The Fly Fishing - And Now All Types of Fishing Thread!

The Fly Fishing - And Now All Types of Fishing Thread!



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261 months

Saturday 8th April 2017
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Thought I'd see if there's any interest in the fine art of Fluff Chucking. After a six year break I've dusted off my rod and oiled up my reel. Had to bin the thigh waders as I didn't like what was living in them yikes The vest had to go as well.

So decided to slightly flaunt the rules of my local stretch of the River Usk and bought a pair of Volare waist waders and wading boots - couldn't find them in a medium in mainland UK but found them advertised in N Ireland for a tad under 100 quid all in.

Next purchase (Airflo Outback vest with backpack) was easier from a local dealer for 60 quid. Town Water permit at 90 quid and rod license at 30 quid - now I'm thinking this is getting a bit expensive but there was worse to come as after cleaning, stretching and a few casts in the back garden I may as well have tied 50 foot of bailing twine to a been stick.

Not to be put off and even though I knew the river was too high to fish my favorite spots I had the urge to test the waders so off I went. I was amazed how much the river bed and banks had changed in a short space of time but the peacefulness and stunning beauty remains. It didn't take long to re-tune into the river and discover where the likely spots would be on a better day. Only managed about a dozen or so casts as I couldn't go in far enough to avoid the overhanging trees/bushes on the back cast but I was just happy and content to be there as opposed to be sitting on my arse on the sofa!

Two days later (yesterday) I took a half day and got dropped off by the river instead of the pub rofl It had dropped almost a foot and within ten minutes I heard then saw a nice Brownie rising tight into the bank - that was it, short walk home and on with the kit then back to the spot, sure enough it was still feeding. Now I'm not one to aimlessly cast a wet fly or nymph in the hope there's something there. I'd rather walk for an hour to find a fish before i get a fly wet.

Buzzing with anticipation I was soon bk deep and slowly making my way up to Mr. Brownie taking a few casts on the way to find some sort of accuracy before i got into position. Sure enough and after having a fag to calm me down, up it came again. Armed with a small but highly visible Grey Wulff and a few flicks of the rod my fly alighted about ten foot from his snout and BANG he took it..........trouble being the Adrenalin rush took me totally by surprise and combined with too much line out due to the shiity and unsightly coils that followed behind the fly I couldn't set the hook and yes it was another one that "got away" so off to the pub to spin a few tales rofl

Ah well just forked out another 80 quid for a Rio Intouch LT line and a couple of furled leaders. But I'll be back for Mr Brownie tomorrow or even later on today.

So anybody else fishing this year?

Tight Lines all thumbup


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24,790 posts

261 months

Wednesday 12th April 2017
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Hi Guys, nice to see some interest thumbup

I'm sat waiting for Royal Mail to deliver my new Rio Intouch Trout LT line. My old (Airflo from memory) is totally shot and has more 'memory' than a fifty year old elephant. Never heard of Rio before but if price has anything to do with it it had better be good.

Taking into account the reviews and videos I've seen I decided to go against my "old school" approach and gone for a weight forward. It seems that times have changed and WF lines and fishing dry flies on rivers is now acceptable? We shall see!

Also been looking at (and ordered) a furled leader. I thought this was another new innovation but then realised it's basically what I call a Roman Moser which I have used before but a copper core type for fast sinking nymph fishing - don't recall them being available as a floating leader back in the day.

Gotta go the dogs have alerted me the Postie is on the drive.........................


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261 months

Wednesday 12th April 2017
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Bonefish Blues said:
Rio make top lines - I use them in Saltwater and I've never seen a disparaging comment about any of them. I put them above Sci Anglers, others differ.
Courtlands used to be my choice until my Father in law gave me an Orvis 8'6" Trident TL (5 weight 7piece 8.0 flex bla bla bla) rod as a wedding present. I used it so as not to upset Wifey but never really felt comfortable with it in comparison to my beloved Fenwick.

