The jump from Ironman 70.3 to 140.6...

The jump from Ironman 70.3 to 140.6...



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1,502 posts

168 months

Wednesday 25th June 2014
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I completed my first triathlon last weekend - an Ironman 70.3 in Luxembourg. I've never done an open water swim before, nor have I worn a wetsuit until on the day and I don't have an aero/tri bike. And to make matters worse I was hospitalised the night before the event through to 06:15, so almost no sleep had. Anyhow, I managed to complete with the following times:

48m swim
3h 13m bike
1h 57m run

The swim was pretty tough for me, I guess as you'd expect with it being my first experience of both open water and a mass start. A fair chunk of it was done breaststroke. The water was far from clear and visibility was poor. But I got through it.

My heart rate remained, on average, aerobic throughout the bike and run stages. Indeed the run felt like the easiest (although 15 mins or so off my PB) I've ever done.

All this tells me there's more in me and I'm capable of more. I loved the atmosphere and the whole mantra of the event. So much so I've noticed Ironman Zurich still has some places left for July 27th!

So, what do you reckon? Everyone thinks I'll be OK on the run and bike, and with a month's solid swim training, I'll get through that too. I guess one of my biggest attributes is mental strength and determination too.

Thoughts appreciated.



1,677 posts

223 months

Wednesday 25th June 2014
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I'm interested to see what people think about this. I'm planning to do the Outlaw Ironman next year, but will have a year to train after doing an half ironman this year and last. The main thing I'll be focussing on is getting the required energy inside me whilst biking/running without turning my stomach (seems to be a problem for me).

Based on those times, I personally think you'll be alright. It'll hurt, a lot, but you'll do it.


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1,502 posts

168 months

Wednesday 25th June 2014
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Cheers. Hope you're right. Maybe some of the below detail might help with the responses:

3h 13m bike - average heart rate - 151
1h 57m run - average heart rate - 146

My max heart rate is 192 although I didn't reach anywhere near this during the run or ride.

I'm hoping a month's solid swimming will help, plus maintenance of the other two disciplines.


1,348 posts

210 months

Wednesday 25th June 2014
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Have you run a marathon before? whats your experience in century bike rides?

I did a half IM last year and an doing IMUK in a few weeks - I did a half IM a few weeks ago and as part of the IM training have done some long distances - I reckon a half is significantly easier than a full (i.e. a lot less than half the effort), in the same way that a marathon is significantly more difficult than just double a half...............maybe thats just me though...........

Will let you know for sure in a month.


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1,502 posts

168 months

Wednesday 25th June 2014
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esuuv said:
Have you run a marathon before? whats your experience in century bike rides?

I did a half IM last year and an doing IMUK in a few weeks - I did a half IM a few weeks ago and as part of the IM training have done some long distances - I reckon a half is significantly easier than a full (i.e. a lot less than half the effort), in the same way that a marathon is significantly more difficult than just double a half...............maybe thats just me though...........

Will let you know for sure in a month.
I've not run a marathon before, though I do know a lot of people haven't run a marathon until the day of their IM. Their thoughts being that their base fitness and nutrition is what will carry them through. I've done quite a few century rides now. A month or so ago I did a 125 mile / 8500 ft climb - the time was around 8h40m.

Are you doing the event in Bolton then?


1,348 posts

210 months

Wednesday 25th June 2014
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Yeah i'm doing Bolton - all seems a bit real now, seemed a nice comfortable way off when i entered last year.

I know people run a marathon for the first time at IM - and i know its going to be significantly different to running a straight marathon, I was just making the point that in my eyes a marathon is significantly more effort that a half and a half if that makes any sense.

i guess this might get merged but there is a specific triathlon thread - to keep everything in one place.


12,548 posts

217 months

Wednesday 25th June 2014
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thenortherner said:
... So much so I've noticed Ironman Zurich still has some places left for July 27th!
Zurich is not pan flat like some (particularly the Yank ones) hence it's not popular. Also Swiss is horrendously expensive which can make it tough. Roughly 700Euros to enter. Compared to others around the 3-400 mark.

As someone looking to step up from OD to Full next year. (Not planning on doing a 1/2 at all) My possibles are Zurich, Nice (probably too hot for me), Sweden or Copenhagen. Or perhaps Bolton. But really want to go abroad for the experience.

My background is biking. My Swim is far better than ever before. And whilst I've never been a runner. As it's my weakest point it's something I put the most emphasis on. Which leads me to the next point.

esuuv said:
Have you run a marathon before? whats your experience in century bike rides?
I have my first marathon end of September. (Hoping for sub 4hours. PB [on about 6-8 weeks proper long training last autumn] at Half is 1:45ish) And depending on how I do, will decide whether I step up to an IM. The swim and bike will take care of themselves. I don't want to end up run/walk-ing at mile 14 eek

After Docklands in early August, I'm scaling back swim and bike to focus on running. Current longest run is 27K and I'm already finding I have to pay attention to fuelling, compared to just doing a half! And that's having not swim or bike immediately before hand.

On the positive side. Loads of people in far worse shape than you or I complete IMs every year and inside the 17hour time limit. So there's no reason why you can't do it. Though you might want to to improve your swim. You'll need 3-4 sessions a week. Might be worth getting some video analysis too. 48Mins IS a long time for a 1.9K half.


440 posts

197 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Your 1/2 IM time is fairly similar to my Swashbuckler time from last year which was 4 weeks before I did IM Austria in a bit over 14h , If you've got a few century rides in the bag this year then with a large dose of stubbornness & will power you will get round. As mentioned it's not a flat bike though, supposed to be a lovely swim & bike though.

My first tri was an IM distance one & I still haven't run a marathon outside of an IM tri (& those were a mix of slow jog/shuffle/walk !!) If you're not bothered about breaking 12 hours or whatever & just want to complete one (which is a hell of a goal in itself) then get your entry sorted & do it, you will either finish it & join the 'club' or not - but realise what you need to do to get round next time you try - there is no downside !!

Let us know what you decide thumbup


2,055 posts

237 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Friends of mine are about to do the Austria IM, so will be interesting to see how they go - I'm tempted by Lux 70.3 next year, but with no bike and no tri experience, I might need a bit longer to get ready.
I love the idea of just doing one and trying to just enjoy it, but I know that if I get a rubbish time I'll regret it enormously.


Original Poster:

1,502 posts

168 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Thanks for the responses guys. My mind isn't still made up! Though I've trained more or less every day since the event last week. The pool seems a lot less of a daunting place now and I actually enjoy it more, well at least relative to the Luxembourg swim.

The only thing that's honestly stopping me is the cost. Around £550 for the place, £300 fuel to get there and back, £300 hotel, £100 ferry etc!

I guess I'm entering not to compete but to complete. Zurich's swim can't be any worse than Luxembourg's. Certainly from the reports I've read the water is very clear and drinking quality. It looks a little less rough too in terms of tide. I reckon I'd end up having a minute break on the island mid point.

Re. the bike course, it does look pretty special, as does the crowd support!

Decisions decisions.


12,548 posts

217 months

Friday 27th June 2014
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IM Zurich 2013 (26mins)

wink I want to go biggrin (though 15% on Heartbreak worry me!)

For some of the other episodes. It was on Ch4 last year

Edited by Rich_W on Friday 27th June 21:24