Help! England match web radio coverage needed

Help! England match web radio coverage needed


Joe Letaxi

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3,579 posts

234 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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Shot in the dark...

Ok ten minutes of these bloody septics on ABC mangling the coverage is enough! So far we've had 'Michael Beckham' passing to 'Robert Neville' and apparently England are playing 'Pah-rah-gw-ay'

Radio 5 live web coverage is only open to UK users only (thanks a ing bunch BBC...) so does anyone know anywhere else I can get ENGLISH commentary live online? Either that or we'll be watching it in silence....

Joe Letaxi

Original Poster:

3,579 posts

234 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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This is awful Mary Whitehouse Experience were spot on 15 years ago

Joe Letaxi

Original Poster:

3,579 posts

234 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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B*llocks, its timed out as its only available to UK residents the error message says - thanks though

Did you know that although Ashley and Joe Cole play on the same side of the pitch, they aren't related? Wow. And there is more mention of Beckham being married to 'Vicky Posh' than anything happening on the pitch.

Joe Letaxi

Original Poster:

3,579 posts

234 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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You absolute legend Uncle Dave!!!!!! You have 3 very happy ex-pats right now!!!!!!!!!

to you!

Joe Letaxi

Original Poster:

3,579 posts

234 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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UncleDave said:

I'm happy to route it through to you if needed when I'm at home but Mike's suggestion may be more reliable.

Excellent - just listened to 606, there were a couple of guys emailing in with the same problem as I had! Hooray for PH and Uncle Dave though

I'll see if I can find something along Mike's lines, but I've got two weeks to find it before England play at the weekend again as that'll be the only time I'll get to see games with being at work.