Darts struggles



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142 months

Sunday 7th April
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I am really struggling to play darts these past few weeks, put the board back up at Xmas time, was playing really well and like I used to.
Over the past month or so though, I can’t play at all, I’m really struggling to keep still and am falling forward with each throw, I just cannot stop doing it. It’s basically dartitis I think, as I am holding my arm way too stiff and can’t let go and just fall forward and throw on the fall. It is incredibly frustrating, any tips on how to stop this? Over the past week, I have only been falling on the 3rd dart, but still struggling to throw the first 2 with a natural throw.
I know I am probably thinking and trying way too hard and that’s what’s doing it, need to just try and work out how to get back to throwing normally where it is relaxed and natural.
I can stand at the board holding a dart and going to throw it but not actually letting go and it’s no problem at all, however as soon as I physically loose go I go to pot.


Original Poster:

906 posts

142 months

Sunday 7th April
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Yeah, I’ve always loved the game, always had a board u when I was younger but it’s been in the garage for the last 5 years, so put it back up and started playing decently, scoring 130/140ish fairly regular, finishing decent, playing around the board very well and then recently I just cannot play, I think the more it winds me up the worst it gets, definitely all in the mind! Don’t want to give it up though as I love the game.


Original Poster:

906 posts

142 months

Sunday 7th April
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fat80b said:
I use the darts counter app

I’m not very good it turns out, but it has helped me improve as the numbers don’t lie. It’s surprising to me how I can think I’m doing well when I’m not and vice versa.

Would appreciate any tips as I’d like to improve further if I can
I downloaded that recently and the Russ Bray app too, funny though how it differs between games, I tried the throw 30 darts game on there, get 847 first time, second go got I think 250ish, what a difference!
I think the key is to attempt to relax, throw naturally and not overthink it, often find I’ll throw a treble 20, followed by another and then all of a sudden stop and think ‘oh I could get a 180 here’ and then throw a 1, whereas if you can block that out your mind then would be much easier to follow with the 3rd dart but always somehow stop and guarantee you’ll miss when you start thinking about it as I find my arm holds back then.


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906 posts

142 months

Sunday 7th April
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Monkeylegend said:
A few pints used to help Jocky Wilson.
Tried throwing after a few pints as it does loosen you up and it’s exactly the same, still can’t let go and falling forward (not from the drink


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906 posts

142 months

Sunday 7th April
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Monkeylegend said:
Eric Bristow had to give up playing at the top level with the same issue didn't he?

I play carpet bowls, don't laugh, and the release of the wood can be affected in the same way as the release of the dart, and I often have games where this happens.

It is all in the mind, and the harder you try the worse it seems to get and you end up putting undue pressure on yourself.

The only solution for me is to just keep playing, trying to relax, and once you play a few good bowls the problem seems to disappear, until the next time it happens.

I am sure it will be the same for darts.
To be honest I’ve always fancied giving carpet bowls a try !! But yes exactly what you said, it’s 100% on the mind, I’m hoping that just keep at it and it will disappear. At the moment I go to the board and if it happens I just get frustrated and walk away, I’ll have to just keep at it and hope it passes with time. I seriously think it’s from trying way too hard as I know I was playing well soon after putting the board up and then start putting pointless pressure on myself to do even better.


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906 posts

142 months

Sunday 7th April
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Monkeylegend said:
I find practising the action of bowling a wood without having one in your hand does help to get a consistent movement, snigger, maybe the same for darts?

Just don't let anybody see you doing it hehe

It makes you appreciate how good the top players are in any sport, with all the pressures they have to contend with.
I can stand at the board holding a dart and doing the throwing action but not letting go no problem at all , exactly as it should be but the moment I go to actually throw it I tense up.
Yeah it does make you appreciate the top players in a sport! Think they are part of the problem though ha, started watching a lot of matches and then start putting pressure on yourself to try and do what they do but obviously can’t!


Original Poster:

906 posts

142 months

Sunday 7th April
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Monkeylegend said:
The one thing you shouldn't do is give up. I am sure it will eventually come back to you, just continue with regular practise and you will get there again.

I am my own worst enemy and critic if I have a bad game, something I am now trying not to do. Nobody goes out to play badly and in my sport I play against many county players, and even the best of them don't always get it right, so there is still hope for us mere mortals smile
Oh absolutely, I do target shooting in a league, few years ago got drawn against one of the top guys who had just been telling me how he’d been to see a hypnotist to help him improve further, then we got drawn against each other, I was on form and beat him by the smallest possible margin, as I needed the bullseye on the last shot to win which I got, he didn’t shake my hand, packed up straight away and left, so yeah he didn’t get it right and didn’t like losing!