Australia 3 - Japan 1 - bring on Brazil...

Australia 3 - Japan 1 - bring on Brazil...



Original Poster:

13,668 posts

253 months

Monday 12th June 2006
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Come on Aussie!!!!


1,828 posts

225 months

Monday 12th June 2006
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Bloody good game.
Can't wait for the Brazil game.


Original Poster:

13,668 posts

253 months

Monday 12th June 2006
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I agree - the Croatia game is the biggie...


691 posts

228 months

Monday 12th June 2006
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Oh, I think in our heads, most Australian's know the Brazil game's going to be a write off. But if we can play well, put a goal or two past them, then even if we lose, we're gonna be sky high for the Croatia match. If we can hold them to a draw, then we'll be absolutely flying.

Excellent performance by the boys today, left it quite late, but made it all the more exciting.


3,773 posts

243 months

Monday 12th June 2006
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Congrats to the Aussie boys.... your re-appearance at the WC has been long overdue and maybe now FIFA will see how ridiculous their qualifying system has been for the last few tournaments!!!!


4,927 posts

220 months

Monday 12th June 2006
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Just got home from watching the game at a neighbours. Great result!!
Not sure why one of the Japan team was wearing a red shirt though??


6,250 posts

255 months

Monday 12th June 2006
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madazrx7 said:
Just got home from watching the game at a neighbours. Great result!!
Not sure why one of the Japan team was wearing a red shirt though??

'cos they have to commit seppuku if they lose? Seriously though, I'm gutted I couldn't watch it. Sounded like a cracking game. Three goals in the last 10 minutes. Bet the Japanese are gutted!

Nicholas Blair

4,109 posts

287 months

Monday 12th June 2006
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NAil biting stuff. - didn't see the game but the missus will be well chuffed.