The Orvis never seemed to load fully so hopefully this WF will suit it better. I read the other day that if a rod has a single weight number on it then it refers to WF? Failing that then my casting abilities must be dire laugh


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261 months

Wednesday 12th April 2017
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tuffer said:
I live a couple of miles from the Test and Hampshire Avon, I really should get some gear.
Always been a dream to fish the Test but a quick Google of current price for a day ticket it can stay a dream......for now wink

Same goes for Bone Fishing cry


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261 months

Wednesday 12th April 2017
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Bonefish Blues said:
dickymint said:
Bonefish Blues said:
Rio make top lines - I use them in Saltwater and I've never seen a disparaging comment about any of them. I put them above Sci Anglers, others differ.
Courtlands used to be my choice until my Father in law gave me an Orvis 8'6" Trident TL (5 weight 7piece 8.0 flex bla bla bla) rod as a wedding present. I used it so as not to upset Wifey but never really felt comfortable with it in comparison to my beloved Fenwick.

The Orvis never seemed to load fully so hopefully this WF will suit it better. I read the other day that if a rod has a single weight number on it then it refers to WF? Failing that then my casting abilities must be dire laugh
Not really - there is an element of trial and error around line weight vs rod etc. AFTM ratings are a weight range for the first X feet of line (I forget the exact number)

Also consider that if you typically only short cast, you still might be better to "overline" the rod with a heavier line to ensure that you load the rod correctly.
Quite right - I was going to take the Orvis to somewhere like Sportfish and using their "try before you buy" service but unlike my patience on the river I just had to press the buy now button rofl


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261 months

Friday 14th April 2017
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Off with the old

And on with the new

Found a use for the old stuff...fits my strimmer head a treat rofl

Edited by dickymint on Friday 14th April 15:05


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261 months

Wednesday 10th May 2017
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Anybody wanna play spot the fish?

Spotted it and a few others on my way home in about 2 foot of water! Couple of pints then off home to get my rod.


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261 months

Wednesday 10th May 2017
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coppice said:
I'd have the couple of pints to celebrate catching the trout . Casting with beer goggles isn't pretty and the trout will agree ....
All was fine and tasty wink

Put two under sized ones back then moved up river to be greeted with a marvellous rise but couldn't work out what they were feeding on .... I do now though .....

Tight lines all


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261 months

Thursday 18th May 2017
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muppetdave said:
Not done any fly fishing for a couple of years sadly. I had all of my fishing rods stolen a couple of years ago from the garden shed and have yet to replace the fly rods. Two small kids though mean not a lot of time for that sort of thing!

Enjoyed fishing for trout in lakes and a bit of fishing on the Test which was great fun.

I live on the east coast, and really need to sort out a rod as I'd really like to have a crack at Bass. A friend is a commercial fisherman lately and told me that the new beach/groynes that have been created draw the Bass in very close to the shoreline...
Catching Bass on fly gear now that really has me excited cloud9

Edit: Had a Google and bookmarked this site............

Edited by dickymint on Thursday 18th May 11:44


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24,790 posts

261 months

Thursday 18th May 2017
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Caught a better sized trout a few days ago.....

Last cast of a two hour session - I don't normally use a landing net but I came across my old one in the garage and what a pain in the arse it was! It's now in the bin and today I should have a new one delivered.....


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261 months

Thursday 18th May 2017
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Just delivered .....

And detail of the main reason I bought it...

Won't need the clip - just slips onto my belt out the way and ready in an instant.


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261 months

Sunday 11th June 2017
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Weather has put a hold on any fishing so been doing a lot of research on Euro, Czech nymphing and the like. I've never liked fishing wet but some of these newer (to me) techniques look real good fun.

Trouble is It's cost me another £215 for a new rod rofl

Greys GR70 Streamflex Plus to be precise..........

Clever idea to be able to quickly add on the extra section to turn it into a 10 foot nymphing rod. Ordered it in a 5 WT to match my existing Rio line.

Anybody else using this sort of setup?


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261 months

Saturday 15th July 2017
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oddman said:
dickymint said:
Catching Bass on fly gear now that really has me excited cloud9
You need to have some idea of tides conditions and where they are. Then you need to put the hours in

Nice fish. I've done a lot of beach casting in the past mainly around the South Wales Coast but never specifically for Bass as Peeler Crab too expensive wink

Where did you fish for that one? Surf? Estuary?


