Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!

Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!



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189 months

Tuesday 15th March 2016
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Hi All smile

Last night, at the grand old age of 31, I attended my first Gracie Jiu Jitsu class. Being a complete newbie (stood out like a sore thumb due to no Gi!) I'm not ashamed to admit I was outside of my comfort zone.

My interest stems from my 7 year old daughter who also started a few weeks back. She loves it and watching some of the more advanced kids has really opened my eyes to the techniques and confidence they possess when on the ground.

My first lesson went well, started very basic (obviously) some simple escapes from mount, closed guard to armbar and standing guillotines. Apparently I made the classic newbie mistake of thinking strength will overcome most moves - wrong! (as evident by my slightly pulled back this morning).

All in all, really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to progressing. Made an effort to introduce myself to the guys in the class so next time should be a little less nerve racking.

I'll update this thread as time goes on but in the meanwhile I'm interested to hear about your experiences and thoughts smile




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2,065 posts

189 months

Tuesday 15th March 2016
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Can't wait for my next session actually, its really peaked my interest. I was watching some of the blue belts free sparring at the end, those boys were intense!


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189 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2016
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Really appreciate the replies from everyone.

I'm now 3 lessons in, 4th one tonight. Since my original post I've managed to pick up a lightly used (almost pristine infact) Gi which will hopefully alleviate me standing out like a sore thumb.

At my 2nd lesson I bumped into an old friend who's been doing it quite a while and he asked if I wanted to roll. Figuring all I can do is defend (and making this clear beforehand!) I accepted.

Hardest. Five minutes. Ever.

I like to think of myself as a pretty fit guy but this was another level. I appreciate a large proportion will be wasted energy on my part due to panic/poor technique/general exertion but it took a good 10 - 15 minutes before I was recovered properly. Post-roll googling has made me realise as a newbie I should concentrate on establishing a good base and looking at passing the guard rather than attempting anything else (not that I'd really know what else there is at this point)

It also opened my eyes to how it might translate to a street scenario i.e. guy with no skills (but hell bent on putting you out) versus a BJJ practitioner. I like to think I almost had him, at one point I had his back and the choke was on but evidently I didn't have my hooks in tight enough or execute an effective choke. The roll ended with a rear choke from him on me, and me tapping. All good fun, mutual respect, really enjoyed it.

Techniques for the past few sessions have been mainly focused on headlock escape from the ground, clinch (without takedown) and standing elbow lock. I assume this is all really basic to you guys but its a steep learning curve for me and I come away in wonder after every session.

There is a seminar by Ryron Gracie in May at my local leisure center. I was a little apprehensive about going, being an absolute newbie and all, but my instructor is supportive and says I'll definitely get something out of it, regardless of my level.

Anyway, gotta go for now, my daughter has her session tonight as well.

I'll keep you updated.


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189 months

Thursday 24th March 2016
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Another lesson in the bag, spent the first 10 minutes drilling a technique if someone grabs you round the neck from behind - grab, lower my stance, reverse into the opponent, lift onto hip/back, dump off the side into a restrained arm / knee in the ribs position.

Almost all of the rest of the night worked on Kimura from guard. Simple to start off with then introducing aspects such positioning from close guard and force variation (using your attacker to lift you into the start position).

To my untrained eye it looked quite complicated but fell nicely into place once the drills started, I just need to make sure my legs stay tight, grip is transferred to thumb over and I shrimp completely out to really get the leverage before applying the submission (as indicated by my opponents face being firmly planted into the mat before twisting).

Finished off the class with a roll variation looking to trap the leg as it comes over. I struggled with this and its going to need some further work but I can see the value in it.

Finally, post session roll with a 4 stripe white belt I had been drilling with. He was good and it showed. Two submissions on me, 1 via arm bar from side control and 1 triangle choke. git. Never the less, I enjoyed it and its good conditioning on my part to get used to the close contact and its additional mat time!


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189 months

Saturday 2nd April 2016
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Unfortunately I was away with work most of last week so I missed Wednesdays lesson. I did make it back for the Friday lesson and boy was it a tough one.

Double leg takedowns.

Im a relatively big guy, 6ft and circa 105kg, I tend to do alot of weight lifting so I dont tend to notice the extra mass too much. The downside of this is that i get paired with the biggest guy in the class, a fellow white belt whos somewhere around 110 to 115kg, drilling and having that sort of mass land on your abdomen multiple times during the takedown drills is draining!

We progressed the double leg takedown to combine it with half escape from opponent guard, stacking and full escape into a normal or modified side mount.

Really pleased to admit that during open rolling at the end (with my heavy partner) I actually managed to pull off what we had been drilling and put myself in a full mount from side. The fact I had no learnt submission to do from that point (other than smash him with my fists, but that would be frowned upon) kind of put the brakes on a little but I was shown a legal collar choke - he very quickly tipped me off so I suspect it was part of his plan but it was good for my confidence to actually get in that position. The other little wins for the me is that I didnt have to sub at any point, I effectively managed and escaped an attempted guilloteen as well as an attempted arm bar from guard.

