2024 Six Nations


Kermit power

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216 months

Saturday 27th January
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Morning all!

As the Six Nations is but a week away, I thought it time to start a thread for it. smile

In addition to that, I figured we could try out the official Six Nations Fantasy League for a bit of fun...

Join now in League no.111939 : PH Fantasy 6 Nations
Password : UJMO
By clicking on the following link : https://fantasy.sixnationsrugby.com/m6n/#welcome/r...

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Saturday 27th January
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
monthou said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
World Cup thread is over there ------>
Seems like a reasonable comparison though. No? As a 'neutral'?
Of course.

But obviously everyone wants to be an AB.
Hmm.... Something with the initials AB that everyone wants to be, you say???

Aneurin Bevin? Anal Boil? AB+ blood?

Please say it's not the Aryan Brotherhood!!! yikes

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Thursday 1st February
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We've got a pretty strong turnout for the PH Fantasy League, but still time for more to join if they want! Link at the top...

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Thursday 1st February
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basherX said:
Kermit power said:
We've got a pretty strong turnout for the PH Fantasy League, but still time for more to join if they want! Link at the top...
I think I’ve entered a team. Very much monkey at a typewriter stuff for me though.
I can confirm that unless there's another Basher, your team is one of the twelve.

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Thursday 1st February
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DodgyGeezer said:
Hi Chris - tried to enter a team "no hopers" can you confirm if you can see it?
I can indeed!

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Thursday 1st February
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And who or what is Victor Ubogu's Adidas Flanker when it's at home??? hehe

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Friday 2nd February
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timster said:
Think I'm in ??
What's your team name? I'm not seeing a Timster?

The navigation of the website/app is pretty appalling, but you should be able to see the any leagues you're a member of on this link, then if you click on the PH League then "Rankings" at the top left side of the screen, it takes you to this page, where you can see everyone in the league, although obviously we're all on zero points at the moment! smile

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Friday 2nd February
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Just as a point of order with regards to the Fantasy League, we have a team called "Put a sock in it".

Assuming that is team belonging to Mr Barrett's crusty foot covering, then I propose a vote to determine whether the owner of "Not enough Kiwis" should be invited to remove the first word of their team name, merely to ensure factual accuracy.

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Friday 2nd February
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basherX said:
I wouldn't say this thread and by extension the fantasy league has too many Kiwis- it's comforting to be reminded that it's not only the English that get beaten by the Sprinboks by a point.

We could do with one or two token Frenchies and Italians though.
Se gli Italiani vincono domani, allora mi assumerò questa responsabilità per il resto del torneo! biggrin

Kermit power

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216 months

Saturday 3rd February
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MiniMan64 said:
For once I’m not sure the card would change the result
They almost never do.

Back when we first started seeing a lot more red cards for head contact and lots of people were complaining about the game "going soft" and being ruined, I took advantage of a particularly dull and irrelevant but mandatory online training afternoon to analyse all the red cards handed out for a couple of seasons of the Gallagher Prem, and there was amazingly little evidence of any game outcomes actually being impacted by red cards.

There are quite a few that happen near the end of a game when players are tired that don't have time to significantly impact the outcome, others that just further compound an existing direction of travel, some where it the rate of scoring before and after the card remains pretty much unchanged and others (like Curry's at the World Cup) where a team plays almost a full 80 with 14 men and still wins.

Of course there are some games where a losing team pulls it back and goes on to win after their opposition pick up a red, but this really didn't seem to happen any more frequently than it did in games without a card.

Obviously there aren't actually all that many cards anyway, so no comparison is likely to be all that statistically valid, but I was really surprised at how little impact it seemed to actually have! If anything, yellow cards actually seemed to have more impact, possibly because the opponents subconsciously hit the turbo when they know they've only got a 10 minute advantage in which to capitalise.

Kermit power

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216 months

Sunday 4th February
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limpsfield said:
Derek Smith said:
... that a Davis or Jones ...
DaviEs, please.
What did Clive, Mark and Wendy do to incur your disdain?

Kermit power

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216 months

Sunday 4th February
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Stella Tortoise said:
Jasey_ said:
basherX said:
Leithen said:
Credit to Wales for creating pressure against 14 and making it count.

Scotland will need to sort out their discipline.

Edward’s commentary is unbearable.
You could hear him cheering Wales during the second half commentary.
And shouting come on when they got the ball.

He's like a pissed up fan not a professional commentator.

You get Jonathan Davies commentary in England as well?

That is so funny.

Made my Morning that has.
I seem to be the only person who actually quite likes it! hehe

Kermit power

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216 months

Monday 5th February
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phil_cardiff said:
I quite like Marler at times, he can be funny, but the racist comment towards Samson Lee can't be justified. I hope that Marler learnt something from the incident.
Although presumably he didn't learn why that comment was so unacceptable when it seems to be considered perfectly okay for celts to make similar jibes based on someone being English?

And yes, I am aware that the comment wasn't directed at Lee's Welshness, but the point remains.

Kermit power

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216 months

Monday 5th February
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CivicDuties said:
I was in the south stand in Cardiff on Saturday, I'm a Scotland fan and was there with 2 Welsh and 3 English mates. I think we all aged significantly during that second half. By the end of the match I'd pretty much lost my mind and couldn't believe we were still trying to score at a point in front and the clock over 80 minutes. Screaming at them to kick it out I was, the trauma of the 2010 Wales comeback is embedded deeply.

