering as I wouldn't have the stones to try that
First I have done it before on other cars, I have done many projects before but never posted online. With drilled discs you always have a risk of hairline cracks, most manufactures counter sink the holes to help reduce this. If you search the internet you will see many pictures and it does very a lot. Some say not to drill close to the outside edge and not to the inside edge. I have never had a problem. This was not built to race, Its built for fun and a cool car to drive around. I done it because it looks good. But was not needed the discs are from a large Audi and 30mm thick so they are not going to get stressed. If you look on the lotus forums this issue has been raised before. If any qualified engineer would like to chime in and tell me they are too dangerous I would be all ears. I have been working on cars for over 30 years.
Your reply seems a bit defensive - I've no experience in this, I really was just asking out of interest, I've got no criticism of what you've done. Thanks for the response anyway though smile


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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sorry it was not intended


1,248 posts

137 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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1,459 posts

137 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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harmony restored. . .good stuff.

Will there be any interior mods on your car OP. . . ?


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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nothing planned at the moment, I am fitting a new carpet as we speak and have some new seats but they dont fit! so really just running around trying to get it back together so I can drive it.


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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OlberJ said:
You're missing the point, I love the car, it's a white s1 Esprit!

I love the engine transplant, it's what I do!

That bodged suspension though frown
no you really are missing the point its MY car.


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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Been very busy today. some new engine bay pics I have trial fitted engine bay trim. Must be close to 2 years since this was in the car!
Parts have been floating around in my garage and shed and took some time finding all the parts.


1,459 posts

137 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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looks good. . .does that Air filter remove items of loose clothing at idle ??


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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benters said:
looks good. . .does that Air filter remove items of loose clothing at idle ??
Oooo yes that would be nice if it could pull bra`s off!


1,459 posts

137 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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wavelength match there !!


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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New shots of my possible drivable ride height?


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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Trial fitted the interior, again must be close to 2 years since this was in the car!
Parts have been floating around in my garage and shed and took some time finding all the parts.
It still needs removing and cleaning and refitting, but I needed to check how it all went back together.
Yes I know the carpets are dodgy and home made but a new set is on its way.

I still have some air leaks, few electrical items to finish, and the dreaded brakes still to sort out. Plus loads of little odds and ends.
I do expect loads of teething problems mainly getting the suspension setup and reliable and possible engine bay temps and engine cooling over heating etc as I am still using the S3 rad which I don’t think is going to be up to the job. I see light at the end of the tunnel now and it’s giving me a real boost to get it done lots of car shows coming up! This build thread may look like this was done quick but in reality I’ve been hard at it for near 2 years, spending all my spare time on it. Yes there has been many times I have been really cheesed off with it. Months have gone by and done nothing to it. Had so much hassle on many parts of the build. Many of you have been there too with your own projects………


1,459 posts

137 months

Thursday 24th July 2014
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bloody good luck to you with it. Projects like this are a 'self' test of patience and motivation, they always take longer than you think, generally cost more than you think, and don't really ever end as you discover other little bits that you want to change or need to change.
Keep at it...


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Thursday 24th July 2014
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benters said:
bloody good luck to you with it. Projects like this are a 'self' test of patience and motivation, they always take longer than you think, generally cost more than you think, and don't really ever end as you discover other little bits that you want to change or need to change.
Keep at it...
cheers, indeed it has been a real pain in the ass most of the time. I can not think of one job on it which was easy? nearly every bolt, screw, nut was rusted solid. But when I come out the door in the morning and see it, it always puts a smile on my face, just as when I come home from work. I think that is what has kept me going as she has tried to break my will so many times! but I am winning now and I see light at the end of the tunnel.

Edited by s1v8esprit on Sunday 27th July 01:13


Original Poster:

207 posts

169 months

Saturday 26th July 2014
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It will be at the Lotus festival at Brands Hatch august 17th if any one interested in seeing it.


1,459 posts

137 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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cool. . .might just get along to that. . .if mine stops wetting itself everywhere smile