Match Prediction..England V Paraguay.

Match Prediction..England V Paraguay.



Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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Ile go 3-1 to Engerland


Original Poster:

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252 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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jigsty said:
3-1 Paraguay

Hehe,ime imagining Sven on the phone tonight to Nancy..."Ju jus vait ile show zeez Englis for the vay zey have tweated me poorly,i vill give out sjit tactics and and go on the attack till ve score za first goal zen i vill go defensive for the rest of the game and lose it,...i vill teach zem to sack me!"

Nancy.."Whata justa lika you did againsta Brazil,Portugal etc....."



Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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Dont forget the heat,at some point i expect the south Americans to benefit but it would be good to get a two goal lead.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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Something tells me anything could happen with this ref.


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252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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Phil Hopkins said:
He's a bit harsh isn't he! Making them throw water bottles off the field etc.

Dunno about mexico the ref looks like he's from Transylvania.
Santa Cruz has some nice touches.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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Gorvid said:
The ref appears to be a moron....

Crouch s having a good one, we are in control

Ime well impressed with Crouch's control.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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One critism is Crouch an Owen seem to be going into the same spot,if they would just seperate when the balls played in there are more goals to be had.


Original Poster:

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252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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fozzi said:
ZR1cliff said:
One critism is Crouch an Owen seem to be going into the same spot,if they would just seperate when the balls played in there are more goals to be had.
Just need to sort themselves out a bit.. will probably take a game or two!

Yep now we will see if theres a difference now Owens gone off.

Paraguay are having their spell now due to the heat,if we can just soak em up and hit them on the break till we have our spell.


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17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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fozzi said:
dirty cheating paraguians!!!

Tell me about it,cheating Feckers!!


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17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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I knew ide seen him somewhere before


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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Why didnt sven put Theo on instead in Owens place?


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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fozzi said:
ZR1cliff said:
Why didnt sven put Theo on instead in Owens place?
because he's not even good enough to get in the Arsenal team!

I dont like this 4 4 1 1 theres no one feeding of Crouch's knockdowns.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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Sort of ref who would give a late dodgy penalty against us ,,,,hold on he's given us a decision


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17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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mark r skinner said:
1-0 England.

Spot on Sir.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 10th June 2006
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fozzi said:
What has Hargreaves done since he came on?..... He is absolute shite!!!!!!

Whats he doing in the squad


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Sunday 11th June 2006
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lazyitus said:
ZR1cliff said:
mark r skinner said:
1-0 England.

Spot on Sir.

I was first.

Woops! yes you certainly was,spot on to you aswell Sir!


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Sunday 11th June 2006
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ferrisbueller said:
Owen off - no replacement.....Why didn't we take Defoe?

Why didnt he go like for like and use Young Theo,some will say hes inexperienced internationaly but the kid is in the squad so why not use him,his pace and feeding of crouchs knockdowns would have been ideal.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Sunday 11th June 2006
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mark r skinner said:
ZR1cliff said:
lazyitus said:
ZR1cliff said:
mark r skinner said:
1-0 England.

Spot on Sir.

I was first.

Woops! yes you certainly was,spot on to you aswell Sir!

Now now gentleman you both did well