Attracting sponsorship for an athlete

Attracting sponsorship for an athlete



Original Poster:

4,668 posts

284 months

Wednesday 28th February
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My son has been selected for a Commonwealth sporting event having been recognised for his strong track record. Its essentially one rung on the ladder below the Olympics. Whilst we are tremendously proud, especially as he also has a health problem, it's a huge expense. The event is this New Zealand.

He is 17 years old and took up the sport 11 years ago. In all that time, we have funded his kit, travel, training, licences, entry fees, flights and insurance. He has never had sponsorship, but it is a rare thing in his sport...fencing.

You see, it's strict how kit is presented. The clothing is both a kind of PPE as well as being electrically conductive, to register hits. There is no where to put a sponsor's name, so we have never asked.

This competition is really expensive. The flight alone is £2,200-2,500 per person.

I wanted to ask for advice from anyone who knows about raising private sponsorship and how to approach raising a sum. We could approach places to get publicity...local BBC, newspaper...but how can we turn that into donations if a sponsor cannot obviously get something back in return.

With thanks.


Original Poster:

4,668 posts

284 months

Thursday 29th February
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Thanks for directing me to that. It is sabre, so not a lot of space at all - just thigh area, one side on the breeches. I have to say, I do not recall any GB fencer having sponsorship logos on their kit. I have seen competitors from other countries having logos on their team track suits, so that must be a bigger and national deal, and OK with the National Governing Body. My son was supported by Leon Paul for World Championships, as were other fencers in the GB team, so had a large conductive LP logo on his back. That sponsorship was central, supporting the whole team. It still personally cost me thousands of pounds though, for a week spent in Bulgaria. Not the top of my travel bucket list!

What I really need is a local fund raising /sponsorship strategy - the target is £3,500 by July. I need to get started, but where? A 'Just Giving' 'Go Fund Me' type page has its merits I expect making it easy, but I don't know how appropriate or successful that would be in itself.

Many thanks.


Original Poster:

4,668 posts

284 months

Thursday 29th February
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Well - he has done World championships and Euros, and that took a lot of qualifications. As Commonwealths come around every 3 years, now is his big chance before A levels and university come around. There are no other major competitions left other than the Olympics, and best will in the world, regional qualification is so tough (and also expensive if you consider it a full time occupation being an amateur), it is difficult to have that on the table.

There is central support for competitions through the NBG, but by and large the competitors have to pay travel, hotel and kit. We therefore do not 'feel' the benefit of central sponsorship, but it is there for all of the athletes. After all, we are not paying for staff, coaches and referees.

Kind regards