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24,790 posts

261 months

Friday 26th June 2020
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^^^ Awesome clap

Tempted to to take a stroll to my local "Town Water" stretch on the Usk it's literally a 4 minute walk from my back door.
Catching nothing never bothers me either, in fact generally, the way I fish If I don't see a trout move I don't even cast a fly. I have several favourite spots that have usually have a can or two keeping cold though hehe I rarely fish it for more than two hours and If I'm lucky will leave as soon as I bag two.
My favourite fly is a Grey Wulf. My Dad would always say "give em something they don't understand" rofl


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261 months

Friday 26th June 2020
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One Amp Andy said:
Great thread, and some lovely photos Nigel. I've not been fishing for years, and have never tried fly fishing. Would it be a good idea to get some 'training' before buying the kit? Or just hammer Youtube videos and hope for the best?
I would not advise learning on a river unless you're with somebody else that can loan you a rod and line or use theirs (if you can afford training then fair enough though). Most people learn to fly fish on a pond or reservoir first. River fishing is a different animal that (usually) needs shorter rods and lighter lines and certainly a different approach and technique.


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261 months

Friday 26th June 2020
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One Amp Andy said:
Thanks for the advice, confirmed what I thought! I'm quite experienced with coarse fishing, but look upon fly fishing as a dark art I would probably be crap at.
No you wont be crap at it you already fish. Take a few lessons or find a mate that has a fly rod and either with him or on your own (after a watching loads of Youtube vids) find a field to practice on. It's a bit like golf you all of a sudden hit that perfect shot and your away.


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261 months

Sunday 28th June 2020
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Bought one of these about 5 years ago..................

Serves me well on my river. Added bonus is the extension section hidden in the butt that's can be added on without having to break the reel and line down. I use the extension piece when only a lengthy roll cast will get me over a fish.

Also have an Orvis Trident TL 8'6" 5 weight which is lovely to use.


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261 months

Sunday 28th June 2020
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One Amp Andy said:
nigelpugh7 said:
Your welcome bud!

I’ve got up early, walked the dog, made breakfast, had several brews, made my packed lunch, and trying to decide if I would like to take my jetboil with me to have a brew by the river!

So it’s time to fish again.

Oh and I can’t answer the Sportfish or Greys?

I just really like my Greys gear.
Excellent, do it. Which weights do you reckon then for two outfits? I've lost track!

Edited by One Amp Andy on Sunday 28th June 10:36
Then you have to decide what 'taper' you need, what leaders and tippets ...............nuts

I see that some people have mentioned/linked to chest waders! Personally don't go there they're dangerous especially if you don't know the river. Also some waters will not allow them anyway. My stretch has a ban on them unless you're one of the 'Magnificent Seven' that own the Salmon rights. I have an exemption and allowed to wear my waist waders (trousers) and boots which is nice.


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261 months

Sunday 28th June 2020
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Bonefish Blues said:
Looks just fine to me smile

V-a-v a reel for a 3, it's almost irrelevant tbh, so I'd be looking at one of the Chinese CNC ones like this and many others:

It's irrelevant because it's just a line holder, really, btw
Exactly. There will come a day that you may want to play a fish on the reel but I wouldn't be worrying about that just yet wink

I will say though I had years of fun using a clockwork (i kid you not) Garcia that apart from the weight was great fun!

Edit: A large spool does help keeping your line in better order - remember when the "Loop" reel came on the market many years ago?

Edited by dickymint on Sunday 28th June 16:57


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24,790 posts

261 months

Sunday 28th June 2020
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One Amp Andy said:
Feel like I'm getting somewhere now! I'll just get a Shakespeare Sigma or something along those lines, only £35.
Personally Andy i'd just get a single rod, reel and line and go to a pond armed with a box of lures and nymphs and learn to cast. Forget about river fishing and buying kit until later next season.

Oh and don't get drawn into double hauling distance casting as you'll just spook fish that are literally within a few yards of your feet!

Edited by dickymint on Sunday 28th June 17:05