The Running Thread Vol 2

The Running Thread Vol 2


Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,029 posts

261 months

Saturday 19th December 2015
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57 months

Saturday 19th December 2015
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Did my first cross country in several years last weekend, it was horrible and slow and muddy and painful but still-it was good to be back out there!

Swimming seems to be helping me to stay healthy after the last few winters being taken out by chest infections and other illnesses.

All in all running seems to be going pretty well at the moment smile

The jiffle king

6,955 posts

261 months

Saturday 19th December 2015
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Leaving the PH starva group near the top of this thread for anyone who wants the join.

Just went out for 7.8 miles with the missus at steady 9 min mile pace


1,516 posts

166 months

Sunday 20th December 2015
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Picked up a niggle in my left Achilles tendon after nursing the one in my right leg back to full health. With all the free time over Christmas and New Year as well...


6,831 posts

168 months

Sunday 20th December 2015
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Completed my second 5k on the running machine at the gym after three months off for ITBS.

Slow, and was really hard work, but at least nothing hurt this time. It amazing how quickly you lose you fitness. three months ago i ran 27.5 miles, now I run three and need a rest frown

MC Bodge

22,096 posts

178 months

Sunday 20th December 2015
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boyse7en said:
Completed my second 5k on the running machine at the gym after three months off for ITBS.

Slow, and was really hard work, but at least nothing hurt this time. It amazing how quickly you lose you fitness. three months ago i ran 27.5 miles, now I run three and need a rest frown
Good effort. Good luck with building back up to fitness.


28,506 posts

248 months

Thursday 24th December 2015
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Planning a Christmas gift to myself tomorrow - chasing a couple of CRs local to my inlaws. The bottle of wine might not help!


28,506 posts

248 months

Friday 25th December 2015
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ewenm said:
Planning a Christmas gift to myself tomorrow - chasing a couple of CRs local to my inlaws. The bottle of wine might not help!
Success! hehe

The jiffle king

6,955 posts

261 months

Saturday 26th December 2015
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Merry Christmas!!

A nice Boxing Day jog of 12.6 miles to start the day. Tried to run Christmas Day but was too tired from jet lag. Hope everyone is able to get in some festive miles

MC Bodge

22,096 posts

178 months

Saturday 26th December 2015
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The jiffle king said:
Merry Christmas!!

A nice Boxing Day jog of 12.6 miles to start the day. Tried to run Christmas Day but was too tired from jet lag. Hope everyone is able to get in some festive miles
Sadly not, although a boat might be better given the amount of water that has dropped out of the sky over the past few days.


6,477 posts

184 months

Saturday 26th December 2015
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Got in a few miles this evening. It's still dry here, but fairly blowy, makes for hard work when you're going uphill into a headwind.


6,276 posts

185 months

Saturday 26th December 2015
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Flibble said:
Got in a few miles this evening. It's still dry here, but fairly blowy, makes for hard work when you're going uphill into a headwind.
Had that yesterday. Though worse was all the rain making everywhere a mudbath - uphills were a complete nightmare when my feet just wanted to go sideways and/or backwards. Not fun.


1,632 posts

171 months

Saturday 26th December 2015
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Anyone got any experience of these as running shows?

meant to be like barefoot. current trainers are rubbing terribly after about 8 miles my own fault for trying size 10.5 instead of my usual 11's.

Also getting stuck for pace around a max of 7 minute miles at a max of about 4-5 miles different. any tips to improve down towards the 6 minute mile mark? my town is quite hilly so those 7's are interjected with a steady incline/decline now and again.


868 posts

199 months

Sunday 27th December 2015
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Went out with my old man this morning, he was in a bike in front so as to "pull me along" as such. Did 16.2 miles at an average of exactly 6 min/mile, well pleased with that and it probably helped having something to follow. Bring on the London training.

Happy Xmas running everyone.


3,642 posts

218 months

Sunday 27th December 2015
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Planned to do a long run today to burn off the Christmas excess.

After 7 or so km I thought doing 21.1 would be a good idea. Despite reminding myself that this was a fat burning run the last 5km ended up being almost race pace. Quite pleased with the time, 1.47, with the preparation being too much food and wine, no water and no gels.

hope everyone else is having some good runs.


6,276 posts

185 months

Monday 28th December 2015
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briangriffin said:
Anyone got any experience of these as running shows?

meant to be like barefoot. current trainers are rubbing terribly after about 8 miles my own fault for trying size 10.5 instead of my usual 11's.

Also getting stuck for pace around a max of 7 minute miles at a max of about 4-5 miles different. any tips to improve down towards the 6 minute mile mark? my town is quite hilly so those 7's are interjected with a steady incline/decline now and again.
No expert on the subject but a mixture of specific hill work (hill reps mostly) and fartlek has massively improved my on road/flat running times.


6,477 posts

184 months

Wednesday 30th December 2015
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Was out for a run in Storm Frank today. Managed to pick a mostly sheltered route and was glad of it whenever I was out of the sheltered areas.


1,526 posts

203 months

Wednesday 30th December 2015
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Training for London I see my longest run (20/22m) falls on April 3rd which is the same date as Reading HM.

I really really don't want to miss Reading, can I do my long run on April 9/10th and still be OK for London in 2 weeks time ?

I can't see myself charging through the medal/goodie bag sea of bodies and tacking on laps and laps of green park.


3,496 posts

224 months

Wednesday 30th December 2015
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Flibble said:
Was out for a run in Storm Frank today. Managed to pick a mostly sheltered route and was glad of it whenever I was out of the sheltered areas.
Same here, ran 6 laps of the local park with a couple of areas where it was like treading water. Still managed to knock 1 min 30 seconds off my 10k pb though, down to 44:32 now


210 posts

195 months

Wednesday 30th December 2015
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Last run of the year done with a spectacular early morning view over the hills to Lake Wakatipu.

Strava shows that I've only managed 750km for 2015, which I'm disappointed with, however, there was no goal this year other than to better my marathon time, which I did but not by much.

Need to start setting goals for 2016 now. Likely to be run more than 1000km and enter an ultra, possibly the Kepler Challenge. Sort out my race day nutrition and generally eat better and drink less alcohol.

Here's to 2016.