I hurt quite alot today to be honest and I have a few dubious looking marks, to be expected.

Thats it for now folks, thanks for listening.


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189 months

Sunday 3rd April 2016
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Sounds good that Tony, very comprehensive. I'm a long way from a belt at this point, I imagine it will be around October or November before I'm looking at a grading for blue but I should pick up a few stripes in the interim.

Being completely honest the stripes and belts are secondary at the moment, I'm much more focussed on tring to nail the techniques and put them into practice or connect a few moves together. I think part of this drives my eagerness to roll as it allows me to test them out in more of a realistic application.

Looks like I'm going to need to incorporate some flexibility work into my gym sessions, maybe with a visit to the chiropractor every couple of weeks as I ssem to be picking up a few short term back strains (couple of days or so) - this could be symptematic of my age (hopefully not) but I don't think it will hurt.

Messing around with my dad earlier in the week I was showing him some of the bits I had learnt, even with him struggling I managed to put them into practice, truth be told I think he fancies it himself!


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2,065 posts

189 months

Monday 4th April 2016
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Sounds very similar to the approach my instructors take. Obviously always try and defuse or retreat from the situation but then the 'levels' of an altercation ranging from verbal through to eye gouging 'fully mental' mode.

Something I hadn't thought about is that in a full mount this tends to elicit a fight or flight trashing and raging response from opponents since its such a dominant position, to counter this they recommend spending a little extra time in side control to tire them out before going for the full mount 'ground and pound' and reduce the chance of being tipped.

I have a class tonight, kind of hoping its nothing too impact heavy as I'm still a little sore from Friday.


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2,065 posts

189 months

Tuesday 5th April 2016
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Wow that looks snug! Really good turnout as well no?

Last night was a return to the beginning of combatives (gracie). Entire session spent on trap and roll variations according to opponent position and grip:

T&R from the mounted choke
T&R from mounted grapevine arm behind the head type position
T&R from mounted clinch position (ratcheting up, trapping the arm, shooting the opposite arm up and across before bridging and rolling)

Last session this week on Wednesday, going to miss Fridays. Boo.


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189 months

Tuesday 5th April 2016
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BRR - I found my first few sessions much easier without a Gi, strangely enough I end up with more marks wearing a Gi now since more often than not they grab a chunk of skin as well, especially around my collar!

Found out last night they run another beginners session on a Sunday evening, making it a little easier for me to hit my 3 sessions a week target.

In other un-related news, clearing out my parents loft at the weekend I found my old Karate belts - all the way up to brown! I think I can understand why my parents were a little annoyed I decided to give it up!


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2,065 posts

189 months

Wednesday 6th April 2016
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Really busy session tonight, lots of energy in the room. Id hazard a guess at around 8 pairs minimum.

First part of the lesson recapping trap and roll but expanded to include escape if an attacker is in mount pinning your wrists. Then we moved onto the Americana from mount, different hand / head positions.

Finished up the session with open rolling for ten minutes or so, very nearly nailed my partner with an americana from half guard just couldnt quite get the leverage but It'll come.

Im probably somewhere in the region of 10 lessons in now and I'm starting to find it takes less time to pick up the techniques, the terminology is becoming easier and I'm retaining some muscle memory for some moves i.e. Kimura, trap and roll, arm bar from mount, double leg take down, passing the guard (side hip movement and double underhand) and I think I could even recall headlock escape into leg choke if pushed. Shouldnt take me too long to nail the Americana as its kind of smilar to the Kimura (in my mind atleast!).

Tonight did hihglight a quite severe lack of mobility in my shoulders, it really didnt take much before I was tapping, need to work on that area stretching I think.


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2,065 posts

189 months

Tuesday 12th April 2016
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Shambolic that makes more sense!

Just reminded me that I have a seminar coming up in May with Ryron Gracie, rather strangely taking place less than 5 miles from my home in sunny Cleethorpes.

Hes running 4 2-hour seminars covering:

Choke Mastery Gi
Side Contorl Mastery Gi
Triangle Mastery No Gi
Leg Lock Mastery No Gi

I'm planning on attending the first three, missing the leg lock seminar as I don't consider myself to be at the stage to be attempting leg lock type techniqes - very much still learning the basic upper body stuff right now!

Didn't make last nights session due to my wife working, next one is tomorrow and then Friday. Following that I'm away for a whole week (gah!)


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2,065 posts

189 months

Tuesday 12th April 2016
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Awesome reply, thanks pal.

Must admit, I've rolled a few times since that post and it's gotten easier each time. I don't necessarily have the arsenal to submit an opponent but I see it more as an opportunity for me to try and identify submissions attempted on me.

My last roll against a bigger guy I very nearly applied an Americana, however, he played heavy elbow very well.

Thanks again for the reply again, much appreciated.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Thursday 14th April 2016
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Thanks bud, I'll take a look over lunch.

