"Hardest Geezer" running the full length of Africa

"Hardest Geezer" running the full length of Africa



Original Poster:

3,588 posts

192 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Has anyone been following Russ Cook AKA The Hardest Geezer running the full length of Africa? I had a search and couldn't find anything.

He's a lad from Worthing who decided to start running north from Cape Town, and in a couple of days he'll be arriving as Ras Angela in Tunisia, the Northernmost point of Africa.

I've been following it from the beginning and its been fascinating. He runs a marathon a day, and for this finishing stretch he's running 75km a day through the desert, which is just insane.


Edited by Shay HTFC on Tuesday 26th March 07:11

Fast and Spurious

1,410 posts

91 months

Tuesday 26th March
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I managed to watch the first 3 seconds.


546 posts

119 months

Tuesday 26th March
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I've been following him on Instagram from almost the start. It's an amazing achievement. Particularly when he's been running while having the sh*ts and p*ssing blood!

It's a shame it's not been getting more press. He deserves far more credit.

Edit to add, what's even more remarkable is he's a ginger running through Africa!


937 posts

7 months

Tuesday 26th March
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more like jogging/walking.

cobra kid

5,030 posts

243 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Running while having the sts and pissing blood. Yep, seems worth it.


2,065 posts

189 months

Tuesday 26th March
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I have followed him since early days, South Africa-ish.

An amazing achievement without doubt but it hasn't been without significant risks, not only to his health. There was a point at which he was kidnapped also some big hurdles regarding visas etc.

As for the above poster "more like run/walking"...thanks for the input. Perhaps you could regale us of your achievements regarding ultra "run/walking" or even how you could do it faster under power of your own legs?


7,871 posts

95 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Just watched my first episode (albeit not *the* first episode).

As a (mostly former) runner, I have no end of respect for the feats people like this achieve.

If you've ever run a single marathon, you'll know just how tough distance running can be, even if you're very fit and it all goes to plan. Those of us that have done them on injuries have a slightly better idea where this guy is at. But he's doing it basically every day for a year or so. Imagine how you felt 2 days after a marathon and that's this guy's life.

I know Ben Smith who did a marathon every day for a year (Russ is running further each day from what I can see) and it didn't do him any good long term. His heart is so enlarged and the doctors can't tell him whether this is bad or not because almost nobody else has ever done anything similar.

It's the feat of a lifetime, I wish him well and I'll definitely be following the rest of the trip.


4,637 posts

208 months

Tuesday 26th March
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His achievement will go largely unnoticed while a women who has just completed the Barkley race has got loads of credit.
I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve it but his achievement dwarfs it in my opinion


57 months

Tuesday 26th March
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I thought the hardest geezer was Anatoly?

"I clean here, sorry."


8,859 posts

166 months

Tuesday 26th March
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I’ve been watching from the beginning. It’s an astonishing achievement, although I do worry what damage he’s doing to himself!


1,485 posts

136 months

Thursday 4th April
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jasonrobertson86 said:
more like jogging/walking.
<insert eyeroll gif>


546 posts

119 months

Sunday 7th April
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Good to see the BBC giving this some coverage. What an amazing accomplishment.


2,501 posts

121 months

Sunday 7th April
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It's been brilliant to watch over the past 12 months. Not just Russ but the team he's got with him too.


820 posts

186 months

Sunday 7th April
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I see he’s just finished it now.

My mind cannot comprehend the sheer dedication and commitment to run that far, every single day for 352 days in a row.

It’s absolutely mental!


8,814 posts

231 months

Friday 12th April
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Just managed to see the official last video I only caught onto this a couple of months back. An absolutely amazing feat well worthy of an MBE I reckon!

I really want to own Nelly!


2,501 posts

121 months

Friday 12th April
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Only just watched the last video. What a fantastic edit that was! Got a bit dusty in here a couple of times!

It's hard to comprehend how big of an achievement it was. Not just for Russ but the rest of his team too. They've been so humble with it, never bragging or begging for donations, just getting on with it. Just over £900k raised at the moment I think. Really hope they get the team back together for more epic adventures in the future.

As for Nelly, although it's unlikely I do hope they bring her back to the UK again. I suppose it'd be hard to justify shipping a tired and well worn minibus back from Tunisia, but the fact they've driven (and sailed) a pretty bog standard Iveco Daily the length of Africa despite the smashes, crashes and mechanical mishaps is an achievement in itself.


8,814 posts

231 months

Friday 12th April
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Ha yes I think there was a bit of Sahara sand blowing over Yorkshire earlier!

It was an eye opener seeing the culture hospitality as well. Countries I would probably have thought were just war torn hell holes were full of lovely hospitable people. That guy that fixed Nelly the first time then drove 20 hours to do it a second time and still wouldn't take any payment....unreal.

I wonder what is next for Russ it's quite a thing to do at his age!

Chainsaw Rebuild

2,030 posts

105 months

Monday 15th April
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Him and his team deserve just all of the applause. Its got to be one of the greatest achievements of our time! I only discovered him a few days ago.


56,198 posts

218 months

Monday 6th May
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Chainsaw Rebuild said:
Him and his team deserve just all of the applause. Its got to be one of the greatest achievements of our time! I only discovered him a few days ago.
Ive only just heard of him (via a running podcast i listen to). Currently working through the Africa playlist on his youtube.

Absolutely incredible achievement


937 posts

7 months

Monday 6th May
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y2blade said:
Ive only just heard of him (via a running podcast i listen to). Currently working through the Africa playlist on his youtube.

Absolutely incredible achievement
Absolutely miserable running in that heat too. Never mind the machete to the neck.