Running issues - uncomfortable and difficult

Running issues - uncomfortable and difficult



Original Poster:

1,472 posts

136 months

Wednesday 21st February
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Sorry for the new thread but I wanted some specific advice. I'm having some issues where my lower legs just hurt when running. I don't think it's an injury or worthy of a physio, it's more just discomfort.

To put it another way, rather than feeling smooth, bouncy, springy and fluid... it feels laboured, awkward and just not nice. Even last night I did a 3 mile run and it just didn't feel good on the legs at all.

My weekly mileage isn't high and from November to last week is:
6.3 miles (back in November)
12 miles
12 miles
15 miles
9 miles
16 miles
13 miles
20 miles
14 miles
20 miles
11 miles
15 miles (last week)

My trainers are great and have only a low mileage i
I can probably lose about a stone but not "overweight" in relation to this type of issue
I do strength work

The discomfort is achilles, ankles, lower legs, calfs. I'm considering a physio but it seems so unspecific, like I can't say "my left knee is hurting".

I don't feel overtrained at all. Look at my mileage and it's pretty consistent and I don't feel strained.


Edited by redrabbit29 on Wednesday 21st February 12:11


1,346 posts

44 months

Wednesday 21st February
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Do you do any stretching exercises before running?


Original Poster:

1,472 posts

136 months

Wednesday 21st February
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2HFL said:
Do you do any stretching exercises before running?
About 80-90% of the time yes, I'm fairly good with it but in hindsight it could be improved.

I usually spend a few minutes (probably not long enough actually) doing stuff like:

Leg swings
Hip opener things
being down to feet to stretch hamstrings as I walk

I could and should do more having written this


10,399 posts

190 months

Wednesday 21st February
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When did you start running (regularly)?

Do you incorporate strength training into your regime?


6,847 posts

168 months

Wednesday 21st February
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That weekly mileage looks similar to mine, and should be fine.

What pace do you do the miles at? If you are only doing high-effort tempo runs all the time, then that might be the cause. Even at low-ish weekly mileages you need some variety of pace/effort.


3,668 posts

130 months

Wednesday 21st February
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OP - what do you do for a day job? Desk job or on your feet?

I sit at a desk a lot of the time and my lower legs always seem to be sore after running no matter what I do - I think my legs are just stuck in their ways from inactivity during the day.


Original Poster:

1,472 posts

136 months

Wednesday 21st February
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Muzzer79 said:
When did you start running (regularly)?
Do you incorporate strength training into your regime?
I had a break in running and started back up regularly in October. Since then weekly mileage has varied between 6 miles and 20 miles depending on work and general life.

Yes I do strength. However, one thing worth noting is I just started dedicated calf work as I felt they were a weak area. This could be something which has aggravated the muscle or the lower legs?

boyse7en said:
That weekly mileage looks similar to mine, and should be fine.

What pace do you do the miles at? If you are only doing high-effort tempo runs all the time, then that might be the cause. Even at low-ish weekly mileages you need some variety of pace/effort.
The pace is slow. It was around 11 min per mile (6:50/km) as I was aiming for zone 2. It's slightly quicker but still zone 2. I only do one session per week.

The only thing relevant here may be a really hard session I did about a week ago. That was 5x1km which was extremely tough. That was 6 days ago though.

MOBB said:
OP - what do you do for a day job? Desk job or on your feet?

I sit at a desk a lot of the time and my lower legs always seem to be sore after running no matter what I do - I think my legs are just stuck in their ways from inactivity during the day.
Funnily enough this was something I had wondered about. I sit at a desk all day long at home. I usually walk 2-3 times during the day or gym. But still sat down a lot.

Looking at that link now


8,014 posts

190 months

Wednesday 21st February
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May be worth doing some runs where you concentrate on form, and with an emphasis on your hamstrings and glutes.


Original Poster:

1,472 posts

136 months

Wednesday 21st February
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ajap1979 said:
May be worth doing some runs where you concentrate on form, and with an emphasis on your hamstrings and glutes.
Good idea. I've recently started to think my glutes are just not working. I may also focus on strengthening the hamstrings and glutes in the gym (rather than primarily calves and quads).

Thanks for the great suggestion