Still playing competitive sport 40+?

Still playing competitive sport 40+?


Type R Tom

Original Poster:

3,930 posts

152 months

Thursday 2nd May
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I've just finished my 28th season playing basketball this week. It's a very low local-level league but still an organized sport, sometimes against significantly younger players.

From my age social group, many still exercise, gym, run, etc., but not many still play "competitive sports" in properly organised matches and leagues.

Who is out there still playing "competitively" at 40+ in team sports?

Do you play vets, or are you still teaching 18-year-olds what's what?!


76,810 posts

285 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Tennis, badly, local interclub league sometimes but mainly club sessions. Sometimes I win, but whatever happens, I always have fun and keep my fitness up. 52 and still sprinting to pick up drop shots. My compound weight training probably helps.


9,213 posts

229 months

Monday 13th May
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Aged 59 and still playing (low) league hockey for a local club.

First started playing league hockey at 15.

Play in the same team as my 17 year old son which is hugely enjoyable.

Also play masters (vets) as well and have represented my region at the Regional Finals.

Going up an age group next year but our club are also changing regions to Midlands who are very strong but hopefully can get in the squad.


6,850 posts

168 months

Monday 13th May
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53 and i play regional league Badminton. Struggling a bit now with eyesight more than fitness.