Why/How did you start running?

Why/How did you start running?



Original Poster:

25,800 posts

197 months

Wednesday 24th July 2013
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I've recently started running, and am currently on week 5 of the Couch to 5K programme. It seems a lot of my old school friends have recently started too, must be something about turning 40 and realising we do naff all exercise compared to my uni days when every week I was swimming a couple of times, jitsu 2-3 times, and cycling 30-40 miles.

Having started running a few times in the past by just going out and doing a run, getting knackered and deciding I hated it, I'm certainly finding the C25K programmme a better way of getting in to it. But if it wasn't for the fact the girlfiend has got quite in to running over the last couple of years, I'm not sure I'd be that bothered.

So give me some inspiration, why did you start running, and did you did you do a training programme to build up to it or just start going for a run and seeing how far you could go?


6,917 posts

163 months

Wednesday 24th July 2013
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Always been a naturally okayish runner but was a bit worried that years off gym muscle gains would be wiped off if I did it properly.

Moved to a place full of lovely trails and did a bit, then a 10k and did okay then another and managed 5th out of 700. I will never be at the level of some on here but I'm happy with sub 40m 10Ks on the road but far more suited to trail stuff.

It's a great way of exploring new places and needs hardly any kit. It's hard on your body though so take care; I killed my immune system for a whole year through overdoing it.


372 posts

162 months

Wednesday 24th July 2013
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I started running properly again this year because I looked in the mirror and thought "you fat bd". I have given up rugby as I was getting injured too much and was having at issues at work with my sickness levels. However I was still eating and drinking loads so piled the weight on.
I have been running since February and lost a load of weight and become addicted. I do parkrun every sat, have 2 10k races coming up next month and am seriously considering entering the Birmingham half in October. Parkrun PB is 21.43, hoping to go sub 21.30 before the winter kicks in.


2,118 posts

230 months

Wednesday 24th July 2013
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34, pretty fat and unfit with a little boy of 18 months. As per the previous poster, I packed up playing rugby a few years back due to continual back issues and have done naff all since. It was simply a case of needing to do something, and a friend had done really well with the C25K. So it was a bit of a 'what harm can it do' attempt. Despite never having enjoyed running in isolation, I found the course really well put together.

I really struggled with my knees in week 3, to the point I had to stop for a couple of weeks and get a proper pair of trainers fitted. But once I had recovered I cracked on and completed it. I've pushed up to a 7K run every other day now and really enjoy it (not in this heat though!) and come August I plan to push towards 10K each time and start doing some park runs. I've no interest in getting competitive, but would like to keep it up.


2,799 posts

164 months

Thursday 25th July 2013
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I wanted the get trim and do something tough to impress a certain lady I would like in my life, it's the same reason I've signed up for the marathon next year.


1,516 posts

168 months

Thursday 25th July 2013
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Ran in an unmeasured and unstructured manner at university as part of a wider get fit kick I was in during my final year. I lost a lot of this fitness once I graduated and started working full time.

Fast forward a few years; a colleague of mine that had previously run a few half marathons convinced me to give it a go. Loved the thrill of the race and 3 years later, I'm running faster than I have ever done before.


Original Poster:

25,800 posts

197 months

Thursday 25th July 2013
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Regiment said:
I wanted the get trim and do something tough to impress a certain lady I would like in my life
I don't think my Mrs is ever going to be impressed by my running prowess. She's impressed that I've actually started doing some but she's very competitive and if I end up faster than her she'll probably be pissed off about it biggrin