In front of us was a row of 6 lads in Scotland shirts, they spent almost the entire second half being provoked by two Welsh idiots in the crowd, one of whom spent the whole time standing at the end of their row singing and shouting at them instead of watching the match, and then we had one other guy come running over after Rio's try, which was right in front of us, waving a massive Welsh flag in their faces and hollering at them like a sodding banshee. I've never seen anything like that, even though I've been going to the Scotland v Wales game almost every year for almost 2 decades now. Stewards did nothing, just stood there grinning at the idiots. The 6 Scots lads didn't turn a hair, was impressed that they kept their cool and ignored it all.

Quite disappointing, but the crowd at Cardiff do seem to be getting more of this parochial, abusive element in it than ever before. Only time I've ever felt uncomfortable at a rugby game.
If you've never seen anything like that before, I have to assume you've never been to Wales vs England! hehe

Cardiff vs Quins, on the other hand, was 100% a pleasure from start to finish. Absolutely everyone polite and welcoming, and all the banter extremely light-hearted and fun, even after the landslide result.

Such a shame that the internationals seem to attract clueless aholes.

Kermit power

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216 months

Monday 5th February
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Evanivitch said:
Boom78 said:
If fairness the crowd in Cardiff are pretty horrible regardless of which team you support. Last home game I went to was with my elderly dad against France in about 2017. We were surrounded by very drunk, aggressive, shouty and sweary idiots who started fighting with an equally drunk group of Welsh ‘fans’.

Dunno what it is with the place but it attracts idiots. I stay at home to watch international games now, only live fixtures are Welsh premiership ones where it’s all good natured.
As I said, you get maybe 20,000 spectators plus a few hundred here and there, on a weekend combining all attendances at Welsh Regional rugby. You get 75,000 at Welsh international games. These aren't people that watch rugby even occasionally during the rest of the year.
Cardiff was a 12,000 sell-out for the Quins game, and whilst there were a fair few Quins fans there, the overwhelming majority were Cardiff fans. They also sold over 10,000 for their home game against Bath.

It makes you wonder what their regular season attendances might look like in an Anglo-Welsh league rather than the URC? Just based on the cost of travel alone, I'd imagine they'd get a far bigger away contingent from the English clubs than they're likely to get from the other countries in the URC, and that's without considering the extra draw of reviving some of the old rivalries.

Kermit power

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216 months

Monday 5th February
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Evanivitch said:
Kermit power said:
Although presumably he didn't learn why that comment was so unacceptable when it seems to be considered perfectly okay for celts to make similar jibes based on someone being English?

And yes, I am aware that the comment wasn't directed at Lee's Welshness, but the point remains.
Have the English historically been persecuted like traveller and gypsy communities?
That's irrelevant in this day and age.

Either make sure that everyone on the rugby pitch has to be perfectly nice to everyone else or don't demand it of anyone.

Kermit power

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216 months

Monday 5th February
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Evanivitch said:
Kermit power said:
That's irrelevant in this day and age.

Either make sure that everyone on the rugby pitch has to be perfectly nice to everyone else or don't demand it of anyone.
Can we name someone else that has been twice suspended for making offensive comments on the pitch?
As the saying goes "Tackling me high, leading with your shoulder and failing to attempt to wrap might break my bones, but words will never hurt me".

Yes, Marler can be a bit of an arse at times, but it's hardly going to damage anyone's health, is it?

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Monday 5th February
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DodgyGeezer said:
Kermit power said:
As the saying goes "Tackling me high, leading with your shoulder and failing to attempt to wrap might break my bones, but words will never hurt me".

Yes, Marler can be a bit of an arse at times, but it's hardly going to damage anyone's health, is it?
"Sticks and stone can break my bones but words will REALLY hurt me" seems to be the mantra these days
Doesn't it just!

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Monday 5th February
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Evanivitch said:
Kermit power said:
As the saying goes "Tackling me high, leading with your shoulder and failing to attempt to wrap might break my bones, but words will never hurt me".

Yes, Marler can be a bit of an arse at times, but it's hardly going to damage anyone's health, is it?
Must be nice to have such privilege!
What are you talking about???

Never mind if you can't remember your kids' names before you're fifty thanks to all the concussive brain injuries just so long as nobody calls you a nasty word, eh?

Kermit power

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28,991 posts

216 months

Monday 5th February
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phil_cardiff said:
Kermit power said:
Evanivitch said:
Kermit power said:
As the saying goes "Tackling me high, leading with your shoulder and failing to attempt to wrap might break my bones, but words will never hurt me".

Yes, Marler can be a bit of an arse at times, but it's hardly going to damage anyone's health, is it?
Must be nice to have such privilege!
What are you talking about???

Never mind if you can't remember your kids' names before you're fifty thanks to all the concussive brain injuries just so long as nobody calls you a nasty word, eh?
So we've established you'd be ok with a Welsh player calling Feyi-Waboso the N word on Saturday? It's only a word after all.
As I said further up... make people be nice to everyone or don't. Why is it any more acceptable for someone to be called an "English Tosser" or whatever, when the intent is clearly derogatory.

Personally I'd fall on the side of making everyone be nice, but if that's not an option I'd rather nobody be sanctioned than have double standards based on who it's okay or not okay to insult.