Last night was learning choke variations, including RNC. Standing and ground work and also mount into rear mount into choke. Being a bigger guy (ahem) It's a little trickier for me to lock in the non-choking arm between my opponents head and my chest/shoulders/biceps but super effective.

Then...only went and got my first submission last night during open rolling didn't I biggrin. Americana from half guard (me on top), slightly unorthodox since we had only drilled it from full mount but I was able to get enough leverage and base to pull it off, although at one point I did worry that I would do some damage to my opponents arm/shoulder as he wasn't tapping and I was deep into it.

He promptly paid me back in the form of a shoulder/arm choke type move but I was more than happy with last nights session.


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2,065 posts

189 months

Monday 18th April 2016
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Brilliant news pal, onward and upwards.

Guess you'll be stepping up the fitness work now then?!

I'm away with work this week but I've found an academy not too far from the hotel who have said I can train with them for a couple of days this week.


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189 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Apologies for the lack of updates this week guys, I'm in China at the moment but I've found a club who let me train with them twice this week. Really good experience, learned an awesome Kimura from half guard move which gives me another option if I get arm control and its not bending the right way.

Also, had a bit of a roll each session, last one with a well drilled blue belt who was awesome. He handed me my arse, many times but I picked up a few pointers and he also gave me some feedback which I'm eternally grateful for.

Edited for spelling.


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2,065 posts

189 months

Thursday 28th April 2016
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Back from my jollies abroad chaps. Had a training session last Monday covering standing headlock (me in headlock) into side control and a technique to escape aggressor elbow to neck pressure in guard. I'm not describing it particularly well but essentially move aggressor back using my hips, guide the elbow applying pressure over my shoulder, trapping it with my arm around their neck and apply pressure using my head against their trapped shoulder. Shuffle out of the side with the option of taking the back or in most cases controlling from a side choke position.

Wee roll afterwards.

Mixed feelings about the roll. It was a chap I'm usually quite evenly matched with but this time he had my number all night, 2 maybe 3 submissions as a result of daft mistakes by myself and he also effectively controlled me in full mount which I wasn't happy with. On the plus side I've spent a few days analyzing what I could of done differently and its also cardio, I guess.

I'm putting it down to one of those nights feeling a little tired (jet lagged) and not being 100%. Easy to feel frustrated with myself but best thing I can do is get back on it and refresh my mindset.

Back on the mats Friday evening, looking forward to it actually. Addressing my woeful lack of flexibility I've started Yoga on an evening at home (via youtube or similar), should also have the added benefit of reducing the number of injuries I pick up.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2016
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Hope you all had a good bank holiday. No classes for me since Friday as the instructors took a break.

Busy session on Friday evening, so busy in-fact it was felt that we should learn what I like to think of as the 'hollywood move' of Jiu Jitsu - Triangle Choke from guard.

My first time doing it (or rather having it done to me!, gag.), not being a dainty chap and having reasonable quads/calves it felt a little clunky but always locked in. The guy I train with is a bit bigger and less athletic so struggled to get the final move in place and locked.

No roll due to the class running over and the blue belt class starting but in all honesty it didn't do me any harm just focusing on the lesson.

I have a busy few weeks ahead of me Jiu Jitsu wise, next weekend is the seminar with Ryron Gracie, full 2 weeks of training then out to New York for a week on holiday (already found a club to train at while I'm away!) then home again. Slowly edging towards that first stripe on my belt.


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2,065 posts

189 months

Wednesday 4th May 2016
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You're not wrong Fred.

To be honest, the seminar is on my doorstep so it seems daft not to go, although I can only make 2 out of the 4 sessions planned. My daughter started her journey about 2 weeks before me, I really enjoy watching her and the kids session - A real eye opener but very cool to see the little ones discipline and commitment.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Wednesday 4th May 2016
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Sounds good Tony, I'm quite a way off anywhere near competing but quite a few of the club lads are heading to the British open a week on Saturday.

Back on the mats tonight which I'm looking forward to since it seems like ages (in reality its been since last Friday!). As a minimum I aim for 2 sessions per week to ensure progression.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Thursday 5th May 2016
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Back to the grind last night, standing technique, leg hook take down from clinch and the ground technique Kimura from bottom guard.

Last night marked the first session I've been to in which we repeated a previously drilled technique. I suspect over the next weeks this will become more and more apparent and is a clear indication to me of developing a solid foundation.

There were quite a few new guys last night which is great for the club and good to see. Makes for a great session atmosphere as well. Drilling with one of the newbies he mentioned I was much quicker and smoother at the takedown than he was - bit of an eye opener really as I don't consider myself to be particularly quick or smooth - perhaps the difference between someone with a small amount of technique versus someone with none?

Post session roll with the guy who subbed me twice last week - no submission this week and an escape from armbar by myself. Please with that.

I did manage to kick him quite hard in the head going for the triangle (whoops), had I not kicked him it would have been on as well!

Looking forward to the weekend, Saturday morning 2 hour Gi Choke mastery and Sunday Morning 2 hour No Gi Triangle mastery with Ryron Gracie. excited much.