


Original Poster:

2,118 posts

230 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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Apologies for the repeat of a post (I put this in Health last night, but got no answers), but I think perhaps I might get some insight from experience/those in the know here just as easily.

I'm on week 3 of the NHS's Couch to 5K. I'm enjoying it, and been doing fine, until last week. When I kicked off, I had all the achy muscles etc that you'd expect of someone out of shape and not really having done any major activity for a good few years. That was all fine, following the rest day and another run it's shaken off. But for last week both knees have been agony. I'm not being a drama queen, I played more than enough rugby to know a knock from an injury and this is fairly painful - and not lifting. To describe it, it feels like bruising, but as I say it's constantly there. Two days ago I stepped on a balled up t-shirt when coming down the stairs and the jarring caused was excruciating!

The last two runs, despite the pain I've continued with, albeit going a touch slower. I missed my run Monday to give an extra day's recovery to see if it'd help, but it was as bad yesterday and today, and thus I've held off. I am keen to keep going and not let up and don't want to be a wuss, but this is genuinely painful. Logic tells me it's just the pressure my knees are under being overweight and now having to work a bit harder (particularly logical as it's both knees and not just one), I'm certain I'm not doing any long-term harm or anything, but do I keep pressing them or just ease up a bit?

a boardman

1,316 posts

205 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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Is the pain outside of the knee.
does it feel bruised on the boney bit at side?


Original Poster:

2,118 posts

230 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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Outside to the rear of the knee, but also inside front of the knee - but yes it does feel like the bone as you say.

Was just chatting to a friend who runs/does tri and he's suggested going very steadily and doing lots of ad-hoc stretching/squats etc to help build the knees up?


4,962 posts

190 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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Running has a massive impact on the body and doing to much to soon can be very problematic.

What trainers are you running in? It is worth getting a good assessment of your running style. Most good running shops do it, otherwise find a sports podiatrist.


Original Poster:

2,118 posts

230 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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It's on the to-do list for the weekend - running in cheapo trainers, I see there's a Runners World in Colchester so will pop along to get some advice/proper trainers...


809 posts

191 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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With knees, there could be so many possible causes you will have to consider them one by one. Look into the simple things like decent trainers, gait, pronation etc. Find a good shop and this may rule a few possible causes out. It could simply be too much too soon, are you a bit tubby, IT band/patella interaction (runners knee) or something a bit more serious. Does the pain go away with anti-inflammatories?



809 posts

191 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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I meant to say, that after going through knee problems myself, getting all sorts of possible causes, building up quads and wasting money on physio, it wasnt until I had an MRI the actual problem was revealed (nobody mentioned this possibilty before).


Original Poster:

2,118 posts

230 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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Thanks for the responses guys, all are appreciated. Yes I am way too overweight and out of shape. I'm hoping I've not pushed it too much yet (barely started the course!) but obviously it's not impossible - I am literally going at a light jog at the moment on the running stages, not trying to sprint!

I had trouble with one knee yeeeeears ago playing rugby, but this is in both knees and the same sensation in both.

A big part of this is the frustration - I've finally pulled my finger out and then get this flair up! Will see what the running shop place says as they can actually see me, my feet etc. whereas you guys can't (not a snotty comment, just I appreciate it will be very difficult for you guys to get to the bottom of this from afar!)


1,199 posts

242 months

Sunday 28th April 2013
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Have to say I experienced the exact same condition as the OP doing the couch to 5k. After 3 or 4 weeks I was doing well and actually enjoying it but then both knees became painful. Pain was sore rather than stabbing but it was very uncomfortable. Just to add im 5 10 tall and less than 13 stone so not exactly heavy. Also bought new nike running shoes when I started training. In the end I had to stop and returned to my old gym. 4 months later have been doing cross trainer/bike/rower for cardio with no knee problems. I can only assume road running was jarring my knees, whether it would of improved over time I don't know but it stopped me doing the couch to 5k sadly.


11,458 posts

184 months

Sunday 28th April 2013
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ITB band?


10,272 posts

172 months

Monday 29th April 2013
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Patellofemoral Syndrome is most likely.


809 posts

191 months

Monday 29th April 2013
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muppetdave said:
Yes I am way too overweight and out of shape.
If you want to increase your volume of training and your knees still hurt, then try mixing it up a bit and try cycling or rowing. Both of these will not impact your knees as much, try alternating your exercise each day. Good luck!


Original Poster:

2,118 posts

230 months

Tuesday 30th April 2013
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Giving them until the weekend to then have another gentle crack. I need to pop to Colchester on Friday so will go and see about trainers and get that sorted to then see how I fare on Saturday. That'll be about 12 days then since I last did anything - pain seems to have about 70-80% gone. As suggested I'll mix it up with a bit of cycling as well.

I'm gutted, as I was hoping to have finished the C25K by the time I go to Le Mans - where we camp is a huge lake just shy of 5KMs around, so I was thinking that'd be a nice jog every other day, but I don't think I'll quite be there by the time we go. That said I'd rather be able to do half of it and comfortable than in pain whilst we're away!!


10,272 posts

172 months

Tuesday 30th April 2013
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Don't do any training of any kind except maybe swimming if your knees are even a tiny bit painful still.


344 posts

174 months

Tuesday 30th April 2013
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Slightly different in that C25K caused me problems with my calves to the point that i had to stop for two weeks. I started again at the point where I had paused and the same problem occurred.

I decided that I was asking my body to do too much too soon and went right back to the beginning and started from scratch. I also reduced the speed at which I ran and also resisted the temptation to run during the warm down if i felt i had more to give.

Nearly finished now and no problems this time. I think my body just needed time.


Original Poster:

2,118 posts

230 months

Wednesday 5th June 2013
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Hi guys, sorry for the rebirth of this thread, but thought I'd give a little update if it's of interest/use to anyone. I ended up having a two-week break doing absolutely nothing. From there I then got myself along to Runners World in Colchester and got myself a pair of proper trainers following the chap videoing me running etc. I then kicked back off, dropping back to week 2 to start afresh; taking it quite easy. I'm not about to (Friday) finish week 6, which leaves me on course to be finishing the course whilst at Le Mans (fingers-crossed) with runs around the lake where we camp.

Touch wood, my knees haven't flared up at all since I got my trainers. The chap said (and it was horrible seeing just how much your ankles flex) chances were it was my achilles pulling the knee and thus the pain, so on occasions if I feel any kind of twinge I just stop for a second and have a stretch. Anyway, thoroughly enjoying it, and plan on doing the <10.0K once this is done!!


10,272 posts

172 months

Wednesday 5th June 2013
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muppetdave said:
chances were it was my achilles pulling the knee and thus the pain,
I'm prepared to be educated but tbh I'll absolutely astonished if that's even possible.smile